Monday, August 4, 2014

C.J.'s Sight on NXT

NXT Review 07/31/2014

Tyler Breeze pins Angelo Dawkins in 1:08

Breeze won with the Beauty Shot. This was another squash to build up Breeze as a legitimate No. 1 contender for the NXT Championship. He has a good level of aggression to go with his ‘pretty boy’ gimmick.

After the match was a verbal exchange between Breeze and Neville. Breeze put over his music video and Neville demanded a date for their Championship match. Neville even used a ‘Mom’ joke towards Breeze that led to a physical confrontation with Neville getting the upper hand, nothing to write home about. Breeze is definitely the stronger of the two on the stick.

Adam Rose appearance was hyped. Jojo was backstage interviewing Natalya. Natalya put over how she found Rose to be exciting. Tyson Kidd appeared putting down Rose. Natalya called her husband a lemon. That’s grounds for a divorce there. This was more so to advance Kidd as a heel with a chip on his shoulder and the tension with Nattie.

Charlotte pins Becky Lynch in 4:10

Charlotte won with her ‘Bow Down to the Queen’ finisher. This was a solid match from the ladies. Charlotte did a very good job working over the left leg of Lynch throughout the match. It was something her dad used to do. The only gripe is that the match should have ended with submission that involved Lynch’s left leg. It would have made sense. I have no complaints with the overall match quality though.

The Ascension destroys a couple of jobbers in 2:21

Another Ascension squash. This team needs to be called up to the main roster right now. It is always the same old week after week. It is not even remotely interesting anymore. Plus, the NXT tag division has near zero credibility, but then again, it is like that on the main roster too.

Mojo Rawley and Bull Dempsey defeats The Mechanics by pin fall in 2:40

Bull got the pin after hitting the Bulldozer on Dash Wilder. A quick and painless match. This was The Mechanics first match on NXT. They are comprised of Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson. Rawley is still greener than his attire. He needs to slow down because he looks lost out there sometimes. I’ll give the suits the some credit. They are trying to build a tag division.

Backstage Bayley was talking about challenging Charlotte for the NXT Women’s Championship. Charlotte enters and puts Bayley down calling herself genetically superior. Short and effective by Charlotte. She is getting better every week at everything.

Adam Rose pins Tyson Kidd in 10:17

Rose won with a roll up in a very good match. There was a spot early in the match where Rose handed Nattie one of his suckers. Kidd jumped out of the ring, ripped it out of Nattie’s hand, and slammed it onto the mat. Kidd grabbed that sucker later in the match to mock Rose, and that’s where the surprise roll up took place. Good story told in the match with such a simple prop. Kidd then blamed the loss on Nattie. I am enjoying what is going on with Kidd’s character and Natalya. The match was well done by both men. If you have ten minutes to kill, watch this match.

Overall, this was an action packed edition of NXT. Only gripe is too many short matches as opposed to fewer and longer matches. However, there were a lot of storylines covered with those shorter matches taking place. A new tag team was established with the introduction of another, the main even storyline was pushed, we saw a good women’s match, Tyson Kidd’s character was pushed more, we had a very good main event match, and we saw Bayley possibly establish herself as Charlotte’s next challenger. I was entertained throughout - minus the Ascension squash.

Overall show rating 6.5/10.

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