Saturday, August 16, 2014


Well, here we are one day away from the Hottest event of the Summer!

What can we expect from the second biggest event of the year? The only thing I know for sure is that it is a great steal for only $9.99 a month on the WWE Network (Cheap Plug).

Here’s what I do know, the announced card looks great on paper. For the first time in years, even the Divas matches have garnered interest. This has the potential to be the event of the year, if the WWE can execute it properly.

As of this writing, the following is the announced card:

Lumberjack Match: Dean Ambrose versus Seth Rollins
Divas Championship: AJ Lee defends versus Paige
Chris Jericho versus Bray Wyatt
Flag Match: Jack Swagger versus Rusev
Intercontinental Championship: The Miz defends versus Dolph Ziggler
Roman Reigns versus Randy Orton
Brie Bella versus Stephanie McMahon
World Championship: John Cena defends against Brock Lesnar

Match Breakdowns

Lumberjack Match:
Dean Ambrose versus Seth Rollins

Why? Why a lumberjack match? There were so many better matches that could have been put together. I personally believe this just sets the stage for something screwy to happen. The ring will be surrounded by all the enemies Dean and Seth made as The Shield?

Lumberjack matches are designed to make sure that neither man can get away, but often end in brawls. Who will win, if either man?

Dean has had the upper hand during this entire feud to date. It was also announced this week that Dean will be starring in WWE Studios Lockdown, to start filming next month. That and the fact that Seth is due to get the upper hand in this feud, has me leaning toward a Seth Rollins win.

They could do this: Rollins wins, Dean is ‘injured.’ Dean is gone for weeks, then shows up out of nowhere and costs Rollins his shot at the title reigniting the feud.

My pick: Seth Rollins.

Divas Championship: 
AJ Lee defends versus Paige

Please, can we have some massive violence in this match? These two girls are both supposed to be batshit crazy, but their last match was an utter waste of time. The best part about this feud so far was Paige pushing AJ off the ramp two weeks ago.

These two ladies are talented, good and vicious. We all know they can put on a great match and steal the show, and they should. AJ needs to snap and Paige needs to play her games, and be more vicious.

Paige needs to win this match. Period. If she doesn’t, it could hurt her future. A Paige win is better in the long run and will lead to a longer feud, which is something the Divas need. If Paige wins, then we get the chase, with AJ going after the title.

If AJ wins, what do we get? AJ versus Eva Marie?

My Pick: Paige.

Chris Jericho versus Bray Wyatt

The build up to this match over the last couple of weeks has been okay, but has also pissed me off. The main focus of the buildup has been Jericho beating Rowan and Harper and ensuring they won’t be at ringside, thus making this match one-on-one.

The buildup has also questioned whether Jericho can beat Wyatt one-on-one. Has everyone on the planet forgotten the last Par-Per-View Harper and Rowan were kicked out by the Ref and Jericho beat Bray one-on-one? Lame.

I expect the usual good to great match from Jericho. I expect the usual from Bray, looking lost, out of place and like he doesn’t know what to do.

Jericho should win. But, if he does, that places Bray in a very bad position. Bray needs the win; otherwise, they might have a hard time building him back up again. That said, if Jericho wins, that could send Bray on and out and out rampage – which he needs to do.

My Pick: Chris Jericho

Flag Match: Jack Swagger versus Rusev

Could this match steal the show? Possibly.

This is my sleeper pick for potential best match. The buildup has been good and subtle at times. This match is country versus country, confrontations between both sides, verbal sparring, near wins for Swagger, barely escaping for Rusev all leading to rising action.  

This is the blow off match, pride, patriotism and country honor on the line. Rusev has been built up as so unstoppable that his first lost could derail his career. Not in this case, I think. The build to this match and to Rusev's potential first loss has been long and slow. During this time they have also lit a fire under Swagger and he has been unstoppable.

Two month ago a loss to Swagger would be devastating to Rusev. Now it would just be a setback to overcome.

My Pick: Jack Swagger. WE THE PEOPLE

Intercontinental Championship: The Miz defends versus Dolph Ziggler

These two have had a couple of nice matches lately. The Miz has constantly been a thorn in the side of Ziggler. This match almost feels like an afterthought for Summerslam. They haven’t put the importance on this match they should have.

My pick: The Miz

Roman Reigns versus Randy Orton

With the two guys involved, especially Orton, this should be a hard hitting, violent and fast-paced match. It will be Reigns’ power games versus Orton’s sadistic violence and brains.

The buildup for this match has been really good, and spins out of the Evolution/Shield Feud. It just added fuel to the fire that Hunter pushed Orton on the idea that Reigns cost him the title match at this event.

If Orton can survive Reigns’ power, I see Orton winning with an RKO as Reigns goes for the Superman Punch.

My Pick: Randy Otron

Brie Bella versus Stephanie McMahon

This will easily be the most emotional match of the night. Brie Bella isn’t just fighting for her job, but her sister and the honor of her husband. I expect the crowd to really be behind her.

The build up to this match has been the best of any match on the card. This is truly a good versus evil match. Both sides have gotten physical, both have been arrested, and in true heel fashion, Stephanie has gone for the low blow with Megan (Daniel’s alleged mistress).

Brie is not great in the ring, but she has a lot more ring time then Stephanie. I look for Brie to carry this match. I am expecting a massive swerve in this match. Will there be a ton of outside interference? Will Megan interfere? Will all the Divas do Steph’s bidding and beat down Brie?

Where will Nikki be? And Daniel?

My Pick: Brie will somehow win the match, but Stephanie will come out on top in the end.

World Championship: John Cena defends against Brock Lesnar

I am not a fan of either man here, and this is my least looked forward to match of the card. I haven’t like the build up to this match, which is hampered by the lack of Brock’s presence for so long. A friend did mention to me how this is being built up more like a MMA bout then Pro Wrestling, and he could be right.

Bottom line, lots and lots of hype – and that is all there has been. Cena is the workhorse of the WWE. Brock is the ‘mercenary’ part timer.

I expect a hard-hitting match, but not a very long one. Cena won the last encounter, but that was not for the title.

The WWE sees $$$ in Brock. These is also the thought that Brock’s lack of air time would be an advantage, then when he does show up, people will pay more attention. After all, the champ doesn’t have to be on every broadcast.

My Pick: Brock Lesnar

Final thoughts:

As I wrote above, this card looks great on paper, and I am expecting a good show. I would say great, but the WWE has been a letdown lately. It will really depend on what direction they want to go. Of course, it also depends on the talent involved stepping up.

I believe that Orton versus Reigns has the best match up on paper and could be the match of the night. Concerning Brie Bella, I think she could put in the performance of her career.

The only thing that concerns me is that Summerslam could turn into a three hour commercial for the NETWORK. Don’t push the Network, guys; let a quality Summerslam convince more people to sign up. Stop whoring it out.

Expect a hot and wild time at Summerslam. Let’s hope the WWE delivers.

– Ace Masters


Dave Parrish, of DAVE’S BATTLE AXE, predicts:

Lumberjack Match: Seth Rollins defeating Dean Ambrose
Divas Championship: Paige as the new Champ
Chris Jericho overcomes Bray Wyatt
Flag Match: Rusev waves the Flag
Intercontinental Championship: The Miz retains
Roman Reigns wins over Randy Orton
Brie Bella preserves and defeats Stephanie McMahon
World Championship: Brock reigns supreme as new World Champ

Ace Masters predicts (repeated from Above):
Lumberjack Match: Seth Rollins wins
Divas Championship: Paige wins
Chris Jericho wins
Flag Match: Swagger wins
Intercontinental Championship: The Miz wins
Orton wins
Brie Bella wins
World Championship: Brock wins

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