Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Elimination Chamber 2015

After being pulled from the PPV Schedule, and only announced two weeks before it was held, the Elimination Chamber made its return this past Sunday (May 31). For this return it was a WWE Network Exclusive (in the US), so those without the Network, sorry about your damn luck.

Going into the Elimination Chamber, it had one glaring problem that could not be dealt it. There were only two really stories going into the event to carry it. Three if you included The New Day’s constant promos for the event, telling everyone how this was unfair to The New Day.

The big push going into this event was the crowning of a new IC Champion, but that wasn’t even the main story for the show. None of the guys were working angles with each other and only Ziggler and Barrett had any recent heat.

But that doesn’t a story make.

There was also the mini-feud with Neville and BoLeave (Please!), and the issue for the Divas Title. Again, none of those were really a story.

All of them were so rushed, they felt like an afterthought.

The World Title match was one of the two stories, even if its setup was completely rush. What helped here is the long standing feud between Rollins and Ambrose and the fact that people want to see Ambrose win.

The MAIN story for this event was Cena versus Owens, and what a buildup this had with only two segments. I like Owens (Steen), and Cena Sucks. If Cena is good at one thing, it is building up a match. Their first face to face where Owens laid Cena out was good enough to build interest. Owens blindsiding him later, only added to it.

This should have been the main event.

The Matches:

The show started with the much hyped World Tag Team Championship Elimination Chamber Match featuring, Cesaro/Kidd, Los Matadores (and El Torito), The Prime Time Players, The New Day, Lucha Dragons and The Ascension.

This match didn’t really deliver. A big portion of the match was more of a ‘spot match.’ Case-in-point when Calisto climbed to the top of the cage and dropped down. Yes, just dropped. Stupid.

At one point, Tyson and Cesaro dominated the match, and things really heated up when The Prime time Players entered. The New Day were last to enter. All three member of The New Day were allowed to compete, Per Kane.

In the end the New Day would retain.

I can say one great thing about this match: Darren Young has arrived. Darren shined bright in the match and was easily the best thing in the Chamber.


Now it is time for Nikki Bella to face Naomi and Paige in defense of her title. Once again, Naomi is in the title picture and Paige is screwed out of her one-on-one match.

Except for Paige, the Divas wish they were the NXT girls. We get an average match at best, after what Banks and Lynch did at Unstoppable?

Nikki Bella retained in what may have been her best outing ever. If it means anything, Nikki is getting better, but it may be too little too late. Her stage of development now, is where she should have been four or five years ago.





I can’t believe I am about to say this concerning a Cena match, but HEY, REST OF THE ROSTER! Sit your asses down and watch this match. Learn from this one in how to tell a story, build tension, create drama and put BOTH guys over.

They pulled out everything, and both guys kicked out of everything! In the end, Owens delivered, getting a clean pin on Cena.


Skip this match. As Awesome as Neville is, Dallas is that much worse.


Mark Henry, Sheamus, R-Truth, Ryback, Barrett and Ziggler all battle for the vacant IC Title. This is a far better match then the Tag Title Chamber Match. This match was faster paced, far more aggressive and hard-hitting and it felt more like the guys were fight for something.

And the bumps! Dolph took two massive bumps into two different pods and both times knock out the ‘bullet-proof’ Plexiglas. The first time caused Mark Henry’s pods to bust open and Henry entered the match early.

The best part of the match was when Sheamus used his Celtic Cross to block his pod door from opening, allowing him to stay safe until he wanted to enter the match. It was to no avail though, as Sheamus would be the last one eliminated by the new IC Champion Ryback.
Long overdue for a title reign, let’s see if Ryback can handle it and step up.

This was the second best match of the night. Ambrose and Rollins brought their A+ games and delivered a nail-biting world title match. There was no doubt Ambrose wanted to win. Rollins doesn’t seem to care about winning, only retaining the title. Which makes for a good heel champion.

It had a nice flow, went back and forth and really brought forth the feeling of two guys who hate each other. Toward the end, the Lunatic would go for his elbow off the top rope, only for Rollins to pull the ref into the way.

It wouldn’t work for Rollins. Second lately, Ambrose would hit dirty deeds and a second ref would count him down! Ambrose wins?!?!?

By DQ. The original ref DQ’d Rollins. Ambrose wins, Rollins retained.

I don’t mind this ending at all. It makes sense to go with what happened in the match. It also serves to further the feud and continue having the Face chase the Heel champion. Good for business. Good for fans if we get more matches like this.


This wasn’t a great event, a good one, but not great. I enjoyed it. Two Great matches, one stinker, and three average.


MATCH OF THE NIGHT: John Cena versus Kevin Owens
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Kevin Owens CLEAN pin fall victory.
LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Neville versus Bo Dallas

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