Saturday, November 1, 2014

State of Wrestlementary


Hey Yo,

Welcome all wrestling fans. Back in July, I relaunched Wrestlementary and it has been good writing for this Blog. For me personally it was very therapeutic during my recovery.

If you are astute, you will have noticed that the blog has been a little quite lately. Wrestlementary is NOT going anywhere and is not going on Hiatus, as I recently announced the Burning Mind is (

Part of the reason for the quietness is scheduling issues with some of the writers, making time in their personal lives to write for the blog.

For me personally, I have been suffering from some exhaustion the past week or so. I have slacked off, much to my own disappointment.

Wrestlementary is poised to only improve as the future comes. By the first of this coming year, I plan to have an entirely new logo and I am hoping to expand coverage to more wrestling promotions in 2015. This past Monday we had ‘guest commentary,’ I am hoping for more of that in 2015.

As 2015 rolls on, I am looking into the possibility of doing podcasts and even videos for the Blog to make this more dynamic.

With the status of TNA seemingly in Flux, the WWE seemingly unsure of where it is heading creatively (Brock anyone?), the potential rise of Global Force Wrestling, we seem to be on the crux of some major changes in the wrestling landscape. Wrestlementary wants to be there to comment on it all.

Keep this is mind, the promise we have kept is that we wouldn’t rehash the same news repeatedly. Everything on Wrestlementary is unique and original. We don’t kiss ass. That won’t change.

Ace Masters.

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