Friday, March 27, 2015

Wrestlemania 31 US Championship Match - John Cena versus Rusev

At least this match is staying on the main card. If Cena wasn’t involved though, it might have gotten bumped down.

I am looking forward to this match. I am not a Cena fan, but I am a massive fan of Rusev. The build up to this match has been good. Rusev won the first match, Cena chased for a rematch. Cena achieved the rematch by putting Rusev in the STF until Lana acquiesced and gave Cena his Mania match.

This past week, Rusev suckered Cena in and destroyed him.

The feud started out as Cena going after the US Title as a way to get back in the World Title Hunt. After his loss to Rusev, and Rusev's Russian chest pounding, Cena took a more patriotic stand.

This could, and should, be a very good match. Will this be a mat classic? On Rusev end, it could be. With Cena, not so much. What this should deliver is an action packed, hard hitting, high drama match with a lot of thrillers and suspense. 

Will Cena be the one to finally defeat Rusev? 

Or will Rusev crush Cena?

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