Sunday, August 17, 2014

CJs Sight Summerslam 2014 predictions


Cesaro vs. Rob Van Dam
RVD is going on his contractual break soon. So I will give this victory to the man who desperately needs one.
Winner by pinfall: Cesaro

Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins in a lumberjack match
Who has more to gain here? Who can sustain a loss? Those are the questions here. Rollins has the MITB briefcase, and Ambrose has the crowd. Rollins can sustain a loss here, and Ambrose’s ‘anti-hero’ persona can definitely use the win. It will be fun to watch what the lumberjacks do to Ambrose and Rollins as they end up in the herd given the history of The Shield.
Winner by pinfall: Dean Ambrose

WWE Divas Championship: AJ Lee (c) vs. Paige
This is the match that I am having the hardest time predicting. AJ is the one to beat in the division, but she is established, and Paige is the rising star. Since it is the only relevant feud in the entire division, I can see Paige winning the strap and extending this feud.
Winner by submission and new WWE Divas Champion: Paige

Chris Jericho vs. Bray Wyatt
Wyatt has never been in the gutter more than he has now. Y2J always comes back to give the youngster a bit of a rub. This trend will maintain itself. However, since the Usos are not on the card, I wonder if Harper and Rowan will play a part with Usos coming to help Y2J. I can sense an impromptu tag title match taking place.
Winner by DQ: Chris Jericho
Harper and Rowan defeat The Usos to win the Tag Team Championship after the match. The Wyatt Family finally stands tall.

Flag Match: Jack Swagger vs. Rusev
WWE has always been known for their ‘feel good’ patriotic moments. This will be one of them. Rusev can sustain a loss with a gimmick match since he does not have to be pinned or made to submit.
Winner: Jack Swagger

Intercontinental Championship: The Miz (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler has more to gain from winning the IC Title. His career has been the drizzling shits since his WHC reign last year. A guy like Ziggler could do more to elevate the IC Championship than Miz could ever hope to. I hope the WWE realizes that.
Winner by pinfall and new Intercontinental Champion: Dolph Ziggler

Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton
Orton is stagnant. Reigns in the rising star. Too predictable.
Winner by pinfall: Roman Reigns

Brie Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon
I am going with Steph gaining the “W” here. Why? A sister on sister feud is one I do not remember the WWE ever diving into. Brie vs. Nikki would be new. The Authority gets their “Plan B”. Steph walks out with a grin, and Brie has babyface sympathy.
Winner by pinfall off a distraction: Stephanie McMahon

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) vs. Brock Lesnar
Question. Does the WWE want more Network subscriptions? Yes. Another question. Could they lose subscription from a stale character? Yes. It is simple. Brock Lesnar goes over. People are getting tired of Cena more so than ever. This feud has had solid build up and anticipation. It WILL be the fight of the summer. This match might even venture out of PG land. I do not think it will be a classic by any means though, but the WWE did to a fantastic job of hyping this match. I just do not see how they can justify a Cena win after Lesnar conquered The Undertaker’s undefeated streak.

Winner by pinfall and new WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Brock Lesnar

Those are my picks. I am looking forward to the show.
Thanks for reading along!

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