Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Welcome to the first edition of my Monday Night Raw coverage under its new name THE RAW 500. A new logo is coming soon.

Let's discuss this week’s Monday Night Raw shall well? In approximately 500 words. 
I actually missed the first hour of RAW this week because of the (damn) time change. But I caught it on Hulu earlier today.

I have to start by saying that this was one of the better and more entertaining editions of RAW in a long time. One reason for that is that they are actually building up WrestleMania! 

From top to bottom this was a solid broadcast, there were a few bumps along the way, but nothing major. We started out strong with the Authority and ended strong with Randy’s turn. Along the way we had a melee for the IC Title, a good promo from Heyman and two giants bossed around by a girl!

There were some solid matches as well, but Bryan v Barrett was the best.

Are any of the rumors about Brock true? Or is the WWE playing everyone. I was glad to see Brock, and the title, on RAW even if he didn’t do anything but stand there. Heyman’s promo was strong, and touched upon some controversial points, such as the UFC. It was a nice touch to have Heyman’s mic be cut a few times as he was ‘censored.’

Am I the only one who thought Kane and Big Show being kicked out of RAW by Stephanie was lame? I do like the Kane/Show mini-feud and hope it boils over into a feud or them turning on the Authority and reforming their one tag team championship duo.

Speaking of Tag Teams, it is nice to see the Tag titles getting more time and I solid build up. Could we be looking at a three-way dance for the Titles at Mania?

Cena fans rejoice. After Rusev mouth off, Cena demolished him and locked him in the STF. Lana, fearing for him man, agreed to give Cena a match at Mania.

I love the fact that the IC Title has such a spotlight on it right now. Yes, I know that Wade is losing all his NON-TITLE matches, but look how many people are gunning for the title. How many times has it been stolen now? How often has R-Truth been on commentary talking about, and stealing, the IC Title? I am looking forward to the IC Title Ladder match at Mania more than any other match. It should steal the show.

Speaking of stealing the show, how Awesome was the Viper on RAW. This is the Randy we need, the tweener who doesn’t give a dam about anyone, even the fans. His beat down of Rollins was awesome and overdue.

Now, there were three things that disappointed. No Hunter, Sting or Undertaker. Yes, I know we had promo videos from both, but how much better would the build be if both came out to face Hunter and Wyatt? Far better.

My biggest issue with the Sting promo is I don’t even think that was his voice on the voiceover.

Final Thoughts: This was the best RAW in a Long Time.

MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Daniel Bryan vs Wade Barrett
LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: No Hunter, Sting or Undertaker.
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Randy Orton making Seth Rollins his bitch.

Rating: 6

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