Saturday, March 28, 2015

Wrestlemania 31 World Heavyweight Title Match - Brock Lesnar versus Roman Reigns

Brock Lesnar versus Roman Reigns is not a dream match of mine. I have no real problem with the match, but it is not a match I am looking forward. One reason is that I am not a fan of either men, and the buildup has been bad for a title match.

I am not a fan of Roman Reigns in any aspect of his career. He has no personality, little charisma and most of the time looks like he thinks it is all a joke. I honestly believe he is on the verge of laughing nearly anytime I see him.

Outside of the Superman punch and spear, what does Reigns bring in ring? Not much. He has the look, the build and the style that WWE seems to love so much. That is about it.

All that aside, Roman busted his ass over the last few weeks to promote this match, without Brock around. Yes, there was Heyman, but he isn’t in the match. It fell on roman to do the heavy lifting. He almost succeed and last week’s promo was his best.

Brock, on the other hand, brings so much ability as a wrestler it is ridiculous. He also suffers from the lack of personality and charisma, but it doesn’t affect him as much. Of course, when he does his ‘sit down interview’ he is awesome.

Don’t expect a great Mania World Title Match here. Or a wrestling match. Expect a fight, a brawl, and for Brock to carry the load.

Personally, Roman is not on Brock’s level.

The problem is, Brock’s lack of appearances and lack of defenses have seriously devalued the title to the point of being worthless. The title means nothing in the hands of Brock Lesnar, and his is the worst title reign in WWE history.

Brock has to lose the WWE title, and lose it now. Reigns may not be my ideal champion, but he can restore some luster to the title. At least he will be around to defend the title and be on Raw and Smackdown on regular basis.

Ace Masters

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