Monday, March 9, 2015

State of the WWE-Part 1 Opening Thoughts

This is the first piece in a 10 part State of the WWE. We are on the road to WrestleMania, so what better time to break down the WWE.

Part 1, this post, is my open thoughts to where the WWE is at, why, and leads into the series of State of posts.

The best way to describe the WWE at the moment is Lackluster at Best or Worst. They have failed to put on any reasonably good edition of RAW or Smackdown since Summerslam. Along those same lines Summerslam was the last passable PPV they produced.

To be blunt 2014 was creatively the worst year I have ever seen in the WWE. The three reasons for this are Daniel Bryan, Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar.

Daniel Bryan start 2014 off on fire, rightfully winning the title at Mania. If not for his injury, Bryan would have been the Reigning and Defending World Champion we knew he could be. But his injury cut that short, forcing a change in plans.

This was by no means his fault, nor is it his fault that WWE creative didn’t have enough creative sense to do anything but drop the ball.

The problem with Reigns isn’t even Reigns himself, or his injury. It’s his push. He was getting a big push before being sidelined, then received an even bigger push after returning to get him back on track. The problem is Reigns is being shoved down the universe’s throat.

Listen to the reaction, fans just don’t care about the guy. He shows no emotions, can barely talk, has no personality to speak of and there is very little for people to emotionally invest in. If Daniel Bryan was Reigns, no one would like him either.

Reigns injury sidelined his push and slow build into ‘the man.’ To make up for that did the WWE modify and go a different route? No, instead they fast tracked Reigns, pushing everyone to the side for him.

The fans are letting everyone know their opinion of that.

Brock Lesnar is a beast, but a beast at what? It sure as hell isn’t being a beast of a workaholic. He has defiantly conquered not showing up for work. Brock Lesnar is the biggest reason the WWE has been on a massive slide.

Two, TWO, title defenses since Summerslam. That is two title matches in seven months. Without a defending champion, what does the top of the roster have to fight for? Wait, for their jobs against the Authority, that’s right.

Not having Bryan or the WWE Title around lead to the Authority’s massive rise in a more prominent role, which lead to all feuds revolving around the Authority. There was no title to fight for, so they had to do the next best thing – fight for control.

Cause and effect. The cause: No Bryan, No Title with Brock not around, Reigns injury; The effect: The Rise of the Authority. The Cause: The Rise of the Authority; The effect: the slide of the WWE.


Ace Masters.

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