Tuesday, October 21, 2014

CJ’s Sight NXT Review 10/16/2014

Baron Corbin squashed a jobber in about 13 seconds
That was a typical squash. They are definitely going full boar with Corbin. I am not complaining about that at all.

Sami Zayn made his way out to the ring and started to cut a promo about how he keeps losing the “Big One.” Tyson Kidd interrupted wearing a Zayn t-shirt mocking how Zayn never wins the big match. They traded verbal jabs at each other before concluding that they will have a match later on in the show.

This was an excellent promo by both men. They got to the point with intrigue and avoiding cute remarks. The verbal jabs served a point as they reflected the characters. Well done, Sami and Tyson!

Lucha Dragons defeated Blake and Buddy Murphy by pinfall in about 3:22
Sin Cara won from what I believe was a twisting victory roll. A very beautiful move. This match was better than the time stamp would say. This was a fast paced and high-energy match. It was done in a way that keeps the Tag Division looking competitive.

Charlotte defeated Becky Lynch in about 4:19
Charlotte won with the Natural Selection. This was another good outing by the NXT Women’s Division. Both the ladies worked hard and made the match believable. My only gripe is that they need to make more of a build to Charlotte’s finisher. It sometimes feels rushed, and that could get tiresome.

Les Legionnaires vs. Enzo Amore and Colin Cassidy ended in a No Contest.
Louis attacked Lefort to end the match. It was a very vicious looking attack on Lefort. Let’s see where this goes.

Carmella submits Blue Pants (Leva Bates) in about 30 seconds.
Carmella won with a head scissors crossface. I don’t mind the surprise debut win, but consensus says that Leva Bates is a good talent, and I hope to see her used in a better capacity than this.

A good backstage segment with Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch was shown. Sasha put Becky down and told her that being nice will never get anywhere. Sasha said that Becky should look in the mirror and ask herself if she has what it takes to be at the top.

A very well done segment. I am pleased with what they are doing with Sasha Banks.

Sami Zayn defeated Tyson Kidd by pinfall in about 10 minutes.
Zayn won after hitting the Helluva kick. This was a damn good match. I don’t think that these two are capable of having anything less together. I loved everything about this match, and it is far and away WWE’s match of the week. Nothing even came close to this mark. This match and this show is a must watch.

Overall, this was a good episode of NXT. Everything progressed in either storyline, character, or both. Everything made sense, and, to me, there was not a bad segment on this show.

Final Grade: B

Yes, I am changing the way I am grading shows.

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