Friday, March 13, 2015

SMACKDOWN SALVO: Will the real Intercontinental Champion please stand up?

Welcome to the newly renamed Wrestlementary coverage of WWE Smackdown, The Smackdown Salvo. Where, just like the RAW 500, I will cover Smackdown in around 500 words or less, is possible.

This edition of Smackdown wasn’t great, but it did build up WrestleMania and retained its recent Raw recap crap.

Will the real Intercontinental Champion please stand up?

How awesome is it that the IC title is getting the Love that is right now? It has a great build up heading into Mania, and right now feels more important than the World Title. Seven people are fighting over the IC title and six of them keep stealing the belt and claiming it for their own.

Then we have R-Truth, who has been doing great on commentary, who considers each ‘steal’ a title change.

Of course we all know Wade Barrett is the actual champion, but don’t tell that to Dean Ambrose, Luke Harper, Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth, Daniel Bryan and Stardust (Not Cody Rhodes).

We started the show with Daniel Bryan talking about former IC champions at Mania, how he has never won the title, but he plans to at Mania. Of course everyone else involved had different plans leading to another IC Melee!

This also directly led into the Smackdown Main Event: Ambrose, Bryan and Ziggler versus Barrett, Harper and Stardust.

What else happened on this show?

We had a very good tag match with The Usos and Kofi/Xavier of A New Day teaming up against Los Matadores and Cesaro/Tyson Kidd, which saw one of Los Matadores pinning Kofi after a switch.

This was another good tag match, and they are building up the tag team division and titles nicely heading into Mania. I am thinking we may get a four-way match for the Titles.

Roman Reigns cut a promo about being tired of being told he can’t be Brock, and about the comment concerning his family being one generation away from being savages. Almost anyone else could have delivered this promo better. Reigns has absolutely no emotion, so what should be a passionate promo, falls flat.

Mark Henry came out, cut a promo on Reigns, saying he can’t beat Brock, leading to Reigns laying out Henry. Henry later said he lit a fire under Reigns and he now believes Reigns can beat Brock.

Someone needed to light a fire under Reigns’ ass. What he needs to do is go savage. Right now it really seems like he doesn’t care.

The Divas portion of the show was poor, as usual. We had AJ and Paige easily beating Cameron and Summer Rae, while the Bella’s did they normal poor shtick on commentary. AJ and Paige are great, the Bellas are not.

Main event time! More IC Title love, six of the competitors in the ladder match in a six man tag match that saw Bryan pin Harper, but what happened after was the real story.

Ziggler, congratulated Bryan on ‘stealing’ the victory from Ziggs. Ambrose shot on both of them, saying that Ziggler is jealous of Bryan because he’s not as good as Bryan. He then said that Bryan isn’t the good guy people think he is, everyone in the back knows, and he (Ambrose) knows the truth: Bryan is a Turd.

Ziggler joined in, saying he doesn’t always agree with Ambrose, but Bryan is a turd.
As I said in the beginning, this is great build up for the IC Title.

FINAL THOUGHTS: A watchable broadcast of Smackdown, for once. If not for the matches, then for the buildup leading to WrestleMania. Hopefully this is a good sign of things to come in the next two weeks.

MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Main Event Six Man Tag
LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: The Miz versus Ryback in a throw away match.
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Ambrose and Ziggler calling Bryan a Turd.


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