Saturday, October 11, 2014



Last week Impact was not a very good show, it barely passed my stress test and I had many issues with the show. This week is different.

This show, while not on par with the Manhattan Center shows, was superior to last week’s show in every way.

There were far better matches, good promo segments, but a horrendous crowd.

The crowd. Dave Parrish texted me that the crowd was so quite he thought he was in church while watching the show. It’s amazing that a professional wrestling crowd can be so quiet, and honestly, lame. This is not making TNA look good to potential network suitors if they can’t get a crowd going.

Only twice did they crowd react to anything. The first was in support of Spud. It was nice to see Spud getting some love.

The only other time was for Full Metal Mayhem; they came alive and even had a couple of chants going. Too little too late though.

That is my only real low point for the show.

Spud slapping EC3. EC3 turned a corner a couple of months back and has become one of the best things about TNA. Spud could be on the verge of turning his corner. He did not allow EC3 to push him around and even mocked EC3. When EC3 called Spud a loser, Spud responded with ‘I am Rockstar Spud.’ When EC3 slapped Spud, Spud slapped back. Yes, Spud was fired, but Spud also showed his fire.

The important thing here is that he called himself ROCKSTAR SPUD. He hasn’t done that in a long time. He said it with confidence. Is this his face turn? Could we see him return to the leather-wearing, obnoxious, anti-authority ROCKSTAR gimmick? That would be nice.


Bobby Roode called out Bobby Lashley, wanting Lashley’s answer to his challenge. Last week Bobby received MVP’s answers, but he wants to hear directly from Lashley. Of course, Lashley doesn’t come out; MVP does and repeats his answer from before, No.

King picked up on Bobby’s claim that he will do anything to be World Champion again, which leads to a match, MVP and King versus Bobby Roode. If Roode wins, he gets his title match. If Roode loses, he never gets a shot at the World Title for his entire career.

I’ve always wondered this, how can talent make matches and stipulations without ‘management’ approval or contacts?

Later in the back, Lashley shows up while MVP and King are talking. MVP tells him what is going on. King tells him to have a ‘Thank you’ ready.

Bobby doesn’t look to be on the same page as MVP and King.

There was a backstage confrontation between Gunner and Shaw. Tension rises between the two as Gunner tell Shaw to be himself and Shaw tells Gunner to be more supportive.

Three-way Knockouts match to determine the next challenger to Havok after her title defense against Velvet Sky at Bound for Glory. Havok versus Velvet Sky at Bound for Glory? They just announced this? Bound for Glory takes places this weekend and we are only now hearing the matches?

The match pits Angelina Love versus Taryn Terrell versus Madison Rayne. A standard knockout match, and that means a good match. Madison Rayne won the match and title shot. Taryn won a beat down from Havok as Madison left for the back.

Damn good tag team match between Storm and Sanada versus Low Ki and Tigre Uno. This match was exciting, fast paced and hard hitting. The time that Low Ki and Storm had in the ring was awesome. I want to see a singles match between those two.

No DQ match between Bram and Shaw. Not a great match, but a serviceable one and a hard-hitting match that actually used the No DQ stip, with chairs and Bram’s signature turnbuckle spike. Shaw stepped up big time and put on his best match to date, but fell short as Bram won the match.

Handicap Match for a World Title Shot, MVP and Kenny King versus Bobby Roode. I have to admit, this match was a bit of a letdown. With these three guys involved, it should have been better. The end was also confusing, after Roode pinned MVP, Lashley attacked Roode to prevent the pin fall on King. Roode wins the match, but not the Title Shot? Tenay claimed on commentary that the stipulation was that Roode had to submit or pin MVP and King. That was never mentioned before the match. Cheap screw job.

I asked about how can talent make matches, that was answered backstage after this match. According to Kurt Angle, they can’t. MVP can’t make matches, the match doesn’t count and Bobby Roode will be able to compete for the World Title again.

Full Metal Mayhem between the Hardy’s, Team 3D and The Wolves. This is the match that finally, almost, lived up to the billing. It was a really good match and all six guys went all out. My only drawback was there were too many planned out spots where it seems like the guys were waiting for things to happen.

The Wolves won, leaving Team 3D and the Hardy’s laying. I’m a little surprised by that. I thought, like many others, that TEAM 3D would win, and go into the Hall of Fame as tag champions. I think this was the right call though, The Wolves are the team that should have won, they are the future of TNA Tag Teams.

FINAL THOUGHTS: I needed my wrestling fix this week, especially after a terrible Monday Night Raw. TNA IMPACT delivered. This was a really good show, I may have been disappointed with the MVP/King versus Bobby Roode match, but there wasn’t a bad match on the card and the promos were good too.


MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Full Metal Mayhem

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