Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Night of Champions Review

NOTE: WE here at Wrestlementary do this for the love of Pro Wrestling. We are all, especially me, trying to keep to the weekly schedule we laid out back in the Wrestlementary relaunch. Sometimes piece may be late due to work and personal issues and busy schedules. Please bear with us.

If not tonight, my RAW Report will be up tomorrow. My review of the AWF show last Saturday will now be up on Friday.

Thanks, Ace.


Here is the first question that needs to be addressed; did Night of Champions live up to its name?

Answer: Yes, it was a Night of Champions. Every Champion in the WWE (Main Roster) defended on the show, and we had three title changes.

Second question: Did Night of Champions live up to the hype?

Answer: No. The reason being that there was very little hype heaped onto the show itself. Most of the hype was placed on Henry versus Rusev and Brock versus Cena.
They did more to hype the Network, than Night of Champions.

Third Question: Did Night of Champions deliver?

Answer: Maybe. I wrote in my preview that the card was just okay, but that sometime okay cards can outshine spectacular cards. This card did, for the most part, deliver beyond what looked like an okay card on paper, but still felt a little flat.

The High Points:

1. There was only one, yes one, in ring promo. Seth Rollins had that honor, and that was only because of Reigns’ hernia surgery the day before. This promo actually served a purpose. Seth buried Reigns, Ambrose and everyone else, then challenged anyone in the locker room to a match.

Cue Dean Ambrose showing up in a taxi. Dean Attacked. Seth ran. Security dragged Dean off. Predictable, but enjoyable segment. This was probably meant for RAW, but moved over because of the Reigns situation.

2. Sheamus versus Cesaro. This was my match of the night. It was a hard hitting, bone crunching smash mouth event that could have went either way. Honestly, I think they crowd would have been happy no matter who won.

I wrote that this felt like a forgotten match, well these two did something about that. They both stepped up big time and delivered a great match. More of this feud, please.

3. Jericho versus Orton. These two delivered another stunning match. It is amazing the chemistry these two have. If not for the Sheamus/Cesaro match, this would have been my match of the night.

4. Lillian Garcia’s awesome rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.

The Low Points:

1. Henry losing to Rusev. Come on, I think we all knew Henry was losing. I don’t think anyone thought it would be in such a dominating performance by Rusev. Part of why I consider this a low point is how they built this up as Henry’s redemption, and this loss came after Lillian Garcia’s awesome rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.

2. Brock Lesnar versus John Cena, again. So, you follow up the worst PPV main event in WWE history with this? The second worst main event in WWE history. Yes, Cena had much more offense, and so did Brock. Brock broke out the Kimora. Cena broke out the STF and hit the AA on Brock 4 times.

Still, it wasn’t that much better. I can’t believe some people are calling it a classic match.

I would have like to have seen a clean finish, instead of the Rollins interference and Cena DQ win. I get the storyline reason why they did it, and that it protected both Lesnar and Cena and neither guy was pinned or tapped.

The matches:

World Tag Team Championship: The Usos versus Gold & Stardust.
A decent tag match that delivered on excitement and energy. Gold & Stardust were vicious and ruthless as they should have been. The Usos were low on the killer instinct and thirst for payback they should have had.
In the end, we crowned new World Tag Team Champions: Gold & StardustStardust

US Heavyweight Championship: Sheamus versus Cesaro. See my thoughts above. Sheamus retained in the match of the night.

Intercontinental Championship: Dolph Ziggler versus The Miz. This almost made the Low Points for the show, but it is an honorable mention. I thought it would be a comedy match, and it almost became just that. Country Act Florida Georgia Line were on commentary for some stupid reason. This lead to a confrontation with Mizdow, some odd moments, confusion and Miz winning the IC title.

Oh yeah, Miz also grabbed Ziggler’s tights for the win.

Mark Henry versus Rusev. See my comments above. One of the low points, disappointing. Rusev wins by submission.

Chris Jericho versus Randy Orton. The second best match of the night. Orton won by RKO after Jericho jumped off the top rope.

Divas Championship: Paige defended against AJ Lee and Nikki Bella. Good match, not the train wreck I was expecting. I am glad the finish came down to AJ Lee and Paige and that it was a clean finish. I still think it would have been a better match with just Paige versus AJ.

AJ won by submission over Paige to reclaim the title.

World Title Match: Brock Lesnar versus John Cena. See my thoughts above, low point of the night. Again. Cena won by DQ when Rollins interfered.

Rollins tried to cash in on Brock, the announcer even announced it, but Cena stopped Rollins before the bell could ring. Therefore, Rollins return the Money in the Bank briefcase.

My Predictions:

I personally went 5-2 in my predictions. I predicted Brock would retain, but by winning the match. He retained, but loss by DQ.

Final thoughts:

Overall, it was a good show, slightly better than Summerslam, but not by much.
Every title was defended, three changed hands and we almost had a cash in.

RATING: 6.75

Match of the Night: Sheamus versus Cesaro
Wrestler of the Night: AJ Lee
Impact of the Night: N/A

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