Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The State of Wrestlementary - A Restructuring of the Faction

Listen up wrestling fans, and WWE Fans who are not necessarily wrestling fans, Wrestlementary is back. We had to take some time away to look at the bigger picture, the smaller details and restructure our faction to make things smoother and better.

To that end some things have changed across the board, but our faction is stronger than ever now.
(Sneak peak at the in-the-works new logo)

First off let me announce our members – The fearless leader, Ace Masters (who is I), the cutting edge Dave Parrish, the NXT in line Chris Rose and the Diva guy himself, Wes Kozalla.

We may even have a new member or two in the future.

Speaking of the future, we all know what is in the immediate future, right? What time of the year it is right? RIGHT!? WRESTLEMANIA!

The Road to WrestleMania is going to factor into Wrestlementary in a very big way this month. We are going to have a number of WWE articles with a focus on discussing Mania, breaking down the matches and editorials on what direction WWE needs to go in AT and coming OUT of Mania.

With the massive slide WWE has been on, this WrestleMania is crucial.

Now, about the Changes ‘Mentary is going under.


This is going under absolutely no changes. Over the last three months DBA has been the one constant. It will continue on its monthly schedule, on the first Wednesday of each month. Dave will continue his straight to the point, cutting edge pieces, with no fear to ‘go there.’


Every one of us has commitments and projects outside of Wrestlementary, plus we have lives ((). Because of such commitments it had been agreed that Wes’ Diva Dish will now be a monthly article rather than weekly.

We are currently planning for it to be online the second Monday of each month.

Considering how the Divas are used, or underused (#GiveDivasAChance), this will be beneficial. Wes’ pieces tend to be longer than others on Wrestlementary, a monthly schedule gives him more time to break down the Divas.


For the same reasons mentioned above, our NXT coverage by Chris Rose is going to a monthly piece, with possible other articles in between. NXT coverage will now come your way on the last Friday of each month.


Okay, I used my name here because I cover a little more than the other guys, and even my coverage is going to change a little bit.


My TNA coverage will probably stay the same, except now on Saturdays or Sunday as Impact is on Fridays. It will still be the IMPACT STRESS TEST.
Expect to see a STATE OF TNA this weekend.


Here is where I am making a few changes, I am dropping the name Ace’s Answer and branding my coverage differently.

Raw coverage will now be the RAW 500. As I have in the past, I will keep my comments and reviews of RAW to 500 words or less, making it concise to the point and not wasting your time. I will still name the High Points, Low Points and Best/Worst of the show.

Smackdown Coverage will now be the SD Salvo, and will keep to five hundred words as well.


In the past I have tried to get my pieces up the day after the shows. That has not always worked. Starting now, expect to see my coverage online within two days. RAW on Tuesday or Wednesday, SMACKDOWN on Friday or Saturday, and TNA on Saturday of Sunday.

Do not expect to see any coverage of WWE or TNA broadcasts from me this week. In their place expect a series of ‘State of’ articles breaking down different aspects of TNA and the WWE.


The Week in Review is going away, as I find it redundant. In its place will be the Wrap Up. The Wrap up will consist of listing the best and worst of the week, and thoughts on the upcoming week.

That is it for the restructuring of Wrestlementary, there may be more coming, and they will be announced as needed.

However this piece is not the official relaunch of Wretlementary.

The official relaunch of Wrestlementary comes in one hour and is courtesy of Dave’s Battle Axe “With just Days to go before WrestleMania 31 . . .”

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