Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Raw Report 9/1/2014

Hustle, Loyalty, Respect, Lawsuit!

John Cena threatens to kick Triple H’s ass . . . in court.

Cena cries likes a baby and threatens lawsuit when Triple H threatens to cancel the rematch!

Triple H claims that John Cena’s rematch with Brock Cena is not best for business for the WWW(?)E.

Anytime Raw opens with Chris Jericho it is usually a good thing. This Raw’s opening with the Highlight Reel was Splendid. Jericho announced his plan guest, the undeserving, haven’t earned anything Randy Orton, only to have the entire Authority come out (except for Stephanie).

After some witty banter, Hunter makes an historic announcement, he doesn’t think Brock versus Cena is ‘Best for Business.’ He plans to name a new #1 contender for Night of Champions. Kane, Orton, Rollins and Jericho all stake claim to the #1 contender ship. Cue John Cena!

Cena comes out, says he will beat Brock’s ass . . . and threatens a lawsuit if the match is cancel. Cena will sue, take Hunter’s job and fire Hunter.

I loved this promo from Cena. Threatening a lawsuit is not Cena’s style, but it works for this storyline. Not only does it show how badly he wants Brock but it gives his character something different and he badly needs it.

Hunter response was prefect, “Wow.”

(NOTE: I would love to see a Hustle, Loyalty, Respect, Lawsuit t-shirt. I would buy that Cena shirt!)

The segment fell flat when Roman Reigns showed up and staked his claim to the title. After stellar mic work from everybody else, we get Reigns sucking the air out the ring.

Eventually this lead to Hunter making the main event: Kane, Rollins, Orton versus Jericho, Cena, Reigns. Hunter will be ringside and someone will impress him and be the new contender.

This was a great opening segment. It furthered Brock/Cena, Authority/Reigns and threw in Jericho for good luck, and it lead to the main event.

Sheamus and Dolph Ziggler versus Cesaro and the Miz, I think.

The match wasn’t much, but what happened around the match was entertaining. The Miz spent large portions of the match ringside in a chair getting his makeup done. Yes, you read that right. Miz getting his makeup done during the match.

Miz got the win for his team after sending in his stunt double Mizdow. This caused confusion allowing Miz to roll up Ziggler for the win.

I wasn’t sold on the Mizdow idea at first, but this was a good use of it. They should build an entire stable around The Miz. Bring up some NXT people to be his bodyguard, agent, etc. and turn it into something special.

Six Diva Tag match. What a waste of time this was. All we learned is that Rosa Mendez joins Total Divas for the third season. This was nothing but a promo for Total Divas. Oh, and an utter waste of airtime, did I mention that?

1,427lbs of colossal humanity square off in a tag team match fitting Mark Henry and The Big Show versus Eric Rowan and Luke Harper. I can’t figure out why they are hyping this match up so much. If this was the first time these two teams met, sure. But, this is the fourth or fifth match, and Big Show and Henry have squashed Rowan and Harper a couple of times already.

This was a really good, slow paced, hard-hitting smash mouth kind of match we don’t get much anymore. This was just four people pounding on each other, while telling a standard tag team story. It was nice to see this style of a match. These are the only teams in the WWE who can pull off this style.

The Big Show and Henry won by DQ because of interference from Rusev, who kicked Henry as a form of payback.

Expect a Henry/Rusev feud to escalate out of this. A Night of Champions match perhaps?

Over Compensatory Behavior is what Paul Heyman’s promo was. Yes, Heyman can talk, and is good on the mic, but shut up. This was a long over winded promo. It didn’t add anything, or do anything. If Heyman is so good, why does he do the same thing over and over?

Zeb Coulter is back and leads  Jack Swagger to a submission victory over Curtis McGilicutty. This was an okay match, but was really just a lead in for what followed: A Pathetic Bo Dallas segment.

Dallas introduced three people whose lives were supposedly destroyed by Swagger losing to Rusev. But he said they can turn everything around if they just BOlieve.
I BOLIEVE that Bo Dallas is a waste and the WWE will be better off after he is released. These segments are not funny, nor entertainment. The entire gimmick is childish and insulting.

“Put the Bunny Down! He’s a menace to society!”
The Exotic Express rolls down to ringside for Adam Rose versus Titus O’neil. But the real match was on the outside. Adam Rose’s bunny taunted Heath Slater, only to be shoved down by Slater. Then the bunny went RABID on Slater!

Inside the ring, Rose rolled up Titus for the pin, then helped the bunny throw Slater into the steel steps. Odd behavior for Adam Rose. Heel turn?

I agree with JBL, put down the bunny.

Unfortunately, it was Zack Ryder who was put down by Rusev. Rusev’s victory didn’t last long as he ran like a coward when Henry’s music hit. In the ring, while Rusev backed up the ramp, Henry announced the opening of the international wing of the ‘Hall of Pain,’ and plans Rusev to be the first inductee.

Sporadically during the night segments aired with Nikki telling some sordid tales of Brie past acts. For this, Stephanie announced Nikki would get what she deserved, a Divas Title Match. This brought out Brie. Which brought out AJ Lee. Nikki has the title shot, Brie doesn’t think she deserves it, and AJ claims it is hers. Which brought out Paige.

Nikki continued to berate Brie who finally snapped and shove Nikki, who fell into Paige.

Other than some daggers thrown, this didn’t accomplish much. A watered down version of the opening segment, based around the Bella feud and the Divas title. Should have been saved for next week.

Goldust pins Jimmy Uso in a match that further Gold and Stardust heel turn. They also targeted Jay’s injured knee again.

Hunter and Stephanie came out to watch the main event.

The main event was okay. A by-the-number tag match with some good moment, but over al it felt long and over down. A shorter quicker match might have been better. No one really stood out.

Reigns got the pin fall for him, Jericho and Cena to win the match.

We ended the show with Cena in Hunter’s face, still claim he would kick Brock’s ass.
Final Thoughts: There was the Highlight Reel and not much else. Yes, they further the Bella feud and did more to set up the Henry/Rusev feud, but what else was there? The two massive promo segments ruled the night.

This was an above average Raw at best, not nearly as good as the last two weeks. It felt rushed and haphazard.

Rating: 5.5

Impact of the Night: Highlight Reel
Match of the Night: Big Show and Mark Henry versus Harper and Rowan.
Wrestler of the Night: There wasn’t one.

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