Friday, May 29, 2015




No this isn’t another State of Piece, just a statement of why I stopped posting around Mania and never finished the State of the WWE series of articles. Those will restart soon, from scratch to reflect how the WWE has improve post-Mania.

This is a shorter, and re-written to fit into Wrestlemenatry, version of the post I posted on my State of the Master Blog a day ago.

At the end of March I was all caught up, my blogs were on time, I was getting more active, then BANG on April 2 my mother fell and badly hurt her foot. Bad enough that we went for a trip to emergency. She didn’t break it, but had/has high grade 1st degree sprain. She spent a week unable to walk, and we didn’t work for three weeks.

I couldn’t do anything less then take care of her during this time, not after how she looked after me with my aneurysm last year.

Okay, one way or another Wrestlementay will return on June 1st or 2nd. I may review Elimination Chamber, or just start fresh on Tuesday and begin the coverage (again) with RAW.


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