Tuesday, March 24, 2015

State of the WWE Part 2 - CREATIVE

Creative, everyone seems to want to bash creative whenever anything goes wrong in the WWE. Who are we really bashing? Does anyone online know exactly who are the ‘creative’ of the WWE are and how it operates? I don’t think so.

Oh, it seems to be easy and popular to blame all the decisions on Triple H, Stephanie and Vince, but I doubt that is 100% the case. Truth is we don’t know who comes up with what, who makes what decisions and what the process is. We are not there.

What I want to do in this piece is briefly talk about what we do know of the creative side of the WWE – the final product that hits RAW, Smackdown, Superstars, Main Event and PPVs.

I will say this, creative has been on a massive slide for almost a year. Ever since Daniel Bryan’s injury, it has seemed like everything they have put forward is piecemeal, on the fly and without any vision. The guys that are supposed to be ‘creative’ didn’t make any adjustment to the storylines, angle or matches.

There could be any number of reason for this – they weren’t sure how to do it, they couldn’t agree, or they weren’t allowed. Or it could be any combination.

After Bryan’s injury, came the piss poor decision to put the belt on Brock and Roman Reigns’ injury.

These were three challenges the WWE was face with. Two beyond their control. Brock Lesnar as Champion is probably one of the things that creative is NOT allowed to make adjustments with.

The WWE saw these as negatives, the injuries, but they should have seen these as a positive opportunity to make changes and at least try to see what talent would step up and who to elevate. They failed.

What did we get? Cena versus the Authority. That ended is a piss poor payoff that should have gotten writers fired.

I am a professional writer, so maybe I can see the missing logic, bad story lines and terrible angles where others may not. However I don’t believe that.

Almost every fan I know feels the same way, they can see the problems that the WWE has in their presentations, where the WWE apparently doesn’t, can’t or won’t.

I know they can do better. I have watched them do better. It’s time for them to do better.

Currently WWE ‘Creative’ seems to be inept.

Ace Masters

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