Sunday, September 7, 2014

WEEK IN REVIEW 8/31 to 9/6

This week I wrote a few things I can’t believe I wrote:

Cena threaten a lawsuit
I named EC3 as the Impact of the Night on TNA Impact for the third straight week.
That TNA had a good broadcast of Impact for the third straight week.
Hunter did a Teddy Long Impersonation.
That Brie Bella actually had a good match.

Yes, those are all things I can’t believe I wrote. He is another thing that come this posting I know I won’t believe I wrote: TNA Impact was the best broadcast of the week. This is not something that I have thought in a year or more.

RAW and Smackdown coasted, barely delivering on anything. Raw was promo heavy with only one match of note, the Big Show/Henry versus Harper/Rowan match. There was JBL’s great line about putting down Adam Rose’s bunny as a menace to society after it attacked Heath Slater.

Smackdown was just a bad as Raw. One good match, a good Brie Bella performance and a Teddy Long impersonation from Hunter.

WWE impersonated a wrestling company this week.

TNA fired on almost all cylinders though. A Knockouts title match, a major new debut, X Division #1 contender’s match, World Title #1 contender’s match, Bobby Lashley versus Samoa Joe, EC3’s epic walk off after the Rhine/Spud match.

TNA’s had more and higher quality matches then the WWE this week, in one broadcast and everything served a purpose.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Here is another thing I can’t believe I am writing, TNA sweeps my Match, Wrestler and Impact of the week. Here they are:

MATCH OF THE WEEK: Eric Young versus Bobby Roode
IMPACT OF THE WEEK: EC3 walking out on Spud after the Spud/Rhino match.

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