Wednesday, October 15, 2014


There is something brewing in the desert this Saturday, October 18. This is something that no one can afford to miss and that anyone in the Metro Phoenix Area, or the state of Arizona should attend.

What is it?

Arizona Wrestling Federation Presents:
The Elimination

That’s right. The AWF puts on its next show this Saturday.

The Elimination is a massive 10-man tag team match, with the teams being lead into combat by AWF Champion Adrian Hawkins and his biggest threat The Prophet.

Team Hawkins will consist of Adrian Hawkins, Aydan Colt, Jay Garland, Pali Prince, Magod Ali.

Team Prophet: The Prophet, Alexander Hammerstone, Awesome Andy, Danny Gee, Hawaiian Lion.

Both teams consist of AWF stalwarts, but I know little about the Hawaiian Lion, as I have not seen him in action. That said, with the level of talent on both teams, this match should blow the roof off the house.

Personally, I am going with Team Hawkins. I think Adrian Hawkins and Pali Prince might be villainous enough to pull this out. The most dangerous man in the match could be Hammerstone though.

The show will also seem some fallout from last month’s Retribution event, starting with R-three taking on the man who attacked him last month, the recently identified Michael Kruger.

Per the AWF website, the show will also feature: Los Fox Stars, Kahmora, Hudson Envy and The Deans of Chaos and I am sure more great talent.

FINAL THOUGHTS: GET TICKETS NOW! They are only $7 (online), $10 (at the door). I have been to four AWF events and haven’t been disappointed yet. There has yet to be one bad moment, or a bad match.

AWF website:

AWF Facebook:

AWF Youtube:

They may not be the big boys, but they sure deliver like they are playing on that stage. The AWF men and woman have great talent, lots of heart and go all out.

If you live in Arizona, need your wrestling fix and are tired of TNA and WWE then you owe it to yourself to check out the AWF.

To quote James Storm, if you miss out of the AWF, ‘Sorry about your damn luck.”

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