Sunday, August 3, 2014

Wrestlementary Officially Relaunched!!! State of Wrestlementary 8-3-2014

It doesn’t seem like that long ago I wrote a ‘State of Wrestlementary’ column. And it wasn’t that long ago, that ‘State of Wrestlementary’ piece was online on Monday, July 7, just about a month ago. I touched on a couple of things, and wrote that ‘it is happening now’ concerning the return of Wrestlementary.

Well, obviously ‘now’ wasn’t July 7, or 8, or 9. But it is today, Sunday, August 2. This currently ‘State of Wrestlementary’ is the official relaunch of Wrestlementary, which will continue tomorrow with the first column of C.J.’s Sight, from new writer Chris Rose.

At this point, I am not going to bring up the past, or discuss my medical issue that derailed Wrestlementary (and other blogs and projects) earlier this year. I want to discuss the present and possible future.

There are three things I want to touch on in this ‘State of Wrestlementary’:
What Wrestlementary is.
The current ‘State of Wrestlementary’
The Future.

What Wrestlementary is.

Back on January 11, I posted the first article to the Wrestlementary Blog, which explained what Wrestlementary is (read here: ). It can be summed up in two words: Wrestling Commentary.

It bears repeating here Wrestlementary is about covering WWE and TNA (for now) with reviews, commentary, thoughts and personal opinions.

Wrestlementary is NOT a news-reporting site. You will not find breaking news or insider info here (at least for now). There are dozens of so-called ‘wrestling news’ site to find those stories, usually all they do is repeat the same exact story over and over.

Here at Wrestlementary we want to bring you new and original columns daily. Not just repost the same info hundreds of other sites have posted.

The current ‘State of Wrestlementary.’

To be honest, the current ‘State of Wrestlementary’ is this: in flux. It is back, and back as full time as possible. I say in flux, because we need to get into a rhythm and get this going smoothly. With Dave Parrish, Chris Rose and Wes Kozalla on board, things should smooth out quickly.

I plan ‘in flux’ to change to great rather rapidly.

Between the four of us, there is a great depth of knowledge of professional wrestling. We each have our own opinions and thoughts, which will lead to some interesting articles to come.

Wrestlementary is about Professional Wrestling and discussing Professional Wrestling.

 The Future.

Who knows what the future holds. Simply put we want to put out the best wrestling blog/site that we can.

We hope to evolve and expand out in the future. Perhaps bring in other writers. Branch out to cover promotions other than TNA and WWE.

Maybe at some point we might even start covering news – but only in original articles, not repeated bull.

But our focus is the present. Wrestlementary is back.

Join us . . . come on; let us guide you through the murky world of Professional Wrestling.

Ace Masters.

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