Thursday, March 19, 2015




It is not a good sign that only two days later, I can barely remember most of what happened on RAW. No, it’s true. I remember the high points and good things I liked, most of the promos, but was there even a decent match on RAW?

It’s been this way for months now, to be honest. Good thing I DVRed it.

The main focus of this show was Randy Orton and Seth Rollins, building up their feud and coming match at WrestleMania. They opened and closed the show, with plot points weaved throughout the broadcast. It was well done, even if we knew how it was going to end.

The hot opening to the show had Rollins bitching about Randy Orton and members of the Authority apologizing to Rollins for what Randy did. Rollins accepted Orton’s challenge for WrestleMania, but only if Orton faced him tonight.

Of course Orton accepted.

Nikki Bella defeated AJ Lee in a fairly good match that saw outside interference from both Paige and Brie. AJ didn’t not look good in this match. In truth, AJ has not looked sharp since her return.

We interrupt RAW for the Contact Signing Sketch Show starring John Cena, Michael Cole, Rusev, and some guy JBL said they dug out of Community Theater. This was the worst contract signing segment I have ever seen, and there have been hundreds of those. Rusev’s ‘lawyer’ didn’t help matters. What language was he speaking anyway?

You know it’s bad when JBL and Booker bury the segment.

When Brock Lesnar does his sit down promos he is Epic. His promo for Mania versus Reigns was top notch. Too bad he doesn’t do that in the ring. It did help the build for his match at Mania.

Kane held a mini-battle Royal with some of the Andre Memorial Battle Royal participants, to prove how he would win the match. It didn’t go quiet as planned as a returning Mark Henry would stand tall.

Brock Lesnar is not a pacifist, as if we need to be told that. Heyman’s promo was passionate and on mark, but paled next to Brock’s. It also paled, and I can’t believe this, compared to the next promo.

Has Reigns arrived? I am not a fan of Roman Reigns that should be clear. However, his promo this night was the best thing he has done in his entire career. For the first time I saw and felt the fire coming from Reigns, something that has sorely been lacking.

Apparently we had a Smackdown repeat interrupt RAW. The same IC Title theme six-man match from Smackdown had a rematch tonight, complete with R-Truth on commentary with the IC title clipped to the back of his jacket.

Great stuff, and still an awesome build to Mania.

Dean pinned Barrett to win the match. However, Barrett laid everyone out and reclaimed his belt in the end.

During the broadcast, we saw the Authority bail on Rollins, complete with J&J quitting on him. Stephanie told him to be a man and handle this himself.

Randy comes out first. Seth’s music played, but he never gets into the ring. He cuts a promo saying how he made a fool out of Randy – the Authority joins him. Obviously everyone bailing on Seth was a set up. Randy being Randy doesn’t back down, grabbing a chair, he makes a stand.

As Rollins, J&J, Big Show and Kane make their way into the ring . . .

The Arena goes dark.

A crowing is heard.

Sting is here!

He and Randy clean house to end the show.

After the show they aired a WWE Network Special ‘Interview with Sting.’ It wasn’t as advertised. The segment last about three minutes.

Randy said this was ‘cool.’

Sting said he’s waited fourteen years to be in this ring, and he is going to take down Hunter at WrestleMania.

FINAL THOUGHTS: A hit and miss broadcast. The makes were not that good. The build to Mania was. The main event segment saved the show. Overall Average.

IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: I want to say Brock Lesnar’s promo. I want to say Sting. I can’t. The Impact of the Night was Roman Reigns promo. Believe That.
LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Contract signing.


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