Monday, October 27, 2014


Hell in a Cell was great, but it raised a few questions.

Is Cesaro hurt or in the doghouse? The matches between him and Ziggler have been epic, but to have Ziggler sweep (in IC title matches) was quite surprising.

When are they going to stop having Usos versus Gold/Stardust matches? It is time they bring up some of those NXT tag teams to compete. I am ready for the Usos to break into singles careers.

Is Brie Bella pregnant with a little Danielson on the way? Is her loss to Nikki a window to maternity leave?

Why didn’t they put Orton over to face Lesnar? That would have been a fresh and great way to get Orton over at a new level we haven’t seen in years.

The Ambrose, Rollins match had so much more potential, but I do not think they wanted to hurt either wrestler and it was a great way to bring back Bray. Better question is, when do we finally get to see Sister Abagail debut?

Lots of cool things finally happening due to the results of Hell in a Cell.

 - Ken Brown

Bio - Ken Brown is my great friend, a huge wrestling fan and the esteemed own of Arizona’s best comic book store, the multiple Eisner Award Nominated, Drawn to Comics – Check out his store in person, or on the web.

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