Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Diva Dish: Post-NXT Takeover II Edition

The Dish is late this time around to cover NXT Takeover. I'm still marking out. The good and bad with the Divas in WWE illustrate on a smaller scale what's going on with the company's direction as a whole. Takeover II was no exception. The card was packed with slam bang excitement, closure for some and new twists and turns for others. Charlotte's title match with Bayley was an integral part of this epic night. The buildup was expertly booked for two women who proved they were indeed up to the challenge when it was time for the payoff.

(Charlotte gives free hugs her way. Credit:

NXT Women's Champion Charlotte and Bayley came up around the same time to NXT, but their paths to Orlando were quite different.

Born Pamela Martinez, Bayley began training under Jason Styles in Northern California's Big Time Wrestling. Working under the name Davina Rose, she honed her skills in the indies, including Shimmer, until WWE signed her in December 2012.

She clicked with her doe-eyed fan girl persona-- an ingénue who was insufferably happy to just to be in the business-- dishing out hugs and big smiles as she took her lumps. Over 2013 and 2014, Bayley has shown more of an edge, while not abandoning the sweetheart motif that has connected with kids and grownup fans alike. Bayley is all smiles and love coming down the ramp but she has shown her solid technical skills and genuine toughness. She was embroiled in a feud with Sasha Banks that flowed into her championship match at Takeover II with her opponent, NXT's reigning queen, whose path was a little different to this point.

(There's always room for hugs, kinda like Jell-O. Credit: WWE Network)

Before Ashley Fliehr became Charlotte, she was a standout volleyball player in high school, going on to the college ranks at Appalachian State in North Carolina. She signed a developmental deal with WWE in May of 2012. The company hoped capitalizing on the daughter of Nature Boy Ric Flair would pay off and so far, it has big time.

Charlotte is already one of WWE's best female technical wrestlers, and she's demonstrated command of the storytelling end of the craft as well. What makes her remarkable is that she was completely groomed within WWE's current developmental system. She not only gives credibility to WWE's performance center paradigm, but also sets a high standard for what homegrown Divas should be able to accomplish as professional wrestlers. The match between the Nature Girl and the Queen of Hugs is a serious women's match of the year candidate and proof of what WWE can do with their Divas if they want to.

(Charlotte keeps Alexa Bliss's chiropractor in a job during the NXT go-home before Takeover-Credit:

As booking takes two steps back for every move forward on the main roster, core fundamentals on what a great match should be were demonstrated in this bout. Bayley has shown more grit and edge over the last six months, while not abandoning the big kid inside her. She earned the title shot after an entertaining feud with fellow emerging star Sasha Banks. Charlotte took notice and, channeling the confident arrogance that made her Dad the greatest heel of all time, she made no bones about her willingness to destroy Bayley, who she thought was too soft to contend. Prior to Takeover II, Charlotte wouldn't even shake the top contender’s hand, and only gave her a warning: "Don't make me destroy you." With a fraction of the TV time that the Bellas and Total Divas get, excitement was buzzing for this one on an already compelling card.

The seesaw battle gave us a demonstration of their excellent chemistry and technical skills. A couple small miscues were easily fixed in the moment early on and the ingénue was relentless while a somewhat shocked champ never lost her cool. What really made a solid bout into an excellent story were the little things toward the end.

(No bathroom break here. Credit:

Bayley sold the pain but kept fighting back. Charlotte's anger and frustration grew, as her opponent just wouldn't stay down. The end was sublime. The back of Bayley's skull impacted with a bottom turnbuckle and for a moment it looked like that was it. And, while the end indeed came within a minute after that, it was a surprise. A crowd who were chanting "THIS IS AWESOME" was enthralled as Bayley rose to her hands and knees after getting her bell rung, staring the champ down with defiance. We were left with the impression that she just might have pulled off the upset had Charlotte not immediately hit Natural Selection and knocked her out long enough for the pin. For those who don't remember how the Nature Boy reigned as NWA champion in his prime during the 80's, this was the kind of story told every night to packed houses across the territories during his reigns. The champ was insufferably hard to beat, but in the end the challenger looked tougher in defeat when the final bell rung. Charlotte and Bayley told that story in fine form at Takeover II. Also, unlike the main roster's screwy booking, the match launched new possibilities while giving some resolution.

(Defiant to the end. The glare that may have launched Bayley into the stratosphere of WWE's universe.-- Source: WWE Network)

Sasha Banks came down to the ring, still fuming over her inability to defeat Bayley, as well as feeling a sense of entitlement to a title match with her former BFF Charlotte.

She slid through the ropes to take advantage of Bayley who was still recovering from the concurrent headshots that floored her. Charlotte paused on her way up the ramp, watching Sasha kick Bayley over and over. The audience was unsure what she would do, until her eyes slid back toward the ring and she ripped Sasha off her fallen opponent. With that, this story ended with respect begrudgingly earned by Bayley (cemented in the Takeover post show later) and a new angle starting with Banks. What made this a satisfying ending and a new beginning at the same time was that Bayley was a viable threat and fans aren't entirely sure how Banks will figure into coming storylines. Will she feud with Charlotte in a new storyline while Bayley goes into a new story arc for a while, or will the arrogant champ and the relentless yet sweet up-and-comer have to enter into an abrasive alliance?

(Charlotte's the champ for a reason, but respect has been earned as Banks fumes. --Credit:

We received a great show of how and why professional wrestling--and WWE's brand of sports entertainment-- can hook old and new fans alike when workers use the solid fundamentals of the craft. Divas matches don't have to be bathroom break filler, and the once indifferent fan can be drawn in. Will this happen? Can it? That is entirely up to WWE itself. They have all the tools at their disposal. Charlotte and Bayley proved it.

- Wes Kozalla

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