Sunday, August 31, 2014

Week in Review 8/24 to 8/30

The final week of August proved a good one for the WWE and TNA, both started off weak and finished strong.

In the case of the WWE, they were coming off a few weeks of subpar programing (Raw and Smackdown). In the last two weeks, the WWE has begun to turn the ship around and do what we know they can do, produce good wrestling shows.

In the case of TNA two good shows back to back to wrap up August is a mini miracle. They have been so bad for such a long time that only Die Hard wrestling fans like myself kept tuning in. The last time they did anything of any value was Last Year’s Bound for Glory tournament.

I wrote in the State of TNA, that they seem lost as if no one cares. For these last two broadcasts, someone opened there eyes. If TNA can focus and put on more shows like this, that could fix a lot of their problems.

Better shows will lead to better ratings (or at least some fans who tuned out may tune backed in) and that leads to more $$$.

Final Thoughts: Summerslam turned things around for the WWE. They have set storylines and are leading up to Night of Champions.

TNA might have a vision of where they are going, and I hope they do. The next few weeks will be pivotal leading into Bound for Glory.

Match of the Week: TNA Six-man X Division Match

Wrestler of the Week: Jack Swagger. Yes, he came out on the losing end of both match, but how good was he in those matches?

Impact of the Week: TIE

  • Impact 1: Brock Lesnar’s promo on Monday Night, best of his career.
  • Impact 2: EC3 decimating Rhino. Again. The beat down of Rhino the week before proved to not be a fluke.

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