Tuesday, September 16, 2014

CJ’s Sight NXT Takeover II

Sin Cara and Kalisto defeat The Ascension to become the New NXT Tag Team Champions in 7:35

This was a very good match. It was not what you would call a “by the book” tag team match, but it was fun with everyone working hard. Kalisto was going 1,000 mph, which caused a few small botches. It was nice to see new champs crowned.

According to Kalisto in the post-match interview, they are going by the name of the Lucha Dragons. Not a bad name. I was happy with the match with my only gripe being that it didn’t go longer. I am happy that the NXT Tag Team division will be consistently competitive from top to bottom. This was a strong way to start the show.

Video promo with Adrian Neville narrating aired hyping the Fatal Four Way championship match.

Baron Corbin squashes CJ Parker in 27 seconds

Well they put Corbin’s debut over. There is never much to add about a less than 30 second squash. Corbin’s finisher is definitely pretty damn cool, though.

Video promo, with Tyson Kidd narrating, aired hyping the Championship match.

Hair vs. Hair match: Enzo Amore pins Sylvester Laforte in 5:39

This was an okay match between the two. There was sound intensity between the two competitors, but nothing to remember. I expected an Enzo win because they are an up and coming baby face duo. The two teams fought while Laforte was dragged up to the barber chair. Laforte ran away which left Marcus Louis to have a bucket full of ‘hair removal’ cream to be dumped on his head. That was a pretty weak post-match angle. Cassidy even shouted out to Enzo “Get the Bucket” in Dudley Boyz fashion. Lame.

Video promo, with Tyler Breeze narrating, aired hyping the Championship match.

 William Regal came out and introduced KENTA to a huge Full Sail pop. They put over KENTA as the biggest international signing in WWE history while they put over his achievements. KENTA took the mic and spoke in English and Japanese. He said his new name is Hideo Itami, which is a tribute to one of his heroes. The Ascension appeared and attacked Hideo Itami. They demanded a rematch from Regal when Itami reappeared in the ring and kicked some Ascension ass. This was an exceptionally strong way to start Itami off in NXT. A very well done segment on all fronts.

Bull Dempsey squashes Mojo Rawley in 1:10.

That was bathroom break worthy, another squash that doesn’t belong on a special event.

Enzo and Cassidy find Les Legionnaires backstage. They catch up to Marcus Louis and drag him to ringside. They knock his towel off his head to show him with almost no hair and no eyebrows. Enzo took the mic after Louis split. Enzo then created a new word “B-A-W-L-D.” It’s okay to miss this segment.

A video package aired featuring the NXT Women’s Championship. This was a very well done package by the crew.

NXT Women’s Championship: Charlotte retains against Bayley in about 10:47

A damn fine match from the women. Charlotte won with the Natural Selection. The Full Sail crowd gave it a well-deserved “This is awesome” chant. I cannot say enough about how well this match went for the ladies. There was a sound pace with some very good near falls. There was definitely a story told here. Charlotte always comes up huge when she needs to. Well done, Bayley and Charlotte!

After the match, Sasha Banks came to the ring to assault Bayley. Charlotte came back and tossed Sasha from ringside in a show of respect to Bayley. This was a well done post-match angle as well. Give a big round of applause up and down for the match and the post-match with a storyline moving forward.

Sami Zayn narrated a video package for the Championship match later.

An announcement was made that KENTA, err . . . Hideo Itami will be in action next week. I will definitely be tuning in to see him in action as often as I can along with all of the NXT action . . . for just $9.99 a month!!!!!!!! I haven’t heard that plug yet, so I had to throw it in.

NXT Championship Fatal Four Way:  Adrian Neville retains in about 24:24

Neville pins Kidd after a Red Arrow to retain the NXT Championship. This match has dethroned the WrestleMania 30 main event as my match of the year. An absolutely breath taking match. This match was absolutely astounding. Words cannot do this match any justice for how good it was. Do yourself a favor and watch this! Holy hell that was amazing!

Overall, minus about fifteen minutes worth of nonsense, this was an entertaining show. If I can pick out only about 15 minutes I could have done without, then this was a sure hit. I would recommend this show to any wrestling fan. This eclipsed much of what the main roster has done this year. The tag title match could have been longer, but it was still exciting. The Women’s championship and NXT championship matches are far better than a vast majority of what the main roster has given us. Bravo NXT on a night well done for the most part.

Final rating 7/10.

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