Sunday, October 5, 2014

Week in Review 9/28 - 10/4

Unfortunately do to some commitments I was unable to watch Smackdown until late Saturday night. There is no full review of Smackdown, but it is covered here.


I love Professional Wrestling. I love good Professional wrestling even more. You know, action packed events that actually have life and death matches taking places inside a squared circle. Matches, not episodes of the View with half-naked guys bitching and moaning, well, like bitches.

Unfortunately, it seems like the WWE has more in common with The View at time than it does Professional Wrestling. I understand the whole ‘Soap Opera for men’ theory, but when it becomes a Soap Opera . . .

If we want make an analogy, Pro Wrestling should be a full throttle, pedal to the metal action film, a live action Die Hard, with thrills, spills, intensity and some good drama.

Instead, we get General Hospital. Not even that good, what we are getting right now is more like Corporal Hospital.

This past Monday Night Raw was a pathetic rehash of the previous week. In fact, Smackdown was a repeat of Raw, from the opening of the show to the main event. The only difference being that Cena bailed on Ambrose. (Am I the only one who noticed how Cena has constantly screwed tag team partners?)

With Smackdown, I feel like I spend more time fast forwarding through Raw recaps, then actually watching Smackdown. Yes, there were matches, but mostly retreads.
Were there some good moments this week? Of course. The Low Points greatly outweighed the High Points though. The Ambrose v Cena v Rollins feud is wasting away with no new movement. With Seth Rollin’s wussing out to Paul Heyman, what does it mean now if either Cena or Ambrose gain revenge?

At this moment, I’d rather see Ambrose versus Cena.

The WWE needs to do something and do it now. They haven’t even set one match for Hell in a Cell yet.


TNA was better than WWE this week, but that is not saying much. The last few weeks of TNA have been superior to WWE. They have also been superior to this week’s TNA broadcast.

This week saw poor payoffs to almost perfectly built up stories – Havok’s Battle royal win and Aries’ Tournament win.

There was also a sloppy match between Aries and Joe.

Then there was the crowd. Were they there for TNA or some other event they were waiting for?

FINAL THOUGHTS: This was not a good week for the big boys. They can do better. Much better and we all know it. We as fans demand better, not just because we pay for tickets, merchandise and the Network, but because we know they can do better.

TNA, WWE do not take mine, or any other fans, criticism as not liking TNA, WWE or Pro Wrestling. We speak our honest feelings because we have faith. Faith that you can do better.

This is the point where I would normally name a Match, Wrestler and Impact of the week, but I honestly don’t think anything this week deserved or earned it.

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