Friday, March 27, 2015

WrestleMania 31 Intercontinental Title Ladder Match

Wade Barrett v Stardust v Dolph Ziggler v Luke Harper v Dean Ambrose v R-Truth v Daniel Bryan

The first person to climb the ladder, retrieve the belt and hopefully NOT get it stolen, is the Champion. Or, in the case of Barrett, remains the Champion.

This is the match I am looking forward to more than any other at Mania, even over Sting versus Hunter. 

This match has had the best build up. Everyone involved in the match has been involved in the buildup, and all of them are scrambling to be the Champion. It is Awesome to see so much talent demanding their time to shine. This brings a whole new level of prestige to the IC Title.

Everyone wants the Championship, and all of them have been in possession of the Belt over the last few weeks, despite not being the Champion. It has been fun watching Barrett chase after his own title as it continual gets stolen, especially in unique and hilarious ways by R-Truth.

Along the way, we have gotten some great matches and intrigue. Dean and Dolph called Bryan a ‘turd,’ is this going to play into the match?

It seems that Barrett can lay out everyone to get the actual belt back, but can’t seem to win a match lately. Good thing they have all been non-title. Good thing all he has to do Sunday is lay everyone out.

R-truth has been stellar in his role in this build up.

With the talent involved, this match should steal the show. With this level of talent, if it doesn’t, some heads need to role.

Ace Masters

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