Sunday, August 17, 2014

Diva Dish Summerslam Predictions

The Miz (IC Champion) Vs. Dolph Ziggler. Winner: The Miz This feud looks to be just getting started and they've invested too much in the Hollywood Miz persona to have him lose in his first defense.

Bray Wyatt vs. Chris Jericho. Winner: Bray Wyatt. Jericho has made a point of giving a rub to the emerging talent when he returns. Wyatt will be no different. This is more of a makeup win for incorrectly booking Cena over the Eater of Worlds at Wrestlemania.

Flag Match: Rusev vs. Jack Swagger. Winner: Rusev. The Bulgarian Brute has more of a future beyond this feud regardless of the outcome than Swagger at this point. Look for Lana to be an instrumental distraction and Rusev to get the win, but for Swagger to stand tall at the end after the fight extends beyond the final bell.

AJ Lee (Divas Champion) vs. Paige.Winner: AJ Lee Booking hasn't really given any Divas on the main shows enough of a spotlight beyond Paige. Also the psychotic Brit got the upper hand in their smackdown brawl, so look for AJ to squeak by with some trademark sneaky behavior, like a rollup win or a double countout finish to really burn Paige up and raise the stakes in this feud.

Lumberjack Match: Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins. Winner: Seth Rollins.This is the best feud of 2014 so far, as both men continue to define their personas beyond the Shield. It feels too big to be settled in their first match since Rollins joined the Authority. Mr. Money in the Bank  will emerge victorious to drive Ambrose deeper into his own psychosis and give us more to look forward to at Night of Champions and perhaps beyond.

Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns. Winner: Roman Reigns. It's no secret Reigns is being groomed to be the next monster face in WWE. He will win a seesaw battle against the Viper in his first major 1v1 match on a pay-per-view card as the first step to the top of the main eventer's summit. Also look for  him to exceed some expectations of his capabalities as a power guy, but also to get a pretty clear picture of how far he has to go as Orton will smooth out the program's rough edges.

Stephanie McMahon vs. Brie Bella. Winner :Brie Bella. The storyline demands she gets her job back and given that Stephanie is the Queen Bitch Goddess of the Authority, getting her comeuppance will only open new doors for her to abuse her power, much like her dad in the attitude era.

John Cena (WWE World Hwt. Champion) vs. Brock Lesnar. Winner: Brock Lesnar. The writing has been on the wall since the Beast Incarnate took 2 out of 3 from Triple H, pinned CM Punk clean, beat the crap out of Mark Henry three times, squashed the Big Show and ended the Undertaker's streak in convincing fashion. Even if Daniel Bryan was still champion, Lesnar's eventual win at Summerslam has the look of a long term plan coming to fruition. Cena's actually managed to be engaging in his mic work leading up to this match to people over the age of 12. Dropping the belt in a brutal affair will make him an actual underdog for the rest of the year for the first time in his career. In other words... its best for business.

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