Saturday, August 30, 2014

Ace's Answer: SMACKDOWN 8/292014

Welcome to RAW, JR! Excuse me, I mean Smackdown.

However, it should be RAW, JR because for the last few months a big chunk of Smackdown has been replaying events from RAW. It does make it faster viewing when watching on DVR.

Smackdown lays an egg right off the bat with a painful match between Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns. Reigns is still green and needs some polishing, he tried his best to carry this match, but it just didn’t work.

Reign won by DQ when Rowan and Harper interjected themselves into the match, which brought out Mark Henry and The Big Show, who ran the Wyatt Family off.

The sad fact is, I am not even a fan of Roman Reigns, but I think he is better than this.

Seth Rollins versus RVD in a match hyped as unfinished business between the two. Even a short match between these two is good, and this one was. Both of these guys are highly athletic and talented. I have never been a big RVD fan for some reason, but I can’t deny how good he is.

Good match to follow up the poor opener.

Whose idea was it to put Emma into a match with Paige? It was a great match in that it was short and Paige squashed her. Following the match AJ Lee presented Paige with a valentine gift of chocolates?? Paige ate one of the chocolates at the urging of AJ, only to spit it back into the heart box and skip off.

This is getting weird, sensual and awesome. I love what these two our doing.
Can we get rid of Emma though? She is Emmannoying and Emmabaoring. I would rather watch varnish dry on a flat board.

I have loved the series of matches between Rusev and Swagger, with no one truly coming out on top. This night’s match may be the best yet – except it was spoiled by Bo Dallas! Who the Hell made that call? It looks like we are going to get a Dallas/Swagger program. Will it be a feud? Or will Swagger become a BOliever? Personally, I want Swagger to knock the BOshit out of Bo Dallas.

Jimmy Uso, with Jay, goes one-on-one with Stardust, accompanied by Goldust. This feud is just getting started, and the Usos are looking for payback.

Oddly, Gold and Stardust come out to a face response. Before the match Goldust apologized for the attack on Monday Night Raw, saying he and Stardust lost their heads because they want the titles so much.

The match is over quickly when Jimmy rolls up Stardust for a quick pin. Jimmy is celebrating when Goldie attacks and the Dusts beat down the Usos again.

Once again, oddly I didn’t hear the Dusts being booed.

It was originally announced as The Moneymaker versus Sheamus. At the start of the match, The Miz announced that his stunt double from Raw, “The Method Man” Damian Mizdow, will face Sheamus tonight.

Mizdow started out strong and vicious, but ended up on the losing end very quick. After Sheamus won, The Miz (real deal) did a hit and run and tried to escape, only to be cut off by Dolph Ziggler. The Miz was able to escape, letting Mizdow take a Brogue Kick, while he smiled his way off camera.

This was okay, and a far better use of The Mizdow idea than Monday Night. I wonder if this will be an ongoing thing, like Alex Riley.

Okay, our main event for the show grew out of the pour opening match between Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns. It is now the Wyatt Family versus Roman, Big Show and Mark Henry. At least Harper is involved.

I was pleasantly surprised with this main event. It was far better than I thought it would be. Rowan and Harper did the heaving lifting for the Wyatt’s and rightly so. Both of them are far better in the ring than Bray Wyatt.

The flow of this match went back and forth, with both sides dominating the match at different points. The finale of the match was nice, with Harper going for the spinning clothesline, only to be speared by Reigns for the win.

Final thoughts: Over all this was an average broadcast of Smackdown, filled with matches and lots of Raw Recaps. Lots. Smackdown was a little disappointing, consider how good Raw has been the last two weeks and last week’s Smackdown.

Rating: 5.5

Match of the Night: Rusev versus Swagger – even with Bo Dallas’s interference.
Wrestler of the Night: The Big Show – he looked great in the main event.
Impact of the Night: There wasn’t one.

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