Sunday, June 14, 2015

RAW and Smackdown GO HOME shows commentary.

RAW 500 6/8/2015

*NOTE* There was no commentary on RAW and Smackdown last week. This was because of a glitch with my cable that went out during RAW and I missed most of the show. I did eventually watch RAW on Hulu, but not until this past Sunday. *END NOTE*

Yeah, I know this is way late, tough week. Now, read on.

A stumbling block. That is what this Monday’s RAW was. It was the most lackluster and average show that WWE had produced for RAW since Mania. Considering how bad the show was from last Summerslam until Mania that is saying a lot.

Hopefully, this is just a stumbling block and not a sign that things are going backwards.
Even if Cena and Owens’ segment was a step backwards.

The show opened up in the worst way possible, with Cena and Owens in and segments that took their feud down and familiar and oft-trodden dead end. This feud started out as Owens wanting to make his mark and prove his superiority. It should have stayed there.

It has now devolved into every other Cena feud – time to expose the ‘lies’ of Cena. Only this time Owens mentioned his son as a catalyst for this.

So wait, they had a great match right? Right. They could have another great match this Sunday, right? Could be.

If anyone thinks this is a fresh angle for this feud, or that it is a good angle, I question how long you have watched the WWE? About two weeks?

The motivation for this feud is weak at best not. Cena just ended a feud with Rusev, who also promised to expose the ‘lies’ of John Cena. Bray Wyatt, Kane, The Rock, JBL, Edge and countless others feuded with Cena over the exact same reason as Owens now is.

I want another great match. I also want something fresh and different.

The theme of the entire night retread another story: potential disbanding of the Authority.

Seth Rollins has claimed recently that he doesn’t need anyone, JJ, Kane or the Authority. He backed off of that though, as he said he DIDN’T mean Steph and Hunter. Hunter put Seth into a position to prove he doesn’t need the Authority, he win a match without them, and he ca choose his own opponent.

The source of Seth’s recent lashing out, Dean Ambrose, hung out around New Orleans with Seth’s title belt all Monday evening. Posting picture of his ‘celebration.’

After a confrontation between J&J and Seth that got physical, we had our main event. Seth decided to face J&J, to prove he doesn’t need them.

Unfortunately for Seth, the main event match up proved two things, neither one a positive for Seth.
First it proved that Jaime Noble and Joey Mercury can still go. These two have skills and proved it Monday Night.

The second things it proved is that Seth does need the Authority. Joey Mercury pinned Seth for the win! Of course, Ambrose had a little to do with the outcome.

This was a nice twist, as they actually went further with teasing Seth leaving the Authority then they have. This time there was no swerve that it was all a set up. This time Seth lost.


Over all this was a lackluster RAW Broadcast. It basically retread every current feud from Elimination Chamber and added little. For a GO HOME show leading into the Money in the Bank PPV it was weak. This is a problem caused by have two major events within two weeks.

The Main Event saved this broadcast to a small degree.


MATCH OF THE NIGHT: J&J versus Seth Rollins


Much like RAW Monday Night, SMACKDOWN was a lackluster show and didn’t really deliver on being a GO HOME show for Money in the Bank.

The one high point of the show was Dolph Ziggler versus Seth Rollin – which is wasted here. This is a Main Event, World Title feud match up.

The only real build up was done for the World Title match in an opening promo segment between Dean Ambrose and Rollins. The segment was hilarious with Dean recounting his adventures in New Orleans with the World Title, and Seth coming out and demanding the title.

In a sudden change of attitude, Dean laid down the belt and let Rollins have it. Rollins was happy until the reveal – it was a WWE Toy Replica Belt!

As Dean left, Kane appeared and booked the above references Rollins v Ziggler match.

Ryback and Miz finally had their IC Title match, and Ryback made his first successful defense. Following that, Big Show came out, promising the win Sunday. They have done more this past week to build up this match than any other match of then the World Title and Cena/Owens matches.

During the show Nikki Bella cut a promo that repeated her RAW promo. Didn’t really help promote or set up the match.

In her match Paige struggled against Alicia Fox, but looked strong in a tap out victory.

The lone set up for the actual Money in the Back Match was a six man main event. It was not a good match and didn’t have a finish. It ended with everyone laid out on the ground, and Neville standing on a ladder symbolically holding up a Money in the Bank briefcase (We can only Hope).


Much like RAW this was a lackluster, average at best SMACKDOWN Broadcast. If RAW was a retread, this was a retread of a retread. All it basically did was reiterate what matches will be taken place Sunday, but did little to make anything special, or encourage anyone to watch.


MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Dolph Ziggler versus Seth Rollins
LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Ryback versus The Miz

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