Monday, October 20, 2014

WEEK IN REVIEW 10/12 to 10/18

Hello All!

This is the Week in Review of my coverage of WWE and TNA; it will also have some coverage of the local AWF event from Saturday Night (10/18).

Last week I ripped into the WWE for poor shows that I refused to even rate. TNA put out the superior product, and it easily showed. Was this week different?

Finally, the WWE put out a good RAW broadcast, rather than the crap they have dropped on us the last month. It even added a new spin to the tired Ambrose/Cena/Rollins feud, even if the show fell flat at the end with the typical authority attack.

In my full review, I listed almost everything on the show as a high point. The problem they have is still a big one, the Divas. Until they can right the Divas’ ship that is way off course, we will never get a truly good show, as they just anchor it down.

What did Smackdown do this week? It started out Hot with Rollins’ promo and a match with Dolph Ziggler. Then . . . well, from that point on Smackdown descended into mediocrity and we got another Kane v Ambrose main event where Kane is made to look like a floundering fool.

So, in review WWE was Hot and Cold this week. RAW was Hot and during Smackdown someone turned the faucet.

TNA once again put out a decent show. An average one at best, not quite up to last week, but still delivering on the good run they have had these last two months. The only real problem is the crowds they are getting.

At times, I am not even sure the crowd knows they are at a wrestling show. I think they just show up for free drinks and a wrestling event breaks out.

What I will say is this AWF delivered again, on the fifth event I have attended. They also did something the WWE has failed to do in many a year, put on a great Survivor Series style 10-man elimination match. The card was solid throughout and this was on par with this week’s IMPACT for show of the week.
My full review will be up on Wednesday.

FINAL THOUGHTS: A good week for wrestling fans. We are finally having a card set for Hell in a Cell, hopefully it will be good.

RAW got on track this week, Smackdown went off. IMPACT has stayed on course and needs to put on the autopilot and stay there.

AWF was a great time.

WRESTLER OF THE WEEK: Dolph Ziggler. Two great matches this week gets him the spot.
MATCH OF THE WEEK: Seth Rollins versus Dolph Ziggler. See Ziggler again.
IMAPCT OF THE WEEK: Dean Ambrose contract win. Let’s hope this stands up and means something.

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