Saturday, August 9, 2014


If you don’t know what NXT is, the simple explanation is this: it is WWE Development Broadcast. Think of it as AAA Baseball. The NXT weekly, hourly show has been broadcast on HULU for years before the WWE Network.

It is broadcast on HULU and the WWE Network on Thursday nights.

What is the State of NXT? It’s Better than that of the main WWE and better than TNA.
How good is NXT? $9.99 a month.

NXT is filmed at Full Sail University and is basic a Studio Show. What makes NXT so good are 1) The Talent; 2) Tight focus on structure and 3) lack of bullshit.

The Talent: Sami Zayn, Adrian Neville, Tyler Breeze, The Asencion, The Vaudevillians just to name the top talent in NXT. These only scratch the surface. There is talent here that is better than talent on the main roster.

Sami Zayn for instance is an extremely charismatic performer with great presence and good in ring skills. He might not have the muscle mass some in WWE prefer, but on every other level, he excels. The biggest plus for Zayn, is you can tell he loves this.
If nothing else, he will get the crowd involved.

The Asencion is the best tag team in the WWE. They have been NXT Tag Champs for a long time. Their style is almost a throwback to the ‘80’s, two destroyers who can’t be stop. The thing is they wrestle like a tag team, frequent tags, cutting off the ring, not like two single wrestlers thrown together.

Tight Focus on Structure: Structure is something very important in writing and producing.
NXT structure is very simple: In Ring Action, Back Stage Interview, with occasional promos and back stage confrontations. Everything done in NXT has purpose. If something happens, it furthers a feud, character development or storyline.

It’s like a lean steak, with all the fat cut off.

Lack of bullshit: This is self-explanatory. The bullshit skits, comedy segments, Vicki throwing up on Stephanie don’t happen on NXT.

NXT is a streamlined, excellent wrestling broadcast that puts the focus on the talent and in-ring action. Not on shock value.

Grade: $9.99 . . . or A

There is one thing that pisses me off about NXT though. It is what NXT proves.

NXT proves that the WWE can put out a better, wrestling focus product on Smackdown and Raw. If they followed the NXT structure, those shows would undoubtedly improve.

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