Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Dave's Battle Axe - AWF > NXT

Professional wrestling has been popular the world over in one form or another for generations. The bedrock of its popularity is its availability. From traveling shows to the rise of television markets and now, online archives that span decades, wrestling is more ubiquitous than ever.

And it’s not necessarily the mainstream product that everyone knows that’s drawing the most heat in that ubiquity these days. Ever since the launch of the WWE Network, one of the breakout shows has been NXT. All my wrestling friends were constantly telling me about how exciting the young, new talent is that WWE has. Full Sail University’s electric crowds and unique characters do make for a fast and fun show.

The upside of NXT is undeniable just on a talent level. Recent additions like Finn Balor and Hideo Itami raise the bar considerably. But after having watched a number of NXT episodes on Hulu Plus over the past several weeks, I can’t get past this nagging feeling . . .

NXT for all its storyline wishes is still just the proving ground for future WWE superstars. As such, it feels like the Jr., promotion to the bigger show that it is. There’s nothing wrong with that but give me the rough and ready action that the Arizona Wrestling Federation puts on here in Glendale, AZ over that, any day.

For a small, local promotion, AWF has shown me event after event some of the best in-ring and storyline action I’ve seen in a long time. By blending excellent local talent with excellent indie circuit guys and gals, they have put on shows that excel, and the crowds have grown at every event. And why not? Chris Evans and Alex Sinister topped off their recent trio of matches with a no dq, Skittles and Ladders classic that both rivals their epic first match last year and is another early candidate for match of the year (sorry WWE).

With hissable heels like Pali Prince and Jay Garland and kid-friendly baby faces like Los Fox Stars and Alexander Hammerstone, AWF is doing wrestling the right way. There’s titles to exchange, fun to be had and they don’t even cost 9.99 a month! If you want to find out more about what AWF has been doing lately, check out their YouTube channel. You may even catch a glimpse of the Wrestlementary crew on some of the shows!

AWF Youtube:
AWF Website:

Dave Parrish

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