Monday, August 25, 2014

Impact Stress Test


This commentary is late because of some personal issues, but here it is.

Last Week I renamed the Impact Review the Impact Stress Test and it failed the stress test. This week’s Impact broadcast was different – quiet different and this week Impact PASSED the Stress Test.

Like about half-a-million other people, it slipped my mind that Impact was broadcast on Wednesday now. In fact, when I saw my DVR recording something this past Wednesday, I was wondering what it was, but never checked.

To get straight to the point, this Impact (The so-called Hardcore Justice broadcast) is easily the Impact broadcast of the year. Maybe even the best broadcast they have done in over a year or longer. Why?

Easy, for this broadcast they lived up to the TNA name. (For those who don’t know, TNA stands for Total Non-Stop Action). The focus was on in-ring action with limited promos. Everything on this broadcast served a purpose.

The two major promos were well done. Dixie’s interview was restrained, somewhat remorseful, but put the thought out there that this isn’t over yet. She may be focusing on business outside the ring for now, but expected something big from Dixie. This was the best work Dixie has ever done, for the first time in years I believed what she said, and she actually had a hint of true menace to her at the end.

EC3’s promo was really impactful; he turned a major corner with his threat to Bully Ray. EC3’s beat down of Rhino was unexpected, but welcome. With this promo and beat down, he has finally arrived. It is an edge his character badly needed. He is no longer the former WWE Derrick Bateman, he is NOW EC3.

If he can do this on a regular basis, he’s the only Carter we need.

The matches were loaded on this card: Bram versus Abyss, Samoa Joe versus Low Ki, I Quit match, Gail Kim versus Angelina Love and the Six Sides of Steel with Austin Aries, Gunner, James Storm, Bobby Roode, Magnus, and Eric Young.

Bram beat Abyss in a pretty decent match Stairway to Janice match for the ownership of Janice. Bram has won three times in a row now, and I think this feud is over.

Joe got by Low Ki in the match of the night. Anytime these to get together it is good.

Kennedy made Shaw say 'I Quit' with Gunner looking on.

Gail Kim proved she is the best and toughest by winning a Last Knockout Standing Match beating Angelina Love, and Velvet Sky, even if Velvet wasn’t officially part of the match. This match was good, but could have been great if it wasn’t spoiled by the overdone interference of Velvet Sky.

The Six Sides of Steel match was really good, with some nice spots. The ‘draw’ ending was a little much though. Roode and Young escaping at the same time and the refs arguing over who won. I would have liked to see a clear-cut winner, but I get that this adds some drama.

Where are they going to go? Three way for the title? Or Roode versus Young for the title shot?

Of course, I have to cover the big announcement: the Three Way Series of matches between the Hardy, Team 3D and the Wolves. These should be great, but I am not as high on this as many people seem to be. This is more WWE lite, and copycat syndrome.

With this TNA is trying to recreate The Hardys versus The Dudleys versus Edge and Christian. It isn’t going to work. With all due respect to the Wolves (perhaps the best tag team today), they are not Edge and Christian. They don’t have the persona, personality or presence of Edge and Christian, nor do I think they have shown the edge and violence E&C were willing to go to.

Overall, the best of the year so far.

Rating: 6.5

Match of the Night: Samoa Joe versus Low Ki
Wrestler of the Night: Gail Kim
Impact of the Night: EC3’s beat down of Rhino.

- Ace Masters

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