Thursday, August 6, 2015

Dave's Battle Axe- WWE MAIN EVENT

The Main Event

One of the favorite things that WWE universe loves to complain about is the amped up sound on Smackdown each week. On Raw and the pay-per-views, we get live sound from the audience versus Smackdown which can be downright over-the-top with its not-subtle use of sound. But I say don’t blame the producers, blame the bookers. The reason why Smackdown needs that aural boost every week is because of Main Event.

Main Event is the hour-long program that started in 2012 as part of a TV deal with ION television but has since been moved off the air and exclusively onto the WWE Network and Hulu Plus and is given little fanfare by the company. That’s too bad, because usually it’s the best hour of wrestling that the WWE produces week in and week out.

If you ever attend a Smackdown taping, in the first hour, before Smackdown starts, you’ll be treated to some of the best mid-card talent the company has to offer and they are there to put on a show.

When I went to a taping last year here in Phoenix, Sheamus and Curtis Axel pounded each other in what was easily the match of the night, on Main Event, not Smackdown. Watch the show yourself sometime, you’ll see what I see - Cesaro making a name for himself, Stardust and Jack Swagger digging deep into their in-ring and wrestling bags of tricks, R-Truth schooling everybody in sight, whether he wins or not. To be honest, it doesn’t really matter who has a match on Main Event, every time I watch it, I see damned good wrestlers going for it and usually providing the match of the week or better, given the opportunity.

So do you see the problem? After the audience is wowed by an hour of really good wrestling entertainment, the Smackdown taping begins and it almost always feels like a letdown. Throw in a bunch of Raw rewinds and follow-up storyline stuff that fills in between and you wonder why the Smackdown audience seems like they didn’t eat their Wheaties that day – it’s obvious.

So what can WWE do to reverse this trend given the fact that Smackdown’s Thursday night ratings have been dwindling and Main Event isn’t even on television? Reverse the booking so Smackdown tapes before Main Event and while you’re at it, give some of these talented mid-carders some more TV face time. At the end of the day, fans of all stripes just want to see a good show and right now that’s exactly what Main Event is.

-- Dave Parrish
Ensuring a better future, for ALL

Sunday, June 14, 2015

RAW and Smackdown GO HOME shows commentary.

RAW 500 6/8/2015

*NOTE* There was no commentary on RAW and Smackdown last week. This was because of a glitch with my cable that went out during RAW and I missed most of the show. I did eventually watch RAW on Hulu, but not until this past Sunday. *END NOTE*

Yeah, I know this is way late, tough week. Now, read on.

A stumbling block. That is what this Monday’s RAW was. It was the most lackluster and average show that WWE had produced for RAW since Mania. Considering how bad the show was from last Summerslam until Mania that is saying a lot.

Hopefully, this is just a stumbling block and not a sign that things are going backwards.
Even if Cena and Owens’ segment was a step backwards.

The show opened up in the worst way possible, with Cena and Owens in and segments that took their feud down and familiar and oft-trodden dead end. This feud started out as Owens wanting to make his mark and prove his superiority. It should have stayed there.

It has now devolved into every other Cena feud – time to expose the ‘lies’ of Cena. Only this time Owens mentioned his son as a catalyst for this.

So wait, they had a great match right? Right. They could have another great match this Sunday, right? Could be.

If anyone thinks this is a fresh angle for this feud, or that it is a good angle, I question how long you have watched the WWE? About two weeks?

The motivation for this feud is weak at best not. Cena just ended a feud with Rusev, who also promised to expose the ‘lies’ of John Cena. Bray Wyatt, Kane, The Rock, JBL, Edge and countless others feuded with Cena over the exact same reason as Owens now is.

I want another great match. I also want something fresh and different.

The theme of the entire night retread another story: potential disbanding of the Authority.

Seth Rollins has claimed recently that he doesn’t need anyone, JJ, Kane or the Authority. He backed off of that though, as he said he DIDN’T mean Steph and Hunter. Hunter put Seth into a position to prove he doesn’t need the Authority, he win a match without them, and he ca choose his own opponent.

The source of Seth’s recent lashing out, Dean Ambrose, hung out around New Orleans with Seth’s title belt all Monday evening. Posting picture of his ‘celebration.’

After a confrontation between J&J and Seth that got physical, we had our main event. Seth decided to face J&J, to prove he doesn’t need them.

Unfortunately for Seth, the main event match up proved two things, neither one a positive for Seth.
First it proved that Jaime Noble and Joey Mercury can still go. These two have skills and proved it Monday Night.

The second things it proved is that Seth does need the Authority. Joey Mercury pinned Seth for the win! Of course, Ambrose had a little to do with the outcome.

This was a nice twist, as they actually went further with teasing Seth leaving the Authority then they have. This time there was no swerve that it was all a set up. This time Seth lost.


Over all this was a lackluster RAW Broadcast. It basically retread every current feud from Elimination Chamber and added little. For a GO HOME show leading into the Money in the Bank PPV it was weak. This is a problem caused by have two major events within two weeks.

The Main Event saved this broadcast to a small degree.


MATCH OF THE NIGHT: J&J versus Seth Rollins


Much like RAW Monday Night, SMACKDOWN was a lackluster show and didn’t really deliver on being a GO HOME show for Money in the Bank.

The one high point of the show was Dolph Ziggler versus Seth Rollin – which is wasted here. This is a Main Event, World Title feud match up.

The only real build up was done for the World Title match in an opening promo segment between Dean Ambrose and Rollins. The segment was hilarious with Dean recounting his adventures in New Orleans with the World Title, and Seth coming out and demanding the title.

In a sudden change of attitude, Dean laid down the belt and let Rollins have it. Rollins was happy until the reveal – it was a WWE Toy Replica Belt!

As Dean left, Kane appeared and booked the above references Rollins v Ziggler match.

Ryback and Miz finally had their IC Title match, and Ryback made his first successful defense. Following that, Big Show came out, promising the win Sunday. They have done more this past week to build up this match than any other match of then the World Title and Cena/Owens matches.

During the show Nikki Bella cut a promo that repeated her RAW promo. Didn’t really help promote or set up the match.

In her match Paige struggled against Alicia Fox, but looked strong in a tap out victory.

The lone set up for the actual Money in the Back Match was a six man main event. It was not a good match and didn’t have a finish. It ended with everyone laid out on the ground, and Neville standing on a ladder symbolically holding up a Money in the Bank briefcase (We can only Hope).


Much like RAW this was a lackluster, average at best SMACKDOWN Broadcast. If RAW was a retread, this was a retread of a retread. All it basically did was reiterate what matches will be taken place Sunday, but did little to make anything special, or encourage anyone to watch.


MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Dolph Ziggler versus Seth Rollins
LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Ryback versus The Miz

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Elimination Chamber 2015

After being pulled from the PPV Schedule, and only announced two weeks before it was held, the Elimination Chamber made its return this past Sunday (May 31). For this return it was a WWE Network Exclusive (in the US), so those without the Network, sorry about your damn luck.

Going into the Elimination Chamber, it had one glaring problem that could not be dealt it. There were only two really stories going into the event to carry it. Three if you included The New Day’s constant promos for the event, telling everyone how this was unfair to The New Day.

The big push going into this event was the crowning of a new IC Champion, but that wasn’t even the main story for the show. None of the guys were working angles with each other and only Ziggler and Barrett had any recent heat.

But that doesn’t a story make.

There was also the mini-feud with Neville and BoLeave (Please!), and the issue for the Divas Title. Again, none of those were really a story.

All of them were so rushed, they felt like an afterthought.

The World Title match was one of the two stories, even if its setup was completely rush. What helped here is the long standing feud between Rollins and Ambrose and the fact that people want to see Ambrose win.

The MAIN story for this event was Cena versus Owens, and what a buildup this had with only two segments. I like Owens (Steen), and Cena Sucks. If Cena is good at one thing, it is building up a match. Their first face to face where Owens laid Cena out was good enough to build interest. Owens blindsiding him later, only added to it.

This should have been the main event.

The Matches:

The show started with the much hyped World Tag Team Championship Elimination Chamber Match featuring, Cesaro/Kidd, Los Matadores (and El Torito), The Prime Time Players, The New Day, Lucha Dragons and The Ascension.

This match didn’t really deliver. A big portion of the match was more of a ‘spot match.’ Case-in-point when Calisto climbed to the top of the cage and dropped down. Yes, just dropped. Stupid.

At one point, Tyson and Cesaro dominated the match, and things really heated up when The Prime time Players entered. The New Day were last to enter. All three member of The New Day were allowed to compete, Per Kane.

In the end the New Day would retain.

I can say one great thing about this match: Darren Young has arrived. Darren shined bright in the match and was easily the best thing in the Chamber.


Now it is time for Nikki Bella to face Naomi and Paige in defense of her title. Once again, Naomi is in the title picture and Paige is screwed out of her one-on-one match.

Except for Paige, the Divas wish they were the NXT girls. We get an average match at best, after what Banks and Lynch did at Unstoppable?

Nikki Bella retained in what may have been her best outing ever. If it means anything, Nikki is getting better, but it may be too little too late. Her stage of development now, is where she should have been four or five years ago.





I can’t believe I am about to say this concerning a Cena match, but HEY, REST OF THE ROSTER! Sit your asses down and watch this match. Learn from this one in how to tell a story, build tension, create drama and put BOTH guys over.

They pulled out everything, and both guys kicked out of everything! In the end, Owens delivered, getting a clean pin on Cena.


Skip this match. As Awesome as Neville is, Dallas is that much worse.


Mark Henry, Sheamus, R-Truth, Ryback, Barrett and Ziggler all battle for the vacant IC Title. This is a far better match then the Tag Title Chamber Match. This match was faster paced, far more aggressive and hard-hitting and it felt more like the guys were fight for something.

And the bumps! Dolph took two massive bumps into two different pods and both times knock out the ‘bullet-proof’ Plexiglas. The first time caused Mark Henry’s pods to bust open and Henry entered the match early.

The best part of the match was when Sheamus used his Celtic Cross to block his pod door from opening, allowing him to stay safe until he wanted to enter the match. It was to no avail though, as Sheamus would be the last one eliminated by the new IC Champion Ryback.
Long overdue for a title reign, let’s see if Ryback can handle it and step up.

This was the second best match of the night. Ambrose and Rollins brought their A+ games and delivered a nail-biting world title match. There was no doubt Ambrose wanted to win. Rollins doesn’t seem to care about winning, only retaining the title. Which makes for a good heel champion.

It had a nice flow, went back and forth and really brought forth the feeling of two guys who hate each other. Toward the end, the Lunatic would go for his elbow off the top rope, only for Rollins to pull the ref into the way.

It wouldn’t work for Rollins. Second lately, Ambrose would hit dirty deeds and a second ref would count him down! Ambrose wins?!?!?

By DQ. The original ref DQ’d Rollins. Ambrose wins, Rollins retained.

I don’t mind this ending at all. It makes sense to go with what happened in the match. It also serves to further the feud and continue having the Face chase the Heel champion. Good for business. Good for fans if we get more matches like this.


This wasn’t a great event, a good one, but not great. I enjoyed it. Two Great matches, one stinker, and three average.


MATCH OF THE NIGHT: John Cena versus Kevin Owens
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Kevin Owens CLEAN pin fall victory.
LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Neville versus Bo Dallas

Friday, May 29, 2015




No this isn’t another State of Piece, just a statement of why I stopped posting around Mania and never finished the State of the WWE series of articles. Those will restart soon, from scratch to reflect how the WWE has improve post-Mania.

This is a shorter, and re-written to fit into Wrestlemenatry, version of the post I posted on my State of the Master Blog a day ago.

At the end of March I was all caught up, my blogs were on time, I was getting more active, then BANG on April 2 my mother fell and badly hurt her foot. Bad enough that we went for a trip to emergency. She didn’t break it, but had/has high grade 1st degree sprain. She spent a week unable to walk, and we didn’t work for three weeks.

I couldn’t do anything less then take care of her during this time, not after how she looked after me with my aneurysm last year.

Okay, one way or another Wrestlementay will return on June 1st or 2nd. I may review Elimination Chamber, or just start fresh on Tuesday and begin the coverage (again) with RAW.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Giant's Show

When I look back over the 20 year career of the world’s largest athlete, The Big Show Paul Wight, it’s easy to see the impact he’s had on the industry. He’s either tagged or feuded with some of the greatest names in wrestling history and, win or lose, always put over the other guy - because he’s so big!

The Giant was introduced back in 1995 in WCW with a championship title win right off the bat and he never had to look back as his colossal sized shadow would soon dominate the scene. When he joined WWE in 1999, the accomplished South Carolina athlete morphed into The Big Show - a giant with an attitude who would switch allegiances as he pleased, all to his benefit.

That malleability has served him well as a personality all these years. Show is able to sell as a heel or baby face equally well because he is just that good, both on the mic and as an actor.

His athleticism and range of wrestling moves have delivered him multiple championships to back up his words. No wonder when the fans either cheer or boo him, The Big Show always gets a big pop.

But here in 2015, The Big Show is falling out of favor with the fan base. Calls that he’s too old and his allegiance to the Authority, have overshadowed all his past accomplishments, even his recent victory at the Andre the Giant Battle Royal at WrestleMania. To me, it’s more a case of the WWE universe taking this shoo-in Hall of Famer for granted. Have they not witnessed Big Show’s full range of wrestling skills on display the past year? His quickness is still amazing for someone his size AND age. And he has picked up a LOT of the slack in the heel department after the departure of Alberto Del Rio last year with added mic time. Just ask Roman Reigns what a choke slam on top of a taxicab will do for your career!

It’s easy I suppose to forget all the classic wins over Kane, Brock Lesnar and The Rock that he’s had in the past and just believe whatever the storyline is this month, but real fans and the guys in the locker room know what’s up. Paul Wight is more than just a good soldier for the company and the sport, he is the greatest Giant of all-time and the Big Show can still go!

- Dave Parrish

Ensuring a better future, for ALL

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Wrestlemania 31 World Heavyweight Title Match - Brock Lesnar versus Roman Reigns

Brock Lesnar versus Roman Reigns is not a dream match of mine. I have no real problem with the match, but it is not a match I am looking forward. One reason is that I am not a fan of either men, and the buildup has been bad for a title match.

I am not a fan of Roman Reigns in any aspect of his career. He has no personality, little charisma and most of the time looks like he thinks it is all a joke. I honestly believe he is on the verge of laughing nearly anytime I see him.

Outside of the Superman punch and spear, what does Reigns bring in ring? Not much. He has the look, the build and the style that WWE seems to love so much. That is about it.

All that aside, Roman busted his ass over the last few weeks to promote this match, without Brock around. Yes, there was Heyman, but he isn’t in the match. It fell on roman to do the heavy lifting. He almost succeed and last week’s promo was his best.

Brock, on the other hand, brings so much ability as a wrestler it is ridiculous. He also suffers from the lack of personality and charisma, but it doesn’t affect him as much. Of course, when he does his ‘sit down interview’ he is awesome.

Don’t expect a great Mania World Title Match here. Or a wrestling match. Expect a fight, a brawl, and for Brock to carry the load.

Personally, Roman is not on Brock’s level.

The problem is, Brock’s lack of appearances and lack of defenses have seriously devalued the title to the point of being worthless. The title means nothing in the hands of Brock Lesnar, and his is the worst title reign in WWE history.

Brock has to lose the WWE title, and lose it now. Reigns may not be my ideal champion, but he can restore some luster to the title. At least he will be around to defend the title and be on Raw and Smackdown on regular basis.

Ace Masters

Friday, March 27, 2015

WrestleMania 31 Intercontinental Title Ladder Match

Wade Barrett v Stardust v Dolph Ziggler v Luke Harper v Dean Ambrose v R-Truth v Daniel Bryan

The first person to climb the ladder, retrieve the belt and hopefully NOT get it stolen, is the Champion. Or, in the case of Barrett, remains the Champion.

This is the match I am looking forward to more than any other at Mania, even over Sting versus Hunter. 

This match has had the best build up. Everyone involved in the match has been involved in the buildup, and all of them are scrambling to be the Champion. It is Awesome to see so much talent demanding their time to shine. This brings a whole new level of prestige to the IC Title.

Everyone wants the Championship, and all of them have been in possession of the Belt over the last few weeks, despite not being the Champion. It has been fun watching Barrett chase after his own title as it continual gets stolen, especially in unique and hilarious ways by R-Truth.

Along the way, we have gotten some great matches and intrigue. Dean and Dolph called Bryan a ‘turd,’ is this going to play into the match?

It seems that Barrett can lay out everyone to get the actual belt back, but can’t seem to win a match lately. Good thing they have all been non-title. Good thing all he has to do Sunday is lay everyone out.

R-truth has been stellar in his role in this build up.

With the talent involved, this match should steal the show. With this level of talent, if it doesn’t, some heads need to role.

Ace Masters

Wrestlemania 31 Randy Orton Versus Seth Rollins

If it wasn’t for the IC Ladder Title match, I would call this match to steal the show. In fact it still might.

Randy Orton is a great talent.

Seth Rollins might be an even better talent.

This match has easily the best back story and the best build of any match on the Mania card. It is certainly the most personal. Yes, even over Hunter/Sting.

Orton never trusted Rollins, which lead to his ouster from the Authority.

Rollins tried to end his career then bragged about it.

Orton returned, rejoined the Authority then destroyed Rollins – singlehandedly. He made fools out of the Authority – which is why I expect interference in this match.

This match should be a roller coaster of back and forth action, with neither man able to gain the advantage. The authority should interfere, forcing Orton to overcome great odds and frustrating Rollins with Orton’s will to survive.

This has all the earmarks of a classic.

- Ace Masters

Wrestlemania 31 US Championship Match - John Cena versus Rusev

At least this match is staying on the main card. If Cena wasn’t involved though, it might have gotten bumped down.

I am looking forward to this match. I am not a Cena fan, but I am a massive fan of Rusev. The build up to this match has been good. Rusev won the first match, Cena chased for a rematch. Cena achieved the rematch by putting Rusev in the STF until Lana acquiesced and gave Cena his Mania match.

This past week, Rusev suckered Cena in and destroyed him.

The feud started out as Cena going after the US Title as a way to get back in the World Title Hunt. After his loss to Rusev, and Rusev's Russian chest pounding, Cena took a more patriotic stand.

This could, and should, be a very good match. Will this be a mat classic? On Rusev end, it could be. With Cena, not so much. What this should deliver is an action packed, hard hitting, high drama match with a lot of thrillers and suspense. 

Will Cena be the one to finally defeat Rusev? 

Or will Rusev crush Cena?

WrestleMania 31 Bray Wyatt versus The Undertaker

I have to admit, next to the Divas Match, this is the match I am the least looking forward to.

In the earlier years of his career, I was not an Undertaker fan. When he first showed up, to me he was still Mean Mark Callous, former member of the SkyScrapers and fresh from WCW (and losing to Sting).

However, I have down a turnaround in the last few years and become an Undertaker fan, most because how he keeps evolving.

As for Bray Wyatt . . . I know many people love this guy, but to me he doesn’t work. Nothing this guys does or says is worthwhile. He doesn’t come off and creepy or weird or scary, or someone to be afraid of. He comes off as stupid.

I have yet to see Bray step up for then two or three times. More often than not he looks scared in the ring, unsure what do to, which the commentary pass of for fearlessness.

We know what Bray is capable off, hopefully he can step it up in this match. This is the Undertaker.

We know what the Undertaker can do, but can he do it? Is he healthy and can he go? We don’t want a repeat of last year.

With no Undertaker around, just a token lightning bolt, we have been stuck with Wyatt's promo to build up the match. Horrendous, and unfair to Wyatt. Even if you are a fan of Wyatt, there is no way he, or most anyone, can build up a match like this to any good degree.

If the Undertaker is good to go, expect him to carry and save this match.

If the Undertaker isn’t good to go, don’t expect much.

I hope for the first, fear for the second.

Ace Masters

WrestleMania 31Pre Show - The 2nd Annual Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

I was really looking forward to this Battle Royal, much like I was the World Tag Title Match, not so much anymore. On Smackdown they announced this will now be part of the Pre Show.

Seventeen men, plus possible surprise entrants, will vie for the Andre trophy, buried on the Pre Show. Is this being done as a possible promo to try to get more people to order the PPV or sign up for the Network at the last moment? I think so.

Battle Royals are standard staples of wrestling that really do two things, they are great filler spots for a card and are almost always fun.

The talent involved in this match should turn this Battle Royal in a fun event for everyone who sees the Pre Show. Coupled with the Four Way World Tag Team Title Match, I hope it does get people to purchase the PPV or network.

I just don’t understand how, with a four hour show, this get bumped down. This makes me believe there are going to be a number of musical spots, too many promos and lots of filler. Hopefully I am wrong and it will lead to longer, better matches.

That said, the Battle Royal should be fun, but it should be on the main card.

- Ace Masters

Thursday, March 26, 2015

State of the WWE - Part 4: The Championships

We all know what pro wrestling is. Those that claim that championships are meaningless in the world of pro wrestling should stop watching or reading any form of entertainment.

Why do I say that? Let me give an example.

In Star Wars the goal is to defeat the empire. It gives our heroes something to achieve and fight for, and it gives the villains a reason for their actions. Since it is just a movie, they shouldn’t do anything at all, right.

Championships in the world of pro wrestling are that goal all the wrestlers are motivated for, it is what they must achieve. For this who have it, they must defend it.

The WWE has five titles: DIVAS, US, Intercontinental, World Tag Team and World Heavyweight. Let’s take a quick look at them.


This started life as a separate title from the Women’s title, and eventually became the main title. It does not have the prestige of the women’s title. Yes, Nattie, Beth Phoenix, Mickie James and AJ Lee do ad prestige to the title, but when the most reigns are held by Eve Torres and her name is held up as a premiere DIVAS champion (tied with AJ Lee) that doesn’t mean much.

None of them have the prestige of Mullah or Medusa (Alyndra Blaze).

It doesn’t help how the WWE treats the DIVAS as an afterthought. Give the divas better treatment and the title will mean more.


This is a major title with a long heritage and history that could almost rival the NWA and WCW World Titles. Harley Race, Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat, Dusty Rhodes, Dustin Rhodes, Sting, Magnum TA, Lex Luger are just a few of the great names who have held it prior to the WWE.

There have also been some great WWE US champions, MVP for One. Rusev for another.

This is a MAJOR title in the history of pro wrestling, and it being treated like such at the moment. It still has meaning.


The sad fact is that these are not the original World Tag Titles, but the second version introduced few years ago. Still, right now these titles are gaining prestige – except for being put down to the Mania Pre-Show.

We have not had this strong of a field going for the titles in a long time. This is good and it gives the title more meaning.


The second most important and prestige title in the WWE. Arguable the second most important and prestige in all of pro wrestling.

Perhaps the greatest WrestleMania Match of all Time (Savage versus Steamboat) was for the IC Title. Perhaps the greatest Summerslam match of all time (Bulldog versus Hitman) was for the IC Title. The IC Title is the only other WWE Title to headline a PPV.

There are many times in the history of the WWE that the Intercontinental title has be more hotly contested for then the World title. Right now is one of those times.

The Intercontinental title is an important part of the history of the WWE. How it is being treated right now, with so many talent vying for and demanding the title for themselves, its future looks bright.


What I am going to write actually pains me. The WWE World Title, despite being unified with a version of the WCW World titled twice, is still the same title held by Sammartino, Morales, Backlund, Hogan, Savage, Warrior, Hart, Michaels, Austin, Rock.

Almost every champion held this title with pride. It meant something . . . until Summerslam 2014.
Brock Lesnar has defended the title only twice in 7 months. WrestleMania will mark only his third title defense.

Because of Lesnar’s absence, there has been no feud for the world title. No one has been fighting for a chance to face the champion. Rollins has only tried to cash in the Money in the Bank briefcase once.

Instead, what did we get? Five months of Cena versus the authority.

I wrote in the opening that titles are the goal for any wrestler. But what if there is no goal, nothing to achieve? Then one has nothing to do and they have no direction.

This is what it pains me to write: The World Title has been too absent, and it is currently meaningless and worthless.

The following is a ranking of the titles from least important to most important.


WORLD: Rarely around, rarely defended, rare importance.

DIVAS: At least this is around on a regular basis.

WORLD TAG: Hotly contest right now.

US: Rusev takes on all comers and doesn’t back down, and wins in dominate fashion.


INTERCONTINENTAL: Right now this is the most important title in the WWE. What other titles are seven men fighting for?

Ace Masters

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

WrestleMania 31 - Pre-Show World Tag Team Championship Match

So, hold on. Let me get this straight, the four way tag team match for the World Tag Team Titles is on the Pre-Show? The Pre-Show? And the Divas Tag Team match is on the Main Card?

That is wrong. We are talking the World Tag Team Championship. This should be on the main card, without any debate.

The tag titles have had a stellar build up toward Mania, and now they are burying it on the Pre-Show. I get it is still Mania, and that maybe the idea of giving this match away on a Pre-Show that can be watched for free will get some people to order Mania or get the Network.

Still this is a World Title with a lot of history and a lot of great Mania moments behind it.

When is the last time the WWE had such a crowded field via for the titles and teams of such talent. Any one of these four teams could be champions at any time in WWE History.

I called this match weeks ago. I also believe they are leaning toward Los Matadores coming away with the belts.

This should be a great match. I look forward to it even on the Pre-Show. I hope all eight guys step up and shine and prove they should have been on the main card.

Ace Masters

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

State of the WWE Part 3 - The Talent

The most important part of the WWE is the talent. These are the people that the fans pay to see. These are ultimately the people also responsible for executing any and all ideas, thoughts and plans for what goes on in promos and in ring.

The good news is that the talent in the WWE is at a high level we haven’t see in a long time. At least on the male side.

The Divas is another story – I will cover them first.

Right now I am going to echo a lot of sentiments other writers and commentators have – the Divas divisions is poor. Is it basically Nattie, Paige, AJ Lee and then a massive drop. The reason for this is really simple.

Nattie, Paige and AJ Lee are trained pro wrestlers. This is what they have chosen to do with their lives. They have wrestled other places besides the WWE, and may do so again. They are products of pro wrestling – with Nattie and Paige coming from wrestling families.

Many of the other Divas are not. They are product of the WWE Divas search, model search or came from other athletic backgrounds and were trained by the WWE. They were never trained to be pro wrestlers, they were trained to be Divas.


The Men’s Roster is extremely deep.

Just look at the Champions: Brock, Wade, Rusev, Cesaro/Kidd. When has the WWE had a better roll call of champions? Not in a while. Admittedly, I am not a fan of Brock or his title reign, but I can’t deny his skill.

In fact even at the bottom of the roster there are excellent performers. Zack Ryder being a standout there, and Heath Slater with him. Both of these guys are great talents that are underused, for no good reason.

In between the Champions and the Bottom we also have guys like Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, Luke Harper, Kane, even Cena. Let’s not forget how good Erik Rowan has shown he can be.

The Tag Team scene in the WWE is not deep, in terms of the amount of teams there are. It is deep in the talent of those team. Cesaro/Kidd are a good tag team and are doing a fine job as Champs, the Usos are the best team in the WWE and Epico an Primo would excel if the gimmick was dropped.

However I will say the same thing here that I did with the Divas. The top guys on the Roster, and the best, are the one who trained to be Pro Wrestlers by choice – not ones trained by the WWE.

The problem with the WWE isn’t the level of talent, but how that talent is perceived and used. Why are some talent not used better? Is it the fact the WWE doesn’t see anything in them, or does the talent just not have the drive.

We may never know the truth – but the talent level among the men in the WWE is near top notch. For the woman, check out TNA.

Ace Master

WrestleMania 31 Commentary - The Divas Tag Team Match

We have a Divas tag team match at WrestleMania. However the Divas Title itself was online on Monday Night RAW. Am I the only one who sees this as being backwards?

Shouldn’t the tag match be on RAW and the Title match at WrestleMania? Instead the Divas’ title is used as fodder to help build up a meaningless tag team match between AJ Lee and Paige and the Bella Twins.

The entire build up to this match at Mania has consisted of matches between the four girls and the Bella’s on commentary. AJ and Paige have barely done anything. The Bellas commentary does more to kill the build then help.

The WWE waited until last night’s RAW to make this match in any way interesting. Paige accept a Diva’s title match from Nikki. AJ ‘accidently’ cost Paige the match and Paige attacked AJ afterwards.

It is a little typical, but at least it is something. The twist is that Paige snapped first, when most believed AJ would be the one to attack.

One problem still remains. This is WrestleMania. The big one. The Elite. This tag match is not a Mania level match.

Two of these ladies are not even true pro wrestlers. The other two are underused and would be better served in the Knockouts division in TNA.

I want all four to do one thing at Mania – PROVE ME WRONG. Make we write a piece after Mania praising this match.

Ace Masters

State of the WWE Part 2 - CREATIVE

Creative, everyone seems to want to bash creative whenever anything goes wrong in the WWE. Who are we really bashing? Does anyone online know exactly who are the ‘creative’ of the WWE are and how it operates? I don’t think so.

Oh, it seems to be easy and popular to blame all the decisions on Triple H, Stephanie and Vince, but I doubt that is 100% the case. Truth is we don’t know who comes up with what, who makes what decisions and what the process is. We are not there.

What I want to do in this piece is briefly talk about what we do know of the creative side of the WWE – the final product that hits RAW, Smackdown, Superstars, Main Event and PPVs.

I will say this, creative has been on a massive slide for almost a year. Ever since Daniel Bryan’s injury, it has seemed like everything they have put forward is piecemeal, on the fly and without any vision. The guys that are supposed to be ‘creative’ didn’t make any adjustment to the storylines, angle or matches.

There could be any number of reason for this – they weren’t sure how to do it, they couldn’t agree, or they weren’t allowed. Or it could be any combination.

After Bryan’s injury, came the piss poor decision to put the belt on Brock and Roman Reigns’ injury.

These were three challenges the WWE was face with. Two beyond their control. Brock Lesnar as Champion is probably one of the things that creative is NOT allowed to make adjustments with.

The WWE saw these as negatives, the injuries, but they should have seen these as a positive opportunity to make changes and at least try to see what talent would step up and who to elevate. They failed.

What did we get? Cena versus the Authority. That ended is a piss poor payoff that should have gotten writers fired.

I am a professional writer, so maybe I can see the missing logic, bad story lines and terrible angles where others may not. However I don’t believe that.

Almost every fan I know feels the same way, they can see the problems that the WWE has in their presentations, where the WWE apparently doesn’t, can’t or won’t.

I know they can do better. I have watched them do better. It’s time for them to do better.

Currently WWE ‘Creative’ seems to be inept.

Ace Masters

Monday, March 23, 2015


This coming Sunday is WrestleMania 31! But I am sure all of you know that. As of today we know what the card is barring any last minute matches coming out of tonight’s RAW and this week’s SMACKDOWN.

What I want to do right now, is give a quick preview of Mania.

These are the matches as the card stands.

2nd Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Announced Participants
Curtis Axel; Big Show; Fandango; Goldust; Mark Henry; Kane
The Miz; Damien Mizdow; Titus O’Neil; Adam Rose; Erick Rowan
Ryback; Zack Ryder; Sin Cara; Heath Slater; Jack Swagger
Darren Young

If you count you well realize there are only 17 announced participants out of the planned twenty. More could be announced this week, but I expect a couple of surprise entrants.

This should be a hot opening to WrestleMania, last year’s battle royal almost stole the show.

My unofficial prediction today: Sheamus wins the battle royal in his surprise return. They have been airing Sheamus returns vignettes for a while, but he is nowhere in sight. Mania will changed that.

Intercontinental Title Ladder Match
Wade Barrett v Stardust v Dolph Ziggler v Luke Harper v Dean Ambrose v R-Truth v Daniel Bryan

This has had the best buildup of any match on the card. Everyone is scrambling for the title, and thanks to Ambrose, everyone has started stealing the belt.

With the buildup it has had, with how fun it has been to watch and the talent involved, if this doesn’t steal the show, then everyone in this match should be released on Monday.

My unofficial prediction today: Wade Barrett retains.

The Undertaker versus Bray Wyatt

I don’t know what to think of this match. The build for it has been pathetic. We haven’t seen the Undertaker since Mania 30, so we don’t even know if he is in the shape to go. He obviously wasn’t last year, there is nothing to prove that he IS this year.

My unofficial prediction today: NA

US Title Match: Rusev defends against John Cena

I predicted that Rusev would win at the last PPV and Cena would win at Mania. I have no reason to change that now.

My unofficial prediction today: Cena, new champ.

Bellas versus AJ and Paige

Waste of time at Mania, terrible build up.

My unofficial prediction today: DON’T CARE

Randy Orton versus Seth Rollins

In a very short time, they have given this match a massive build. It was the main focus of the last two RAWs. These are two of the best and most talented wrestlers on the WWE roster. They are very similar, cerebral, athletic, vicious, dangerous, this should be a good match.

My unofficial prediction today: Seth Rollins wins. He needs it more than Randy.

World Heavyweight Title Match: Brock Lesnar defends against Roman Reigns

Can we have this match on RAW? The build to this match has been terrible, with Brock being absent so often. Yeah, Roman and Paul on the mic really build this up.

Brock needs to lose the title and lose it now, so it can start to mean something again.

My unofficial prediction today: Roman Reigns

Triple H versus Sting.

It looks like this is going to be the main event, over the World Title Match. I am fine with this, considering the World Title is meaningless right now.

The problem here is the buildup has lacked sorely and should have been much better. It suffers from the same issue as the Undertaker and Brock matches, the absence of a major player, in this case Sting.

Sting should have been on RAW more often to build this up and make it even more special.

My unofficial prediction today: Sting.

On paper this card looks okay, but not great. If the talent can step up and if Undertaker and Sting can go, maybe we can have a special WrestleMania.

I believe that three matches will shine: the Battle Royal, Orton versus Reigns and the ladder match. I call the Ladder Match to steal the show.

In this preview I stated my Unofficial Predictions as they stand today. I will post my official prediction on Saturday.

It’s Mania time! Let’s hope the talent is as psyched for it as the fans.

Ace Masters

Saturday, March 21, 2015


Last night, TNA proved that their string of good to great IMPACT shows is no fluke. This show was almost on par with last week’s epic broadcast. Where last week’s show was all about rivalries and vengeance, this impact was about Titles and vengeance.

There were three scheduled title matches, but we ended up with four. Plus, we had two grudge matches and a pure violent fight.

We started the night with the Wolves defending the World Tag Titles in an Ultimate X Match against Manic and Sanada and Jessie and DJ Z. This was a frantic, hard hitting, high flying match. Jessie pulled out an amazing dropkick on Manic.

Manic was crossing the ropes of the Ultimate X structure, when Jessie hit him with a dropkick in the MIDSECTION to knock him to the mat. The height Jessie achieved was amazing.

The Wolves would retain the titles. Davey and Richie climbed the structure and claimed both titles belts.

Austin Aries called out the BDC and demanded the return of his Feast or Fired world title briefcase. Of course Low Ki refused, claiming ownership. This set up a great match between Aries and Joe, with Aries winning by DQ, reclaiming his briefcase and leaving Joe and Low Ki laying.

Cue Rockstar Spud! He cashed in his briefcase and pinned Low Ki. New X Division Champion: ROCKSTAR SPUD!

Magnus gained some revenge, as did Mickie James. Magnus attacked Bram in the parking lot, putting a seriously violent beat down on Bram all the way to the ring. Officials interceded and pulled Magnus off, but it didn’t end there.

Mickie James arrived, and beat the crap out of Bram herself!

Here is something I rarely say about the WWE Divas Division. We had an awesome triple threat title match from the ladies of TNA. Taryn Terrell defended against Gail Kim and Awesome Kong. I fully expected Kong to walk away with the title, but Taryn had other plans.

In the best performance of her career Taryn survived, pinned Kim and retained.

Taryn Terrell has arrived.

Matt Hardy faced James Storm in a no DQ match which saw Storm win after two Last Call super kicks and a lot of interference from the Revolution. This was a decent match, and the weakest part of the show.

I think they would have been better served to do a quick squash and move onto the Main Event.

World Title, Lashley versus Angle. Match of the Night, possibly Match of the Year. This was an epic encounter which say both men dive into their wrestling bag of tricks. Hell Lashley even put the Ankle Lock on Kurt!

Kurt prevailed though, getting Lashley to tap to his ankle lock.

New World champ: Kurt Angle.

Can’t wait for the rematch.

FINAL THOUGHTS: WWE take note, this is how it is done. TNA match every match mean something and had an arc and theme to the night. Awesome show, but just a notch below last week’s.

MATCH OF THE NIGHT: World Title Match, Angle defeats Lashley.
WRESTLER OF THE NIGHT: Taryn Terrell. She was awesome in this match. Flat out awesome.
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Jessie Goddar’s dropkick on Manic as Manic was hanging from the Ultimate X Structure. The height he got was amazing.
LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Was there one?


Friday, March 20, 2015


Smackdown has some good points and some good build to Mania, mostly building up the IC Title Match and World Title Match, with some Divas thrown in.

What it didn’t do was lay the Smack down with only four match on the card.
We saw Paige defeat Brie Belle, Dolph Ziggler win a Gauntlet match (as the last participant), Kidd, Cesaro and Nattie beat Los Matadores and El Torito when Nattie pinned the bull, and Reigns pinning Kane in the main event.

The overarching theme of the show was the attempt by J&J Security to keep Randy Orton from gaining access to the building.

We opened with a promo by Reigns, who is interrupted by Mark Henry. Henry isn’t looking for a fight, but is here to tell Roman he can beat Brock Lesnar. Rollins interrupts and we set up the main event for the night, Rollins and Kane versus Henry and Reigns.

Along the way we had the above mentioned three matches, of which the gauntlet match was the best.

The build to the Divas match has been good, and getting a lot of time (#givedivasachance), but I don’t expect a lot of people are looking forward to it.
The build for the IC title has been Awesome. The six challengers were in the gauntlet match, and all did a great job. This match will steal the show at Mania.

The Main Event Segment kicked off with Mark Henry found laid out in the back, turning the match into a handicap match. Reigns was made to look strong as he plowed through Rollins and speared Kane for the win.

After the loss, Randy Orton appeared, taking out everyone, including all the security Rollins had.

J&J didn’t do such a good job.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Nice build up to Mania, but overall average show.

MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Gauntlet Match.
LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Interspecies Match.
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Wade Barrett laying out Bryan and Ziggler.


Thursday, March 19, 2015




It is not a good sign that only two days later, I can barely remember most of what happened on RAW. No, it’s true. I remember the high points and good things I liked, most of the promos, but was there even a decent match on RAW?

It’s been this way for months now, to be honest. Good thing I DVRed it.

The main focus of this show was Randy Orton and Seth Rollins, building up their feud and coming match at WrestleMania. They opened and closed the show, with plot points weaved throughout the broadcast. It was well done, even if we knew how it was going to end.

The hot opening to the show had Rollins bitching about Randy Orton and members of the Authority apologizing to Rollins for what Randy did. Rollins accepted Orton’s challenge for WrestleMania, but only if Orton faced him tonight.

Of course Orton accepted.

Nikki Bella defeated AJ Lee in a fairly good match that saw outside interference from both Paige and Brie. AJ didn’t not look good in this match. In truth, AJ has not looked sharp since her return.

We interrupt RAW for the Contact Signing Sketch Show starring John Cena, Michael Cole, Rusev, and some guy JBL said they dug out of Community Theater. This was the worst contract signing segment I have ever seen, and there have been hundreds of those. Rusev’s ‘lawyer’ didn’t help matters. What language was he speaking anyway?

You know it’s bad when JBL and Booker bury the segment.

When Brock Lesnar does his sit down promos he is Epic. His promo for Mania versus Reigns was top notch. Too bad he doesn’t do that in the ring. It did help the build for his match at Mania.

Kane held a mini-battle Royal with some of the Andre Memorial Battle Royal participants, to prove how he would win the match. It didn’t go quiet as planned as a returning Mark Henry would stand tall.

Brock Lesnar is not a pacifist, as if we need to be told that. Heyman’s promo was passionate and on mark, but paled next to Brock’s. It also paled, and I can’t believe this, compared to the next promo.

Has Reigns arrived? I am not a fan of Roman Reigns that should be clear. However, his promo this night was the best thing he has done in his entire career. For the first time I saw and felt the fire coming from Reigns, something that has sorely been lacking.

Apparently we had a Smackdown repeat interrupt RAW. The same IC Title theme six-man match from Smackdown had a rematch tonight, complete with R-Truth on commentary with the IC title clipped to the back of his jacket.

Great stuff, and still an awesome build to Mania.

Dean pinned Barrett to win the match. However, Barrett laid everyone out and reclaimed his belt in the end.

During the broadcast, we saw the Authority bail on Rollins, complete with J&J quitting on him. Stephanie told him to be a man and handle this himself.

Randy comes out first. Seth’s music played, but he never gets into the ring. He cuts a promo saying how he made a fool out of Randy – the Authority joins him. Obviously everyone bailing on Seth was a set up. Randy being Randy doesn’t back down, grabbing a chair, he makes a stand.

As Rollins, J&J, Big Show and Kane make their way into the ring . . .

The Arena goes dark.

A crowing is heard.

Sting is here!

He and Randy clean house to end the show.

After the show they aired a WWE Network Special ‘Interview with Sting.’ It wasn’t as advertised. The segment last about three minutes.

Randy said this was ‘cool.’

Sting said he’s waited fourteen years to be in this ring, and he is going to take down Hunter at WrestleMania.

FINAL THOUGHTS: A hit and miss broadcast. The makes were not that good. The build to Mania was. The main event segment saved the show. Overall Average.

IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: I want to say Brock Lesnar’s promo. I want to say Sting. I can’t. The Impact of the Night was Roman Reigns promo. Believe That.
LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Contract signing.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Lucha Maybe

A Re-thinking of my refusal to watch Lucha Underground.

A few months ago I wrote a scathing piece on Lucha Underground after the incident where Chavo Geurro hit Sexy Star in the head with a chair, a deliberate act of violence against a woman. At that time I said I wouldn’t watch Lucha Underground anymore.

This past Friday’s Impact had an incident that upset me. Bram grabbed Mickie James and put her into a headlock. A deliberate physical act against a female, even if it was a storyline moment and the woman in question is Mickie James.

There was also an intergender match.

Of course, some months ago, the Bully Ray/Dixie Carter feud ended with Bully putting Dixie through a table . . . from the TOP rope. A debilitate act of violence against a woman, and a non-professional.

I am not backing off my original comments or thoughts on the Chavo/SexyStar incident. However, considering the two above listed TNA incidents – specifically Dixie through a table – I cannot reconcile continuing to watch TNA and refusing to watch Lucha Underground.

This is/would be high hypocritical of me, especially considering my praise of TNA recently.

My original comments still stand, those involved and who thought the Chavo/SexyStar incident was a good idea, should be ashamed. I also believe that the Dixie incident should also be a moment of shame.

I hate violence against woman. I understand it in an entertainment sense, but certain things cross the line, especially in pro wrestling.

All this said, I am lifting my ban on watching Lucha Underground. I may even start covering it for Wrestlementary, as I did briefly before. First, though, I want to search out and find the broadcasts that I didn’t watch.

Ace Masters.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Impact Stress Test: Blood, Sweat, Tears


This past Friday IMPACT aired an EPIC broadcast. This was easily the Impact of the year, and perhaps the best show they have put forward in the last two years.

It had literally almost everything one would want from a wrestling show: Limited Promos, beat downs, returns, titles on the line, blood, sweet, tears, hard hitting matches and it opened with a Last Man Standing match! The only thing missing was Austin Aries, and the show was so good it didn’t even need him!

From top to bottom this show was near perfect. Bobby Roode faced off against Eric Young in a great last man standing match, which saw both men rise up from pile drivers. Roode won the match, but I doubt Young will let the feud die here.

Drew Galloway entered the ring for the second time, this time against MVP. He was dominating when the BDC ran in, beat him down and left him bloody at ring side. Is this a quick end to the ‘chosen one,’ or will this just fuel him even more to fight for wrestling?

Magnus finally returned to face Bram in a brutal hard hitting match that Magnus won by DQ due to a Bram low blow. Bram won the night though, tying Magnus up in the corner and forcing him to kiss Bram’s boot while he had Mickie James in his clutches.

This feud isn’t going to end any time soon and promises to get more violent.

Okay, the low point of this near perfect show, Robbie E versus Brooke. I like both performers, but I really don’t like intergender matches. This one wasn’t very good.

Main event, Hair versus Hair match. EC3 and Rockstar Spud put on a great main event, and we finally have seen Rockstar Spud arrive as a wrestler. He showcased what he could do in a wrestling ring, and it better not be the last time in TNA.

There was some interference, but it didn’t affect the match.

Rockstar Spud put everything on the line and almost won the match. In the end though EC3 was too much, leaving Spud a fallen, blood soaked broken shell.

EC3 never cut Spud’s hair. Instead he cut a passionate promo, praised Spud and raised Spud’s hand. A feel good moment.

Until he bloodied Spud again and left him hanging upside down in the corner. EC3 then proclaimed that the world ‘is his.’

EC3 = heel best in wrestling.

Final thoughts: More shows of this caliber please!

IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: The entire show. But to choose one moment it would be, Magnus kissing Bram’s boot – because that is going to have long term impact.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Intergender Match.
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Hair v Hair, EC3 v Rockstar Spud.


Friday, March 13, 2015

SMACKDOWN SALVO: Will the real Intercontinental Champion please stand up?

Welcome to the newly renamed Wrestlementary coverage of WWE Smackdown, The Smackdown Salvo. Where, just like the RAW 500, I will cover Smackdown in around 500 words or less, is possible.

This edition of Smackdown wasn’t great, but it did build up WrestleMania and retained its recent Raw recap crap.

Will the real Intercontinental Champion please stand up?

How awesome is it that the IC title is getting the Love that is right now? It has a great build up heading into Mania, and right now feels more important than the World Title. Seven people are fighting over the IC title and six of them keep stealing the belt and claiming it for their own.

Then we have R-Truth, who has been doing great on commentary, who considers each ‘steal’ a title change.

Of course we all know Wade Barrett is the actual champion, but don’t tell that to Dean Ambrose, Luke Harper, Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth, Daniel Bryan and Stardust (Not Cody Rhodes).

We started the show with Daniel Bryan talking about former IC champions at Mania, how he has never won the title, but he plans to at Mania. Of course everyone else involved had different plans leading to another IC Melee!

This also directly led into the Smackdown Main Event: Ambrose, Bryan and Ziggler versus Barrett, Harper and Stardust.

What else happened on this show?

We had a very good tag match with The Usos and Kofi/Xavier of A New Day teaming up against Los Matadores and Cesaro/Tyson Kidd, which saw one of Los Matadores pinning Kofi after a switch.

This was another good tag match, and they are building up the tag team division and titles nicely heading into Mania. I am thinking we may get a four-way match for the Titles.

Roman Reigns cut a promo about being tired of being told he can’t be Brock, and about the comment concerning his family being one generation away from being savages. Almost anyone else could have delivered this promo better. Reigns has absolutely no emotion, so what should be a passionate promo, falls flat.

Mark Henry came out, cut a promo on Reigns, saying he can’t beat Brock, leading to Reigns laying out Henry. Henry later said he lit a fire under Reigns and he now believes Reigns can beat Brock.

Someone needed to light a fire under Reigns’ ass. What he needs to do is go savage. Right now it really seems like he doesn’t care.

The Divas portion of the show was poor, as usual. We had AJ and Paige easily beating Cameron and Summer Rae, while the Bella’s did they normal poor shtick on commentary. AJ and Paige are great, the Bellas are not.

Main event time! More IC Title love, six of the competitors in the ladder match in a six man tag match that saw Bryan pin Harper, but what happened after was the real story.

Ziggler, congratulated Bryan on ‘stealing’ the victory from Ziggs. Ambrose shot on both of them, saying that Ziggler is jealous of Bryan because he’s not as good as Bryan. He then said that Bryan isn’t the good guy people think he is, everyone in the back knows, and he (Ambrose) knows the truth: Bryan is a Turd.

Ziggler joined in, saying he doesn’t always agree with Ambrose, but Bryan is a turd.
As I said in the beginning, this is great build up for the IC Title.

FINAL THOUGHTS: A watchable broadcast of Smackdown, for once. If not for the matches, then for the buildup leading to WrestleMania. Hopefully this is a good sign of things to come in the next two weeks.

MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Main Event Six Man Tag
LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: The Miz versus Ryback in a throw away match.
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Ambrose and Ziggler calling Bryan a Turd.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Welcome to the first edition of my Monday Night Raw coverage under its new name THE RAW 500. A new logo is coming soon.

Let's discuss this week’s Monday Night Raw shall well? In approximately 500 words. 
I actually missed the first hour of RAW this week because of the (damn) time change. But I caught it on Hulu earlier today.

I have to start by saying that this was one of the better and more entertaining editions of RAW in a long time. One reason for that is that they are actually building up WrestleMania! 

From top to bottom this was a solid broadcast, there were a few bumps along the way, but nothing major. We started out strong with the Authority and ended strong with Randy’s turn. Along the way we had a melee for the IC Title, a good promo from Heyman and two giants bossed around by a girl!

There were some solid matches as well, but Bryan v Barrett was the best.

Are any of the rumors about Brock true? Or is the WWE playing everyone. I was glad to see Brock, and the title, on RAW even if he didn’t do anything but stand there. Heyman’s promo was strong, and touched upon some controversial points, such as the UFC. It was a nice touch to have Heyman’s mic be cut a few times as he was ‘censored.’

Am I the only one who thought Kane and Big Show being kicked out of RAW by Stephanie was lame? I do like the Kane/Show mini-feud and hope it boils over into a feud or them turning on the Authority and reforming their one tag team championship duo.

Speaking of Tag Teams, it is nice to see the Tag titles getting more time and I solid build up. Could we be looking at a three-way dance for the Titles at Mania?

Cena fans rejoice. After Rusev mouth off, Cena demolished him and locked him in the STF. Lana, fearing for him man, agreed to give Cena a match at Mania.

I love the fact that the IC Title has such a spotlight on it right now. Yes, I know that Wade is losing all his NON-TITLE matches, but look how many people are gunning for the title. How many times has it been stolen now? How often has R-Truth been on commentary talking about, and stealing, the IC Title? I am looking forward to the IC Title Ladder match at Mania more than any other match. It should steal the show.

Speaking of stealing the show, how Awesome was the Viper on RAW. This is the Randy we need, the tweener who doesn’t give a dam about anyone, even the fans. His beat down of Rollins was awesome and overdue.

Now, there were three things that disappointed. No Hunter, Sting or Undertaker. Yes, I know we had promo videos from both, but how much better would the build be if both came out to face Hunter and Wyatt? Far better.

My biggest issue with the Sting promo is I don’t even think that was his voice on the voiceover.

Final Thoughts: This was the best RAW in a Long Time.

MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Daniel Bryan vs Wade Barrett
LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: No Hunter, Sting or Undertaker.
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Randy Orton making Seth Rollins his bitch.

Rating: 6

Monday, March 9, 2015

State of the WWE-Part 1 Opening Thoughts

This is the first piece in a 10 part State of the WWE. We are on the road to WrestleMania, so what better time to break down the WWE.

Part 1, this post, is my open thoughts to where the WWE is at, why, and leads into the series of State of posts.

The best way to describe the WWE at the moment is Lackluster at Best or Worst. They have failed to put on any reasonably good edition of RAW or Smackdown since Summerslam. Along those same lines Summerslam was the last passable PPV they produced.

To be blunt 2014 was creatively the worst year I have ever seen in the WWE. The three reasons for this are Daniel Bryan, Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar.

Daniel Bryan start 2014 off on fire, rightfully winning the title at Mania. If not for his injury, Bryan would have been the Reigning and Defending World Champion we knew he could be. But his injury cut that short, forcing a change in plans.

This was by no means his fault, nor is it his fault that WWE creative didn’t have enough creative sense to do anything but drop the ball.

The problem with Reigns isn’t even Reigns himself, or his injury. It’s his push. He was getting a big push before being sidelined, then received an even bigger push after returning to get him back on track. The problem is Reigns is being shoved down the universe’s throat.

Listen to the reaction, fans just don’t care about the guy. He shows no emotions, can barely talk, has no personality to speak of and there is very little for people to emotionally invest in. If Daniel Bryan was Reigns, no one would like him either.

Reigns injury sidelined his push and slow build into ‘the man.’ To make up for that did the WWE modify and go a different route? No, instead they fast tracked Reigns, pushing everyone to the side for him.

The fans are letting everyone know their opinion of that.

Brock Lesnar is a beast, but a beast at what? It sure as hell isn’t being a beast of a workaholic. He has defiantly conquered not showing up for work. Brock Lesnar is the biggest reason the WWE has been on a massive slide.

Two, TWO, title defenses since Summerslam. That is two title matches in seven months. Without a defending champion, what does the top of the roster have to fight for? Wait, for their jobs against the Authority, that’s right.

Not having Bryan or the WWE Title around lead to the Authority’s massive rise in a more prominent role, which lead to all feuds revolving around the Authority. There was no title to fight for, so they had to do the next best thing – fight for control.

Cause and effect. The cause: No Bryan, No Title with Brock not around, Reigns injury; The effect: The Rise of the Authority. The Cause: The Rise of the Authority; The effect: the slide of the WWE.


Ace Masters.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Don't get me wrong I am a WRESTLING FAN

Anyone who may have read my Burning Mind Column when it was at, or my current Burning Mind blog, would know I occasionally go on rants. I have avoided doing much in the way of rants on Wrestlementary, but I am going to let this one fly.

I watch Hulu a lot, including WWE Programming. On Hulu is a commercial about some idiot getting a WWE logo tattoo, and saying “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a wrestling fan, I’m a WWE fan.”
I don’t know if this is a Hulu produced commercial, WWE produced, or co-produced.

I do know that it is fucking insulting to the WWE fan base that are Professional Wrestling Fans. Why would one watch the WWE if they were a wrestling fan in the first place? Despite the fact that Vince has tried to distance the product from wrestling, its core business and main draw is still wrestling, no matter what they brand it.

Let’s say you are a WWE fan, and not a pure wrestling fan, this commercial is still an insult to you. It makes ALL WWE fans looks like losers. How? At one point in the commercial the idiot talked about quitting his job because it prevents him from watching WWE! That is a good and positive way for Hulu/WWE to present WWE Fans. Great job!

Yes, I know the commercial is a promo for WWE on Hulu and the guy is an actor (I’m not bashing the actor, just the character and commercial). It’s an insulting one that it not funny or humorous. It presents WWE fans in general in a poor light, as having no life outside of WWE, and blatantly pisses on wrestling fans.

- Ace Masters

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Dave's Battle Ax: With just days to go before Wrestlemania 31

With just days to go before Wrestlemania 31, the WWE is finally starting to turn up the heat on its network shows.  I was beginning to wonder if the company even cared to have a build up it’s marquee event this year, given the tepid lead ups to the past 3 PPVs they've attempted.  You see, it’s easy to forget that for all the drama and armchair predictions, that WWE is still just a TV show, with writers and directors and sound guys and grips and trucks out front making it all happen.  Only this year, it hasn’t been a very good show to watch.

Don’t get me wrong, the talent in the back ARE busting their collective asses out there every night, it’s just that the writers have let them down.  You see, every season of WWE has a narrative.  Last year was about the rise of the Shield, the year before that was all about CM Punk.  These crucial storyline elements are what ties the whole show together and somehow has to play out across 2 televised shows and 2 WWE Network shows to be cohesive.

This season, injuries messed up that narrative, big time.  If Daniel Bryan hadn’t been out for 6 months and Roman Reigns 3, the narrative leading up to Wrestlemania this year could have been epic.

Instead it feels cobbled together - and the main reason is that the writers/bookers were winging it, badly.  So what we’ve got to supposedly cap off the narrative is a somewhat muddled march to the biggest night of the year.

I’ve seen other shows go thru injuries, cast changes etc. thru the years and it can either make or break a show going forward.  This year, the WWE ended up broken and it’s going to take more than a Superman punch to set things right.

The reality is that this show has been running for as long as I can remember and has gotten so big, it’s like a leviathan - unable to make sharp turns when it needs to, unable to adapt to the needs of both wrestling fans and WWE fans (there is a difference) in an ever-splintering world of social media distractions and gewgaws to bring everything back home again.

I truly hope that in the year coming up AFTER Wrestlemania 31, WWE TV has a better season. With all these other channels and shows to choose from, more will find other things to watch if it doesn’t.

- Dave Parrish

Ensuring a better future, for ALL

The State of Wrestlementary - A Restructuring of the Faction

Listen up wrestling fans, and WWE Fans who are not necessarily wrestling fans, Wrestlementary is back. We had to take some time away to look at the bigger picture, the smaller details and restructure our faction to make things smoother and better.

To that end some things have changed across the board, but our faction is stronger than ever now.
(Sneak peak at the in-the-works new logo)

First off let me announce our members – The fearless leader, Ace Masters (who is I), the cutting edge Dave Parrish, the NXT in line Chris Rose and the Diva guy himself, Wes Kozalla.

We may even have a new member or two in the future.

Speaking of the future, we all know what is in the immediate future, right? What time of the year it is right? RIGHT!? WRESTLEMANIA!

The Road to WrestleMania is going to factor into Wrestlementary in a very big way this month. We are going to have a number of WWE articles with a focus on discussing Mania, breaking down the matches and editorials on what direction WWE needs to go in AT and coming OUT of Mania.

With the massive slide WWE has been on, this WrestleMania is crucial.

Now, about the Changes ‘Mentary is going under.


This is going under absolutely no changes. Over the last three months DBA has been the one constant. It will continue on its monthly schedule, on the first Wednesday of each month. Dave will continue his straight to the point, cutting edge pieces, with no fear to ‘go there.’


Every one of us has commitments and projects outside of Wrestlementary, plus we have lives ((). Because of such commitments it had been agreed that Wes’ Diva Dish will now be a monthly article rather than weekly.

We are currently planning for it to be online the second Monday of each month.

Considering how the Divas are used, or underused (#GiveDivasAChance), this will be beneficial. Wes’ pieces tend to be longer than others on Wrestlementary, a monthly schedule gives him more time to break down the Divas.


For the same reasons mentioned above, our NXT coverage by Chris Rose is going to a monthly piece, with possible other articles in between. NXT coverage will now come your way on the last Friday of each month.


Okay, I used my name here because I cover a little more than the other guys, and even my coverage is going to change a little bit.


My TNA coverage will probably stay the same, except now on Saturdays or Sunday as Impact is on Fridays. It will still be the IMPACT STRESS TEST.
Expect to see a STATE OF TNA this weekend.


Here is where I am making a few changes, I am dropping the name Ace’s Answer and branding my coverage differently.

Raw coverage will now be the RAW 500. As I have in the past, I will keep my comments and reviews of RAW to 500 words or less, making it concise to the point and not wasting your time. I will still name the High Points, Low Points and Best/Worst of the show.

Smackdown Coverage will now be the SD Salvo, and will keep to five hundred words as well.


In the past I have tried to get my pieces up the day after the shows. That has not always worked. Starting now, expect to see my coverage online within two days. RAW on Tuesday or Wednesday, SMACKDOWN on Friday or Saturday, and TNA on Saturday of Sunday.

Do not expect to see any coverage of WWE or TNA broadcasts from me this week. In their place expect a series of ‘State of’ articles breaking down different aspects of TNA and the WWE.


The Week in Review is going away, as I find it redundant. In its place will be the Wrap Up. The Wrap up will consist of listing the best and worst of the week, and thoughts on the upcoming week.

That is it for the restructuring of Wrestlementary, there may be more coming, and they will be announced as needed.

However this piece is not the official relaunch of Wretlementary.

The official relaunch of Wrestlementary comes in one hour and is courtesy of Dave’s Battle Axe “With just Days to go before WrestleMania 31 . . .”