Monday, September 29, 2014

CJ’s Sight NXT Review 09/25/2014

Bull Dempsey destroys Mojo Rawley in about 42 seconds
Mojo got squashed. I’m happy. Moving on . . .

Tyler Breeze pinned Justin Gabriel in about 4:02
Breeze won with the Beauty Shot. I never understand the concept of heel vs. heel matches. This could have been better, but it could have been worse.

In a backstage segment, Natalya approached GM William Regal and tried to convince him to give Tyson Kidd another opportunity at the NXT Championship. Regal was reluctant, but granted the request and gave Kidd a title opportunity with the stipulation that if Kidd loses he has no more opportunities as long as Neville is the champion. That stipulation needs to be made for John Cena and the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Bayley pinned Alexa Bliss in roughly 3:30

Bayley wins after the Belly-to-Bayley. This was not the smoothest match you will come across since Bliss is still greener than a football field, but it could have been worse because the match looked like pseudo-lesbian foreplay.

After the match, Bayley demanded a rematch versus Charlotte for the NXT Women’s Championship. Charlotte came out to the stage and accepted because she said Bayley earned her respect. This will be another good match when the time comes. They set the bar pretty high with their Takeover II match. I feel that they will eclipse it.

A taped segment with Enzo, Cassidy, and Carmella occurred at the Performance Center. Carmella said that they owe her a job because it was Enzo and Cassidy that got her fired from her last job. Enzo did have a good line when he said he has never had a girlfriend because he doesn’t want to commit to failure. I did have a laugh at that. Enzo said she doesn’t have the body to be a diva. Carmella took off her tracksuit and showed her workout attire clearly proved Enzo wrong on that statement. I would rather watch Enzo and Cassidy do backstage and taped segments than their ‘’rinse and repeat’’ matches.

In a backstage segment, Kidd seemed displeased that Nattie got him a title shot. He said he doesn’t need his wife to fight his battles for him, but regardless, he will take the opportunity and win.

Lucha Dragons defeat The Ascension by pinfall in about 9:48 to retain the NXT Tag Team Championship

The finish came with Kalisto pinning Viktor after his Salida Del Sol finisher off a distraction from Hideo Itami. This was a very good tag team match. This surpassed what they did at Takeover II, and then some. This was more of a traditional tag team match because they were given more time as opposed to limited time and “get all of your stuff in” match. This allowed Kalisto to slow down and show a lot of promise with his style. I enjoy the Lucha tag team. They do some fun stuff, and I highly recommend watching them as they grow as a tag team. The Ascension looked good after finally seeing them in a match of this duration.

After the match, Konner tried to attack Itami and failed miserable. Itami looked very smooth with his strikes on Konner. I am looking forward to this feud.

Overall, this was an enjoyable edition of NXT. They progressed storylines. They are bringing up new guys. The backstage and taped segments were enjoyable. If you have an hour to kill, I recommend this as a time killer.

Final grade: 6/10

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