Tuesday, September 23, 2014

CJ’s Sight NXT Review 09/18/2014

The show opened with recaps from the Fatal Four Way at Takeover II. Titus O’Neil came out to the ring blaming the NXT superstars for taking his ring time from RAW this past week, and said he would hold up the show. Sami Zayn entered to his “Ole” chants. The two traded verbal jabs until Neville made his way out to the ring. Neville said it should be him standing up for NXT and not Zayn since he is the NXT Champion. Tyson Kidd makes his way to the ring, and he starts taking verbal jabs at everyone. NXT GM William Regal makes his way to the ramp to announce a tag team match with Neville and Zayn vs. Kidd and O’Neil.

A good way to start off the show, but nothing ground breaking. They are definitely laying the seeds for the highly anticipated Sami Zayn vs. Adrian Neville angle. This will be a good slow burn.

Charlotte pins Emma in about 3:58
This was not the smoothest match by any means, but it wasn’t terrible. Most of the messy spots were on Emma’s end, which is something not said that often.

Hideo Itami pins Justin Gabriel in about 3:32
This was not a high profile debut from a high profile star. Itami seemed a bit nervous and unsure of himself out there. This didn’t have usual flow from Itami if you are familiar with his work. It is only his first match. I’ll give him time to settle before I make a judgment.

Baron Corbin destroyed CJ Parker in 38 seconds.
Not much needs to be said other than Baron Corbin is an animal out there.  He has an awesome finisher.

Tyson Kidd and Titus O’Neil defeat Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn
Kidd got the pinfall on Neville. This was a decent match to watch. They are playing up the story between Zayn and Neville in a very entertaining way. Their spot of one upping each other was fun. Neville’s standing corkscrew moonsault was definitely something I had to rewind a few times to watch again. Zayn did some impressive stuff in his own right. I think Kidd and O’Neil are tagging along just as a way to prolong the Zayn and Neville slow burn feud.

Overall, this was nothing special of a show. The only main storyline here was the Zayn and Neville storyline. Nothing much notable happened on this show. I do recommend the main event just to see Zayn and Neville in action.

Final grade: 5/10

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