Monday, October 6, 2014

CJ’s Sight NXT 10/02/2014

Charlotte pins Bayley in about 10:43 to retain the NXT Women’s Championship
Charlotte wins with the Natural Selection. Damn, this was an excellent match between the two. I would rate this the same as their NXT Takeover II match. The match was different from the first, but accomplished the same thing. They both impressed us, fantastic work from the wrestlers.

A taped segment occurred with Enzo, Cassidy, and Carmella. Enzo told Carmella that he would teach her everything he knows. Enzo hits on Carmella but she drop kicks him out of the ring. Funny stuff. I actually enjoyed the segment from these two.

Baron Corbin destroys Troy McClain in a minute
Typical squash. Awesome finisher. Moving on.

The VaudeVillians defeated Jason Jordan and Tye Dillinger in about 3:58
English pinned Dillinger after a Swanton. NXT is definitely enhancing their Tag Team Division. This match definitely proves that they are on the right path.

Backstage, Devin Tayler was talking to Bayley about another loss for the Championship. Sasha attacked Bayley. Sasha says she will show why she is the BOSS of NXT.

Adrian Neville pins Tyson Kidd in about 12:48 to retain the NXT Championship.
Neville picked up the pinfall after the Red Arrow. Damn this was another excellent match tonight. These two have so much chemistry together. Titus O’Neil was at ringside and tried to interfere until Sami Zayn ran down and hit O’Neil with a Helluva Kick. It was a nasty looking kick, too. Excellent work from everyone.

Overall, this was an awesome edition of NXT. There was not a bad spot on the entire show. The two title matches left us wanted all those competitors to meet again. The other two matches accomplished something. The backstage and taped segments were entertaining. As I said earlier, there was not a bad spot on this show. Well done from everyone involved with this show. Crew included.

Final grade 7.5/10.

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