Sunday, November 25, 2018

Blog (s) Hiatus

Well, I’ve said this before, I will say it again: HERE WE GO AGAIN.

In August I put out a Blog Statement announcing I was putting my Blogs to a Monthly Schedule for the remainder of 2018 – excluding Raw Flesh.

The plan was to put them back on track on 2019.

Not long after posting that, after much consideration, I decided to put all Blogs, including RAW FLESH, on hiatus until 2019.

This was supposed to have been announced weeks ago, but didn’t happened because I was sick and spent Halloween in the hospital with pneumonia. Getting better was a more of a priority then posting.

In the New Year, the Blogs will return starting from scratch. I need to prioritize certain things and this is the best decision at the moment – and will be better for the Blogs in the long run.

Upon their return The Burning Mind, This Is A True Story, What I Watch I Review and Raw Flesh will be posted on a Monthly Basis. As the year progresses and things play out I may post more often, perhaps even moving back to a bi-weekly or weekly schedule.

Right now, a monthly schedule will be best.

I will however return to doing the Burning Mind weekly Reviews each Saturday.

Wrestlementary will be handled differently – an actual format for Wrestlementary will be figured out and announced later.

All Blogs Will Return with ‘State of’ initial posts on:

  • Monday, December 31st – State of the Master
  • Tuesday, January 1st – Wrestlementary
  • Wednesday, January 2nd – The Burning Mind
  • Thursday, January 3rd – This Is A True Story
  • Friday, January 4th – What I Watch I Review
  • Sunday, January 6th – Raw Flesh

Then, they will resume being posted on what is (for now) planned as the regular Schedule:

  • The Burning Mind – Wednesday, January 9th; Then the FIRST Wednesday of Each Month
  • This Is A True Story – Thursday, January 17; Then the SECOND Thursday of Each Month
  • What I Watch I Review – Friday, January 25; Then the THIRD Friday of Each Month
  • Raw Flesh – Sunday, January 27th, Then the FOURTH Sunday of Each Month
  • State of the Master – The Last Day of Each Month
  • Wrestlementary – TBA

So, for January expect two posts per Blog, then monthly after that. With Wrestlementary’s schedule to come.

I will still be making periodical postings to Facebook and Twitter with updates as we close in on the New Year.


Ace Masters.

Saturday, September 15, 2018


*** A Special Note before we get down to business. In my Blog Statement on Wednesday, August 15th – when I revamped my blogs for the remaining of 2018 – I wrote I would basically do three pieces: Thursday – Discuss the last months Raw and SD Live; Friday – Preview the PPV; Saturday – Predictions.
Well, I tried to keep to that, but when writing the pieces I realized how redundant it is to do a Recap Piece and a Preview breaking down the card with much the same info. So I decided I would do it all in one piece – this one you are reading right now!


Are we going to Hell? Or is this going to be one HELL of a good time?

Can Hell In A Cell match the Epic WWE Pay-Per-Views/Events that have happened so far in 2018?

The Answer: NO. Because there hasn’t been an Epic event yet this year. Wait, the Rumble? The real one, not the Saudi one.

Can Hell In A Cell be the Epic WWE Pay-Per-View/Event that we all know they can do? The one we want and deserve? MAYBE.

Can Hell In A Cell erase the bad taste of Summerslam? PLEASE.

Can Hell In A Cell be good? WE HOPE.

I know we still have three-and-a-half months, three Pay-Per-Views/Events (one of them SURVIVOR SERIES) left to go, but Hell In A Cell may be the WWE’s last chance to capture its audience this year.


Because the Holidays are coming up and there are many more things to divert peoples attention, and for people to spend money on.

Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are looming, the NFL season is here, and let’s not forget The World Series is getting closer.

If the WWE wants to keep eyes on the prize and merchandize sales it needs to step up now!

The first step the WWE needs to make (and should have done long before now) is the end the confusion and clarify what matches are actually in the Hell in a Cell. Every year this happens, they announce matches FOR Hell In A Cell (The Event itself), but don’t make clear what matches are IN Hell In A Cell (The Match itself).

Or they could take a note from IMPACT/TNA’s Lockdown PPV and make every match a Hell In A Cell match. Now that would be something. Imagine Rousey versus Bliss inside the Cell, Bliss could go full violent heel.

Still, just to clarify what IS and IS NOT a Hell In A Cell match would be good.

Here’s the good thing, the WWE started building toward the Hell In A Cell PPV the RAW after Summerslam. Here the so-so thing: Three of these matches are basically re-matches from Summerslam (the one difference is Brie and Maryse added to Miz versus Bryan)

Okay, let’s get right to it:


Wow, look at this line up, will you.

The Wow isn’t for the matches – it’s because there are 3 RAW and 5 SD Live Matches on the card. Making this an SD Live heavy event and bodes well for it being much better than the normal PPV of 2018.

However, as of Friday, one of those announced matches has been moved to the Kick Off Show, which is only being listed as one hour long.

Is this good or bad? Maybe the WWE doesn’t have high hopes for this show and is focusing more on the Australian Super Show (since they have spent ample time building the only announced match (HHH v Undertaker)).

Or, to be more positive, maybe it is a good thing. Maybe they have decided to try and streamline this show and focus on the quality rather than quantity.

We can hope.


  • SD LIVE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: The New Day versus Rusev Day

There has been absolutely no build to this match – at least between the teams. The build was the exact same Build that saw the New Day compete at Summerslam, but win by DQ. A Tag Team Tournament to crown #1 contenders.

New Day won the first tournament. Rusev Day won the second.

One things for sure, a Day will win!

Why New Day Should Win: They are the longer established team – and will go down as one of the greatest of all time. They only just regained the titles, it may be too soon to lose them.

Why Rusev Day Should Win: Because it is becoming harder and harder to ignore the impact and popularity of Rusev Day. How long can the WWE keep Rusev from a title? Or Rusev and English?

Who Will Win: I love both teams. I don’t care who win, I just want to see a great match. But I want Rusev to have a title. So: Rusev Day.



  • RAW Women’s Championship: Ronda Rousey versus Alexa Bliss

At one time I was not looking forward to this match. I wasn’t really sure what they could do to build this match. The build to Summerslam wasn’t good (derailed partly by the Anvil’s Untimely passing and Natalya’s time off), and the match was a terrible squash in a Main Event spot.

After the last two RAWs, the build has elevated this match somewhat. I still think that Ronda is Champ to soon, without a chase or build to her win. Alexa is a solid heel, still growing in the ring. Its help that Alexa has added a new move to her arsenal – Rousey’s own Arm Bar! Could we see Alexa try tapping Ronda out with her signature move?

Why Ronda Should Win: She’s clearly the better of the two, with no way Alexa could beat her one-on-one.

Why Alexa Should Win: Alexa as Champion and Ronda chasing her is a more compelling story, and better for business. Alexa can win as she is vicious and cut throat, but should do so only if Foxxy and Mickie get involved. If this happens, and Alexa wins by group beat down, it protects Ronda and gives her, her first loss without destroying her mystique.

Also, if Alexa wins then her match with Trish takes on new meaning at Evolution – and I guarantee more people will tune in if it becomes a title match and Trish could win one more title.

Who Will Win: Alexa Bliss.

  • RAW Tag Team Title Match: Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntrye versus Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins

This is the match I was hoping would be announced. It needed to happen and the Tag Titles on the line are a good thing. These are evenly matched, excellent teams. Dolph and Drew have shown great chemistry together and Dean and Seth are an experience duo.

However, will either team win this match? Might the Revival and/or The B-Team come looking for revenge?

Why Dolph and Drew Should Win: They are the fresher tag team, on a roll and there is more upside to them winning. Let the Shield, Revival and B-Team Chase them. They could be the dominate tag team RAW needs.

Why Dean and Seth Should Win: Because they are the Shield. After two weeks of beat downs, riots, arrest, near arrest, the Shield need something positive. A Win would be it.

Who Will Win: Dolph and Drew.

  • Universal Title Match – Inside Hell In A Cell: Roman Reigns versus Braun Strowman

Yes, now this is a build that RAW is getting right.

The Return of the Shield in what should have been a Heel move.

Braun’s Heel turn and joining forces with Drew and Dolph after announcing his Cash-In.

An all-out Brawl to start the 9/3 RAW and The Shield Arrested, and another Brawl on 9/10.

RAW has focused on this Universal Title Match and that is a good thing.

With the Universal Title on an active, full time Work Horse, things should improve as now something can be done with the Title – beyond just wonder where the absentee Champion is.

There has been so many tangents for it, and there are so many possibilities as to what can happen here.

The SHIELD are back, stopping Braun from winning the Title. Braun has aligned himself with Dolph and Drew. Dolph and Drew beat up the Revival and stole their Tag Title Match and took the titles from the B Team.

Will the Shield interfere? Dolph and Drew most certainly will. Could the Revival interfere looking for revenge on Dolph and Drew?

There are so many threads it’s interesting.

I like Braun, but have never been a big Reigns fan. However, Braun is the one opponent that really brings something more out of Reigns.

My one thing against this match right now: Mick Foley. Why? Yes, I know: 20 year celebration of his Hell In A Cell match. It might make sense if it was the first Hell In A Cell match, but it wasn’t. His lack of mobility already affects any pacing this match will have and his presence makes me believe more there will be a swerve.

Why Braun Should Win: It’s his time, and he has called his shot cashing in. He needs to win in order to be truly solidified as the Monster Among Men, as he failed twice before against Lesnar. Braun could be a great Heel Champion for the faces among RAW to chase, and with Dolph and Drew at his side it could be a long hard chase.

Why Roman Should Win: Roman doesn’t need to win, but a loss will hurt him. After finally conquering Lesnar, he needs to follow that up with a win here to cement his Big Dog status. He could get a clean win, or the Shield could help him.

Who Will Win: Braun Strowman.

As always the cage will never keep anyone out, I expected an all-out riot and for Braun to come out with a victory that puts him at the top of the food chain, but protects Roman and sets the stage for more matches.


Two things I write above are in play here: 1) This is a SD Live heavy show – that’s a good thing. I hope; 2) we only know for sure that one of these matches is in the Hell In A Cell match itself: Hardy versus Orton.

They clarity of this needed to happen weeks ago, many people (myself included) initially thought Daniel Bryan/Brie Bella versus The Miz/Maryse would be in Hell In A Cell, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

  • Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella versus The Miz and Maryse

I Love Bryan and The Miz. Maryse is okay. Brie, No. I don’t understand why we are getting a Summerslam Rematch here. I get why Brie is involved after Maryse’s Summerslam sleight of hand, I just don’t think they add anything to the match.

The build has been good, with both women getting involved, and both Couples at one time getting the upper hand. Of the matches from SD Live, this one has had the most physical interaction.

Why Daniel Bryan/Brie Bella should win: Daniel needs a big win, badly. Brie needs on too, especially is she is back wrestling at any regular way. Daniel can also use the boost of getting The Miz off his back if they ever plan on putting a title on him again.

Why The Miz/Maryse should win: A win would help The Miz, but he could survive the loss better than Bryan. Maryse is a nonfactor, as she will probably not be wrestling again anytime soon. The most sense for a Miz win would be if they are planning to elevate him into a title picture sometime soon.

Who Will Win: Daniel Bryan/Brie Bella

  • Hell In A Cell Match: Jeff Hardy versus Randy Orton

Of any match on the card, this has the longest current build. It goes back almost three months: to Randy attacking Hardy when he was still US Champion and initially feuding with Nakamura.

Randy has been very vicious and nasty, returning to his heel ways. Jeff it seems has tried to stay centered and in control, but it starting to lose it.

The question I have, it why are they spending this time and putting essentially two part timers in such a spot?

There is one reason I can think of: Broken. With the face paint and “Obsolete” references, the Hell In A Cell would be the perfect place for Brother Nero to resurrect.

Why Randy Should Win: No real good reason, unless they want to use him for future big angles.

Why Jeff Hardy Should Win: Broken. If they are going to tease it, do it. And not in the watered down “Woken” crap way.

Who Will Win: Jeff Hardy.

  • SD Live Women’s Championship: Charlotte Flair versus Beck Lynch

This build has been done really well, and will the exception of a ‘fan’ attacking Charlotte, has been done with limited interaction.

This build and feud is personal and built upon the characters and a sense of betrayal more than anything else. But who betrayed who is the question.

Becky Lynch as a Heel has been a breath of fresh air and brought out something totally new and unseen in her, which is awesome.

Expect this match to be emotional, personal, hard hitting, vicious, nasty and to steal the show.

Why Charlotte Should Win: Charlotte feels her friend has turned on her for no reason. That Becky would have down the same to Charlotte during their Summerslam triple threat if she had the chance. Charlotte may be right. She will be more emotional and driving in that, but will that keep her from pulling the trigger?

Why Becky Will Win: Because it is her time. Because Heel Becky is even more awesome than Face Becky. Forget straight fire, welcome Straight Cold Fire. Becky will be much more vicious and out to prove it’s her time and take the title.

Who Will Win: Becky Lynch.

  • WWE Championship AJ Styles versus Samoa Joe

Talk about getting personal, this is personal. This should be in Hell In A Cell.

What can I really say here? I like the Build, but I think the WWE being isolationist has caused them to drop the ball. Imagine if they build on the ten plus year of this feud outside of the WWE?

How epic could it be?

The Build here is basically the same leading into Summerslam, with very little difference. I hope this match is better than that one.

I’m engaged, but not as much as I should be. The problem is Samoa Joe is supposed to be a bas ass, yet he’s trying to scare little girls?

Why Joe Should Win: A Joe win furthers this feud as adds fuel to the fire. Joe could be the one thing SD Live is lacking: A Dominate Heel Champion.

Why AJ Should Win: the feel good story of a man fighting for his family.

Who Will Win: Samoa Joe. Joe’s tactics might not be ‘bad ass,’ but they are working. AJ snapped at Summerslam and loss the match by DQ. The same could happen here, but I don’t think so. Joe is under AJ’s skin, which will cause AJ to make mistakes and Joe to take him down.

What’s more dangerous than a man who can beat you physically? A man who can beat you physically and mentally.

Joe Wins.

Initially I was very distant on Hell In A Cell. Very much sort of “whatever.”

But in writing this, and seeing that the entire card is eight matches (one Kick Off Match and seven Main Card), I’ve started to rethink Hell In A Cell.

Already it is a more streamlined and focused card them any other PPV/Event of the year. As I wrote could be the case above. For this PPV/Event the WWE has done a decent job of actually building up the matches, not just throwing as many on the card as possible.

Maybe, just Maybe, Hell In A Cell could be the PPV we need.

The Build is there.

The Talent is there.

Now we just have to see if they can execute it on Sunday.

Ace Masters.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Wrestlementary - A Blog Statement

I have recently posted the full Blog Statement on Facebook and my State of the Master Blog (Read Here:

This is more or less a condensed version for Wrestlementary.

Wrestlementary will be going monthly for the remainder of 2018, starting September.

In December I will decide whether to keep Wrestlementary monthly, or try a different more manable schedule than before.

For the remainder of this year I will focus on the Main Roster WWE, as I am on NXT, Lucha Underground, Impact, Championship Wrestling From Arizona.

The monthly format for Wrestlementary will be this: On the Thursday before each PPV I will post a monthly RAW and Smackdown Live piece discussing the happenings of the last month leading into the PPV.

Friday I will preview the PPV with a breakdown of the Build to it, and the matches on the Card. Saturday I will post my official predictions.

The following Wednesday I will post my thoughts on the PPV and the Fallout.

I plan on being up-to-date on other wrestling shows I am behind on and discussing them again in the New Year.



Monday, August 6, 2018


The Card to Date (8/6/2018)

Here we go, I am actually writing my first SummerSlam piece.

A little personal history: I, like many fans my age, have seen every SummerSlam when they actually aired. In fact, I’ve probably seen many of them multiple times and I know I have watched specific matches dozens of times (Honky v Warrior; Rude v Warrior in the Cage).

In fact I personally believe more pivotal moments have happened at Summerslam than WrestleMania.

Ok, done.

Let’s talk 2018 for now.

Today, Monday, is only August 6, Summerslam is only 14 day away on Sunday, August 19th and we already have what seems to be a stacked card.

Let’s take a look shall we?

Nine total matches and every main roster title is on the line except or the RAW Tag Titles. Will the B Team defend at Summerslam at all? Probably, but I’ll bet it will be on the Pre-Show.

I would start breaking down the matches themselves now, but I think that would be useless. I wouldn’t be surprised, in fact I expect it, if some of these matches get changed in some way leading up to the show.

Look at the SD Live Women’s Title Match, it was supposed to be Becky’s chance at a one-on-one title shot, but they went and added Charlotte to the match for no real reason. Maybe so both can carry Carmella?

For now I’m going to break down the card like this:

WORLD Title Match: AJ Styles versus Samoa Joe

  • These two have had great matches, I expected it again. It would be nice if the WWE would build off their decade long past.

Braun Strowman versus Kevin Owen – With the Money in the Bank Briefcase on the line.

  • Kevin Steen would kill Braun. I’d love to see a better match then Extreme Rules, and I am hoping for it. Both guys have a reason to fight.

Cruiserweight Title Match: Cedric Alexander versus Drew Gulak

  • Love Ced. Love Drew. Could steal the show. Expect to see placed on the Pre-Show.

IC Title Match: Dolph Ziggler versus Seth Rollins

  • Again? Yes.

SD Live Tag Titles: The Bludgeon Brothers versus ????

  • Really open on this match, but I hope it’s The Bar. 

US Title Match: Shinsuke Nakamura versus Jeff Hardy

  • I’ve soured on Shinsuke, his act is getting old – even as a heel. Jeff, no thanks.

SD Live Women’s Title: Carmella versus Becky Lynch versus Charlotte Flair

  • I was really hoping for a Lynch win in a one-one-one match, even then I wasn’t looking forward to the match. With Charlotte added, it just makes me think they are going to keep the strap on Carmella.

RAW Woman’s Title Match: Alex Bliss versus Ronda Rousey

  • I like Bliss. I like Ronda. I don’t expect much of a match, more of a showcase for Ronda. It’s too soon anyway, but that won’t stop them putting the title on Ronda.

UNIVERSAL Title Match: Brock Lesnar versus Roman Reigns

  • Who cares anymore?

This is all I am going to do for a breakdown at the moment. Why? Because I am expecting the standard WWE move of making them more ‘interesting’ and ‘must see,’ by changing things up. I wouldn’t be surprised to see more stipulations added, or another match turned into a Triple Threat.

We’ll see.

Keep in mind I have written this BEFORE tonight’s RAW has happened.

My next SummerSlam piece will be Thursday or Friday, where I will discuss any SummerSlam news, notes, new matches or match changes coming out of this week’s RAW and SMACKDOWN LIVE.

Next week, starting Wednesday, August 15th, I will break down the entire card and post my official prediction on Saturday, August 18th.

For now, let try and enjoy the ride to SummerSlam


Saturday, August 4, 2018



In the few years I have been doing Wrestlementary, I have posted A LOT of blogs, and gone A LONG time without doing anything.

Two years in a row I have tried to do Mania month only to have things fall apart. I have twice announced my return to posting this year, only for it to not happen.

The month of July was railroaded because I ended up dealing with someone else’s problem and having an unexpected and unwanted Terror of a house guest. (Read more at my State of the Master Blog: Insert link).

Now with it being August I am returning to writing Wrestlementary. In fact this will be SummerSlam Month – as I will focus on my thoughts on the WWE for the year-to-date and on the Road to Summerslam.

Will Summerslam be the Hottest Event of the Summer? I’ll let you know.

Over the course of August I will break down and analyze SummerSlam as we learn more about the card after each RAW and SMACKDOWN LIVE.

My first piece will go up Monday, August 6th, in time for the first RAW of August.

In between the SummerSlam pieces I will write my thoughts on RAW, SMACKDOWN LIVE and the WWE in General so far in 2018.

So, for August Wrestlementary will focus on the WWE and Summerslam.

Meanwhile I will also get caught up on other shows I am behind on, and start writing on them again in September.


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Why Wrestling?

This is my second attempt at writing Why Wrestling – and I am writing while watching Monday Night RAW on July 2nd. I hated the piece I had written, which was supposed to go up last night.

It didn’t go up because of an unforeseen issue I had to deal with, which I am turning into a positive by taking the time to write an even better piece – I believe this will be.

It will be up in time for Smackdown Live tonight (July 3rd – West Coast Feed).

Let’s get right down to it: Professional Wrestling or Sports Entertainment as Vince McMahon and the WWE would brand it, has been around for over a century now. The WWE, under various names, around for just over 50 years.

Why? Because it has connected with its audience and has stayed connected.

An argument can be made that wrestling is the Modern Myth of the World and wrestlers the Greek Gods of our age – a similar take to that on Comic Books.

Like Comic Books, Wrestling is filled with colorful characters and grand spectacle. In fact many wrestlers – such as the Ultimate Warrior and Alexander Hammerstone – are living breathing comic book characters.

The Difference? Comic books are in print; Wrestling is real life.

Then there is the main argument people have against Wrestling: It’s Fake. Pre-Determined. Fixed.

So what?

Guess what, so is Star Wars. So is Die Hard. Expendables. Transporter. Crank. I could go on and on.

I don’t understand this: How can people be entertained and love Action Films (even the stupid ones) and NOT like Pro-Wrestling? What’s the difference?

Wrestling is a live action, action film.

A Good Action Film has a Plot, Story, Conflict, Violence, Action and Surprises.

Wrestling has a Plot, Story, Conflict, Violence, Action and Surprises.

Someone explain to me the difference.

Oh, wait, Wrestling is real life. No acting. No Stunt Men. Real people put it all on the line in wrestling matches to entertain the masses.

Wrestling is a Grand Spectacle, whether it be the WWE or Indie Scene. It’s larger than life, but ground in life.

Here is a mixture of everything, and there is something for every to connect with.

Horror: The Undertaker, Funnybone, Killer Kevin Kross
Drama: Rey Mysterio (The Underdog overcoming odds)
Post-Apocalyptic: The Bludgeon Brothers, The Road Warriors
Punk: Reno Scum
Steampunk: Beck Lynch
Rock N’ Roll: Chris Jericho, The Freebirds

No matter what you like, among the vast characterscape of Pro-Wrestling, you’ll find someone to follow.

And right there is the Ultimate Answer to Why Wrestling? The emotional connection.

You don’t just watch wrestling – be it on TV or at a LIVE Event. You INVEST in wrestling. You follow your favorite wrestler, you feeling their pain, cry at their losses, and celebrate in their victories.

Trust me when I say – there is nothing like seeing Pro Wrestling live. There are few greater feelings then having your favorite wrestler win a match, then come to you and celebrate with you.

Why Wrestling?
Because it’s the ultimate thrill ride, because it has an emotional connection like nothing else on the planet.

Why Wrestling?
Because, just like Comic Books, there is nothing else in the world like it.

Why Wrestling?
Why anything else?

Ace Masters

Monday, June 25, 2018

Ug, well here we go again . . . Yep. It’s time for another Wrestlementary State of . . .

Ug, well here we go again . . .

Yep. It’s time for another Wrestlementary State of . . . after another unannounced hiatus.

It’s really odd, I tend to plan big things around Mania Time, but then end up taking a hiatus. It makes no sense last year, Mania was great. This year, Main was not-so-great (terrible and bloated). I’ll touch on that later.

While other hiatus were unplanned, this one was mixed. Initially unplanned, but I decidedly too really step back because of my disgust with what WWE was doing. As I wrote in a piece before, I even got behind for the first time since the first RAW broadcast. This year was the first time I have not watched RAW when it aired.

When I posted my piece on Alexander Hammerstone that was supposed to kick off my return to writing, but it didn’t.

Okay, there are a few other reason I slacked off, the biggest of which is being sick and a skin infection, nothing serious (I think) but annoying and trying to deal with that.

For more on that – and things on me in General – you can read my State of the Master Blog (

Wrestlementary will RETURN ON MONDAY, JULY 2ND

A Couple of Changes Coming

  • Glitter and Slam will no longer be featured on Wrestlementary. Wes Kozalla has moved it over to its new site:
  • Facebook and Twitter: I will be closing down the Wrestlementary Facebook and Twitter Accounts. I will do all posting on Facebook and Twitter through my Ace Masters accounts. It’s a little much to keep track of multiple accounts.

A Couple of Returns

  • I am hoping that in July or August that Chris Rose and Dave Parrish return to writing pieces for Wrestlementary. We will see.

July 2nd – The Return

Yeah, I’ve said it before. Yes I have meant it before. Give me a break, pencil neck geeks.

On July 2nd Wrestlementary will return with a “Why Wrestling” post. I will discuss what wrestling is, what it means to me, and why I love it so much. I will also be posting a similar piece “Why Comics” on July 4th for the return of The Burning Mind Blog.

Also in July I will write and post a multi-part State of the WWE – 2018 the First Half. In this State Of I will discuss and break down Monday Night RAW, Smackdown Live! and the PPVs. Plus, give my take on where the WWE is, where it seems they may be going, and what they need to do.

In fact, July might be the Half-Year-In-Review month, as I also plan to do State Of’s for IMPACT, and the local Championship Wrestling From Arizona and Arizona Wresting Federation promotions.

I will also post more pieces of my “Best Wrestlers You MAY Never Have Heard Of’ series.

As July progresses I will return to my normal coverage of RAW, SD LIVE and Impact.
Well, that’s it. I kept this one short and sweet.

See you on July 2ND.


Sunday, March 25, 2018


I wrote in my Final Thoughts of Main Roster Mania Week 4 that I didn’t think the WWE did a good job of promoting the event. Especially the women’s Royal Rumble. I stand by that statement, but promotion of an event doesn’t affect the quality of the event.

For the first time in a long time the Royal Rumble lived up to its name.

This was truly a Royal Event.


First, I want to ask, does anyone actually watch the Kickoff Show as a preview to the event? I’m serious. I don’t. I usually wait until about 45 or 30 before minutes before the actual event, fast forward through most of the show and just watch the matches.

I did the same here.

Kalisto, Gran Metallik and Lince Dorado versus TJP, Jack Gallagher and Drew Gulak

Wow, to be honest I wasn’t even sure if Kalisto, Gran Metallik, Lince Dorado and TJP were still with the WWE. I guess this was the replacement for Enzo versus Cedric. A standard cruiserweight match that saw Kalisto go over TJP for the win.

The Revival versus The Good Brothers

A short, but good, but hard hitting match that saw the Revival gain a measure of revenge following that loss at RAW 25.

US Open Challenge: Bobby Roode versus Mojo Rawley

Why? Why Mojo? All this week people have speculated this would be Ziggler’s return. I held out hope for a debut – James Storm! Instead Mojo stunk the place up to lead into the Rumble. If he had his best match against Roode in the US Tournament, this match was a step back. Roode Schooled Him.


We kick off the show HOT! With the WWE Championship!

AJ STYLES (Champion) defends against Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens

Kami, aka Kevin and Sami Show, aka Yep Movement are reminding me of LayCool. Remember them? When Michelle McCool and Layla were co-women’s champion the idea failed then. Kevin and Sami are far more talented in-ring then Michelle and Layla, but the idea still wouldn’t work.

Fortunately it didn’t happen.

This was a fun, damn good match that erased the taste of the Mojo failure. Kevin and Sami did all their comedy spots and pulled out all the shenanigans that make them fun, while still showing just how good they are with one-on-one time with AJ.

AJ continued the story of his WWE Career, proving he is Phenomenal in any playing field: even or handicapped.

AJ Styles is still the World Champ!

After the match Kevin and Sami again complained to Shane that they were screwed. Shane just smiled and said ‘Yep!’

Next up Smackdown Tag Team Championship!

THE USOS (Champions) defend against Gable and Shelton in a 2 out of 3 falls match.

I truly thought this was the night Gable and Shelton would win the titles. Especially with one of the USOs getting a DUI leading into the Rumble. The WWE usually frowns upon that. Instead, the USOs locked down this excellent and highly athletic match up and put down the challengers in two straight falls.

Let me repeat that, the USOs put down Gable and Shelton in two straight falls.

It’s Rumble Time!



The first thing I have to say is this, Holy Crap what a Rusev Day Response for Rusev at #1, almost as loud as Finn Balor at #2.

Rusev and Balor started out what ended up being one of my favorite Rumble match and what I believe is the best Rumble match in a decade at least. There were no big debuts (ex: Styles), but there were two surprise NXT Entrants (Andrade Almas, Adam Cole) and two brief returns with The Hurricane and Rey Mysterio!

What made this match better than many previous match was the pacing and continuing action. Unlike other Rumbles (such as with Goldberg/Brock or Hogan/Warrior) there wasn’t a huge angle to get over, and there was little in the way of down time slowing the pacing and making it boring.

They made this Rumble feel like something special and truly made it “One against All,” nowhere more showcased than Reigns eliminating Rollins. Furthermore we had 8 guys go over twenty minutes, 5 of those over twenty-five minutes, 3 of them over thirty, with Fin Balor clocking in at 57 minutes and eventual winner SINSHUKE NAKAMURA outlasting everyone and going strong at 44 minutes.

I loved this Rumble match. Nakamura was favored to win going in, so that was no surprise. I believe it was the right call.


WRESTLEMANIA: AJ Styles versus Nakamura! Hell Yeah!


Seth Rolling & Jason Jordan (Champions) defend against The Bar

Finally! An end to the Jason Jordan and Seth Rollins debacle of a title run. Well, not Seth Rollins, because Tyler Black would never tag himself out of a match like punk ass Jason Jordan did. Due to Jason Jordan being Jason Jordan, this was basically a handicap match with Rollins taking on The Bar by himself.

In truth, Rollins in a handicap match against Sheamus and Cesaro is better than it would have been had Jordan had any real ring time.


Brock Lesnar (Champion) defends against Braun Strowman and Kane in a Triple Threat Match

Is anyone else as tired of this Brock Lesnar multi-person matches gimmick as I am? All it really does is put Brock over and bury everyone else. I know Heyman has mentioned this a few times, but they should really play up the idea of the WWE wanting to do anything to get the title off of Brock, especially with his history with Angle.

I LOVE Kane. Big fan of Braun. Take or leave Brock. All guys are capable of good matches. At first, I was down on this one, but then watched it again. For the time it received it delivered what it should have: A slobber knocker, pier-six-brawl of power moves that left destruction in its wake.

When the dust settled, Lesnar conquered the Monsters.

Stephanie McMahon on commentary? Alexa Bliss and Charlotte ringside? That can only mean one thing!



Maybe it’s the fact that this was the first Women’s Rumble. Maybe it’s the fact that I have wanted to see this my entire life. But this match was

I loved every moment of this match except for Vicki Guerrero, she had no place in this match at all. Other than Vickie, I think every women in this match – no matter how long they were in – gave it their all, from current stars to legends from the past, no one phoned this in.

This IS a special moment, and everyone knew it.

I love seeing ladies who paved the way (Molly Holly, Jacqueline, Beth Phoenix, Lita, Trish, Torrie) get their chance to shine in this match, even though we all knew they wouldn’t win.

As expected Asuka won, last eliminating Nikki Bella to win the match – while the WWE teased pissing us all off by having Nikki win.

I have to single out some special performances here:
1. Lita – How Awesome was Lita during her time in this match? Serious, this was Team Extreme Lita.

2. Michelle McCool – She looked like she hasn’t missed a step. For the 8 minutes she was in, she was dominate, eliminating a now record 5 women.

3. Nia Jax – Awesome. That’s it. Awesome. She has come a long way and this proved it. I would not have been disappointed had she won.

4. Becky Lynch – Had the second longest time in this match at entrant #2.

5. Trish startus – Entrant #30 and she looked awesome. I was never a fan but she was great here, and for a moment I though the WWE might just pull the trigger.

6.  Sasha Banks – Most know I am not a big Sasha fan, she’s good, I just don’t think she’s at the level many people put her at. She lasted almost the entire match, nearly an hour and it took both Bella’s to oust her. No matter what – even over her title reigns and matches with Charlotte and Bayley – her performance here cements a Sasha Banks legacy.

The Match was Awesome. Then came the most polarizing moment of the night!!

Rhonda Rousey pointing at the WrestleMania sign! Yep, she’s here. I know a lot of people had a problem with this (including Nia and Sasha (legit??)), but I didn’t. Brining her out here after the match was the right move, and a surprise.

Most people thought she would be in the Rumble – even win it! Now that would have been terrible, as it would have turned the event into a joke and would have just been used to intro Rousey to the WWE at the expense of all the ladies.

This way, just fine.


Can we do this again? Damn fine show all around and the best EVENT since last year’s WrestleMania.

The weakest match in the card was the Universal Triple Threat Title Match, and even that was good.


Monday, March 19, 2018



First off, yes I know the Enzo Amore story broke Monday afternoon before the show started. Yes, I have read reports about the accusations. Yes, I have also read the reports about what segments were reportedly changed when he was pulled from the show. Yes, I am sure the issue put many – especially Vince – into a very bad mood.

I’ll discuss Enzo in another piece after I’m caught up.

No, I don’t blame the Enzo news for how bad the RAW 25TH ANNIVERSARY was.

I was really look forward to this. This was the first RAW I have looked forward to in a long time. Like many fans around my age, I have seen every Monday Night RAW. I have never missed a show and watched all when they aired. So, this was special.

Then it wasn’t. Disappointing, disastrous, dud, underwhelming, utterly anemic are just a few words used to described RAW’s 25TH ANNIVERSARY. Were there matches? Sure, if you want to call them that. And how were the legends used?

I can answer that this way: Why were they there? None of them did anything. Brawler, Brother Love, Teddy and a few showed up in Angel’s office, not to be seen again until the end of the show. Jeff Hardy, Ted DiBase and others played poker with the APA. The Godfather introduced his wife to Sexual Chocolate. Jericho put Elias on the list (Pre-Taped?). The Ex-General Managers came out and stood on the ramp. The ladies came out and waved.

At least Christian got on the mic and did a Peep Show introduction.

Of course, DX was given a good amount of time, with Razor, and gave The Balor (Bullet) Club a rub.
Other than that, nothing.

Was the Rumble mentioned? The Woman’s Rumble? If they were, I barely remember.

The Universal Title match was only given the overrun and that was it.

Of course, Vince got his time in, in another waste of an overlong segment.


Complete DUD not worth watching. A RAW 25TH ANNIVERSARY as produced by IMPACT WRESTLING.

RATING: Not Worthy



At least Smackdown had its eye on the ball and did some build to the Rumble.

The focus was still on Kami (aka Yep Movement), they started and ended the show, building up to the 2-on-1 World title handicap match by having the main event being AJ Styles facing Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn back to back.

In fact Smackdown did a lot to build up to the Rumble. The women brawled after Liv Morgan beat Naomi, finishing with Beck Lynch throwing people out of the ring. Orton interfered in a match between Nakamura and Corbin by RKOing both of them.

And we had an excellent match between Jay Uso and Chad Gabriel setting up the tag team Championship match at the Rumble.

Plus, the tension between Daniel and Shane continued to build.

Smackdown did what RAW failed to do, put on a wrestling show and build toward the Rumble.

Not a great Go Home show, but decent.



It really seemed that the WWE was heading upward in their quality of shows heading into the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania Season. RAW was getting better, Smackdown was staying the course.
It seemed that way, until the RAW 25TH Anniversary Show – perhaps the worst Go Home show in history.

At least the Smackdown Go Home Show didn’t drop the ball.

Or did it?

Unfortunately the WWE has dropped the ball Big Time on properly promoting the Royal Rumble.

RAW has spent more time building the Universal Title Match and Smackdown the World Title Match.

The Men’s Rumble feels like an afterthought. We’ve had both Go Home Shows and we still don’t know half the field (officially, announced on TV).

And what about the Woman’s Royal Rumble? Massive Fail. This should be pushed to the stars on a rocket. It should be everything. Yet, they are building it like nothing special and business as usual. This should have the biggest build of any event/match this century.

 - Ace Masters



So, what did RAW bring us this week?

Braun Strowman being fired for burying Kane and Lesnar under the scaffolding! On live TV! After firing Braun, Kurt got the Hell out of the ring and left the poor local smucks to deal with Braun.

Of course, Braun is a professional. He took the firing and losing his Rumble title shot in stride and left without incident.

Um, no.

Well almost, until one member of ‘security’ put his hand on Braun’s shoulder.

Braun being fired = Security destroyed, Curt Hawkins nearly crippled, Chocolate Cake devoured, Semi Truck overturned, Kurt Angle more concerned with the Production Trucks then peoples lives, Michael Cole manhandled, Braun rehired by order of Stephanie, Cole tossed off the stage into security and worse of all Todd Phillips on commentary on RAW (Damn you, Strowman!)!

Even though rehiring him so quickly was kind of stupid, his rampage was kinda entertaining.

Jason Jordan struck again, this time distracting The Bar and costing them a second match against Titus World Wide. The Bar was not the only people upset about this, so was Seth Rollins – still upset with Jordan not being a ‘team mate.’

This night was mostly the ‘Strowman Rampage Show’ but included some good matches – Roman versus Axel and Dallas really wasn’t one of them, because it was more of an angel than a match. Cedric Alexander versus Tony Neese was good.

Asuka versus Nia Jax was the standout match and highlight of the night. They put on a really good match where one wondered if Asuka might finally lose. This was far better than their NXT matches. For one major reason: Nia Jax is much better than her NXT days.

Jax is better than she was just over the summer.

Asuka looked good in a match where she had to overcome the odds and take a beating. Even though she lost due to stoppage, Nia Jax came out the real winner. This match showcased how much she has improved and proved that she is a major threat to anyone.

On this night Nia Jax ARRIVED.

The Revival returned, squashed some jobbers and cut a promo with Charly Carsuo. They are wrestlers, not Sport Entertainers. I love the Revival, but did their bad run of luck with back to back injuries stall their careers?

The shocking moment of the night came by way of Sonya Devillie pinning Sasha Banks! Sasha was upset by Devillie, then cried.

Our main event saw Seth Rollins gain some measure of payback in a victory over Finn Balor, in a match that Jason Jordan’s big mouth got him into. It was a decent match until the waning minutes when it seem awkward and rushed as Finn appeared to have hurt his neck. After the loss, he didn’t get up as fast as normal.


Overall we had two good RAWS back to back. An amazing feat in this era.




We open the show hot going straight into the United States Title Tournament. Xavier Woods, with The New Day in tow, barreled his way into his semi-final match against Jinder Mahal. Sadly, nothing Xavier did could get him on track and he fell to the Maharaja. This was basically set up to show Jinder as being dominate going into his finals match.

After a series of Selfie-Videos from the ladies, each proclaiming themselves the winner of the first ever Women’s Royal Rumble, and a Renee Young AJ Styles Interview where he promises to do everything he can to cancel the Kami Show (Yep Movement), we go straight into the next United States Title Tournament semi-final match:
Bobby Roode Versus Mojo Rawley

I have to admit Mojo Rawley actual showed up for this match and hung in there with Bobby Roode. Mojo’s new attitude, leading to a new style, is working for him. More aggression then hype, in this match he showed some moves and in-ring work he never showed before. He might actually be improving, but it wasn’t enough to overcome the veteran Ring General Bobby Roode, who won the right to move onto the finals next week . . .

But first gets beat down by the Sign Brothers this week, then has to listen to Mahal saying he will put an end to the Gloriousness!

Roode’s response? A challenge to have the finals tonight! Mahal’s answer: NO.

Daniel Bryan’s Answer: YES, YES, YES!

Next up the Riott Squad won a six-woman tag match over Naomi, Lynch and Flair. Liv Morgan picks up the upset pin over Naomi after a ‘Code-Breaker’ type knee to the jaw. A very good match that saw all the ladies get time, and gave Morgan a much needed good showing.

A backstage interview with the Usos is cut short by an attack from Gable and Benjamin as this rivalry heats up.

It’s United States Title Tournament Finals Time. It’s Main Event Time. Bobby Roode has been one of my favorites for over a Decades. I’ve always been a Jinder fan, and he has stepped it up big time since Vince dumped SD LIVE on his shoulders (though I disagree with the booking).

What followed was an extremely good, hard fought and tough match as both guys wanted to stake their claim as the new US Champion, but in the end only Bobby Roode would see his name immortalized as United State Heavyweight Champion!



Overall two shows that I liked this week. Has the Road to WrestleMentary really begun? Technically yes. In reality – only Maybe.

On another thought: Am I the only person who noticed that the two finalist fighting for the United States Title are both Canadian?

I don’t know why they made to call to move the finals up a week, but I think it was a good idea. Let the Go Home Show focus on the Royal Rumble.

Oh, wait, maybe because of RAW’s 25th Anniversary!

(Oh Boy).

Thursday, March 15, 2018


As I wrote yesterday (WrestleMentary, The State of GETTING CAUGHT UP for 2018), I am now in catch up mode – both in watching and writing about the WWE Main Roster shows.

For MAIN ROSTER MANIA (MRM) WEEK ONE I broke my commentary down by matches and angels/promos for both shows. I’m going to try a different format this week going forward and just write my straight forward thought on the shows, especially since I am in catch up mode.

As we go deeper into the year, I will see what format works and feels the best. It will probably always be an evolving beast.



What’s up with Jason Jordan and his push? I don’t get it. The idiot seems to think he’s a member of the Shield and constantly acts like he’s the guy (Hey, Roman!), and keeps screwing things up. He’s that friend in real life you don’t want around. You know, the one that keeps speaking for you? That’s Jason Jordon. It’s not entertaining. It’s annoying and anytime he is out there is become borderline Fast Forward Worthy.

This time, to open RAW with another overlong boring promo, Jordan’s mouth gets him, Roman and Seth into a main event match with Balor Club. A Main Event that would see the Balor Club victorious.

The Balor Club was given a good build up. Cedric received a nice rub from Goldust and a count out win over Enzo in a title match that was supposed to lead into a Cruiserweight Title Match at the Rumble (before Enzo’s issues).

The Bray Wyatt and Woken Matt Hardy feud was furthered with the weirdest in-ring confrontation I can remember and . . .

THE MIZ RETURNED . . . This alone makes it the best broadcast since The Miz left.

There were three big moments on the show that overshadowed even the Miz’s return:

Titus World Wide defeating The Bar!
This was a damn good match with an upset no one saw coming! I think most people felt like I did, The Bar would destroy Titus and Apollo. Nope, didn’t happen. Maybe they will start using these two right.

Brock Lesnar arrived to RAW to respond to the events of last week only to have Strowman drop a scaffolding on him and Kane in the back. Yes, Braun pulled a scaffolding down on top of Brock and Kane. Brock was carted off on an ambulance. Kane walked off gingerly into the abyss.

The Final moment was The Miz and Mizterouge laying out Roman Reigns to end the show! Yes, in the end, only The Miz can top The Miz.

However, my favorite part of the night was Alexa Bliss spending the evening trying to convince Nia to do her dirty work against Asuka.

Overall I liked this RAW – there were some good matches, nice promos and everything seemed to have a point with the show laid out nicely. If RAW put out more broadcasts like this, there wouldn’t be so many legit complaints.

Better than the first RAW of the year. Best RAW of January over all leading into the Rumble.




The show opened with a Phenomenal Segment, Rene Young Interviewing AJ Styles, where he admits that he is also Phenomenal at putting foot in mouth with sarcastic comments and questioned where Daniel Bryan stands.

Cue the Kevin and Sami Show, cue Shane-o-Mac and we have our main event set for the night: A preview of the Royal Rumble Handicap match, only this time it is AJ Styles, Nakamura and Randy Orton versus The Kevin and Sami Show.

Becky Lynch, with Charlotte and Naomi as back up, would gain a measure of vengeance by making Ruby Riott tap out! This was a really good match, it put Ruby over as a threat, but still shows Lynch as one to beat.

Can the Ascension go away please? They’ve sucked and been buried ever since their poorly thought out discretion of Road Warrior Hawk. This week they were destroyed by Harper and Rowan (thank you), with no Breezango in sight for the save. Good.

The US title Tournament Continued. Mojo Rawley finally showed up for a match and did something as he walked through Zack Ryder on his way to face Bobby Roode in the next round.

Xavier Woods, with The New Day in tow, barreled his way into his semi-final match against Jinder Mahal. Sadly, nothing Xavier did could get him on track and he fell to the Maharaja. This was basically set up to show Jinder as being dominate going into his finals match.

In ring Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin did a very awkward and hard to watch segment with Daniel Bryan. The problem is that this segment was way over produced, went on too long, and was to rehearsed and scripted.

Bryan seemed comfortable, but Shelton (never a great talker) and Chad seemed like actors trying desperately to remember and deliver their lines. And I like these guys.

They get what they want though: another title match against The Usos at the Rumble, 2 out of 3 falls.

The What Just Happened moment of the night occurred when Breezango beat Rusev Day! Very good match, nice surprise of an ending. Rusev went nuts after being pinned, while Aiden tried to calm him down. Classic.

In Our Main Event we finally see Shane get over on Kevin and Sami, twice coming out to make rulings. Once he prevented Kevin and Sami from leaving ringside and made it a No DQ match. Later, his appearance lead to AJ Styles chasing Kevin Owens into the back, leaving Sami alone to get destroyed by Nakamura and Orton.

Who won? Styles, Nakamura and Orton? Or Shane McMahon?

Good Broadcast furthering all the feuds heading into the Rumble.



At this point, in MRM WEEK ONE I broke down the shows and did comparison of Match of the Night, Wrestlers and so on. For now, until caught up, I will be skipping that for time sake.

 - Ace Masters

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Glowing, flowing, blonde locks? CHECK

Muscles Galore? DOUBLE CHECK


Chris Hemsworth may play Thor in the movies, but he has nothing on Alexander Hammerstone. Hammerstone may just be the closest thing in the real world to a living, breathing version of THOR.

There are three words to describe Alexander Hammerstone:

I have followed the career of Hammerstone for nearly four years now. He was on the first AWF card I attended in 2014 – and has been on many since. I’ve also been ring side for many of his matches at RockStar Wrestling Alliance, PHX Wrestling and others.

He also wrestled prominently for Paragon Wrestling and one can find many of his matches on the Fite APP.

How good is he? Well, the WWE has called him in twice for try outs. (Hey, Sheamus was called in three times).

I have literally seen dozens of Hammerstone matches from ring side and have witness the evolution of the Thunder God.

When I first saw him in 2014 I was struck by his look, build, long blonde hair and even then doing a Viking gimmick, hailing from “Valhalla.”

That Hammerstone was raw, green and not the smoothest operator in the ring. Hard hitting, powerful and fast were his major attributes, with a John Cena like drop kick to the abdomen. He was more intense than he was good.

By Odin was he popular though! There were a few hundred people in the event center and all were on their feet for this bezerker.

Over the next four years, Hammerstone evolved. He became a member of two tag teams: Murder by Muscle (with Alexander Chamberlain) and Gods of War (with Joe Graves), and played up the Thor angle carrying a giant hammer to the ring.

As his gimmick evolved, he bounced between Face and Heel – with this greatest strides in this part of his game seen as an intense and downright scary Heel. He feels like a Viking horde ready to pillage everything in sight, all rolled into one person.

His skills have seen the greatest evolution – gone is the raw and green Hammerstone, replaced by a warrior whose skillset has increased greatly. He now has a sweet drop kick that can smack some poor opponent right in the chin.

His wrestling game has improved greatly, his strength unmatched and he knows how to go and tell a story in the ring.

Hammerstone is the all-around package.

Hey Vince, don’t call this guy for another try-out – just call him up. NOW.

 - Ace Masters

Oh, and if you don't know HAMMERSTONE . . . 


WrestleMentary, The State of GETTING CAUGHT UP for 2018

WrestleMentary, The State of GETTING CAUGHT UP for 2018

Well, my big plans for WrestleMentary this year started off very well . . . then derailed quickly.

But this time for good reasons – for me – almost. 

What did I get done? Well, I posted one Main Roster Mania, one Impact Stress Test, and my first two ‘Best Wrestlers You (MAY) Never Have Heard Of (to great success I add).

Then January got away from me (and this year to start with). I haven’t posted any WWE Main Roster Mania Commentary past week one, and I am a month behind on RAW, SD LIVE and the PPVs.

As I wrote above – the reasons are good (mostly) – and have to do with my writing career. Leading to the first time in my life I have voluntary skipped RAW and Smackdown. (And other Wrestling shows.)

So, what are the reasons? Let’s get the not-so-good out of the way first: I was fairly sick for about ten days or so. I really wasn’t feel good, and with not feeling good I really didn’t do anything. With being sick, I didn’t feel like doing much.

Fortunately I didn’t have this bad strain of the Flu going around, just a cold. But, sometimes I wimp out when I’m sick.

Now, the good reason (s): Requested Re-Writes for short stories!

Yes, over the last year or so I have had great success is getting shorts picked up for publication (some not to see print for up to three years). Over the last few weeks I have had 6 requests for re-writes. I decided to focus on these re-writes and get them done ASAP, rather than wait on the deadlines (one didn’t need to be done until June or July). It looks better to get them done immediately, rather than last-moment.

This didn’t just put me behind on WrestleMentary, but all projects. It was the right move.

Now though, I am back to WrestleMentary and it is time to get caught up. Between today (Wednesday 3/14) and WrestleMania 34 (Sunday 4/8), I will get WrestleMentary’s WWE Commentary completely caught up with Commentary an ALL RAW’S, SD LIVE’S, ROYAL RUMBLE, ELMINATION CHAMBER and FASTLANE.

For now I am going to focus on WWE only through WrestleMania. After that I will get caught up on Impact, CWA, and AWF, while keeping current with the WWE.

Getting caught up starts today, as I will post the first missed BEST WRESTLERS YOU (MAY) NEVER HAVE HEARD OFF . . . tonight.

That’s it for now. Now it is time for me to speed down the Road to getting Caught Up in time for WrestleMania.



So, how did the WWE do in their first Broadcast of the New Year?

Did RAW Fail . . . again?

Did SD LIVE Thrive . . . again?

Let’s find out, right now . . . in the first ever edition of:

January 1st, 2018 – New Year’s Day.

I’ll give it up for, to start of the New Year, they did go all out. They even delivered a near ‘guy cry’ moment, a moment we can only hope wasn’t a one off.


Once again, we started RAW off with an overlong filler promo that seems designed to just waste time. Once again, Angle is out to say something, gets interrupted and ONCE AGAIN Jason Jordan sticks his nose where he doesn’t belong and beats his chest.

This time it is The Bar interrupting Angle demanding a rematch for their titles, out comes Jason acting like he is ready to take both Cesaro and Sheamus on. Cue, Seth Rollins, not out to back up his new tag team champion partner, but to scold Jason for not being a team player.

All this resulted in a sudden match that saw Cesaro job out to Jordan.

Really? I’m sick of this Jason Jordan angle. I’m sick of him saying he is the only guy who can beat someone when he rarely wins. I was hoping it would end soon, but with Jordan replacing the injured Ambrose that doesn’t seem likely.

We all know how this story will eventually end: either Angle and Jordan turn heel, or Jordan turns heel and reveals Angle isn’t his father – leading to a match.

Right now, Jordan is taking up to much time on RAW and it isn’t adding to the show. RAW is become the Jason Jordan Show. Which, any time he is on the air, is becoming a great moment to get a snack.

It wouldn’t be such a bad thing if Jordan wasn’t a CRY BABY.

Alexa Bliss is scheduled for a Non-Title match against Asuka – much to her chagrin. She doesn’t want in. She spends her time on RAW leading up to the match first trying to get Angel to cancel it, then unsuccessfully trying to get Nia Jax to be ring side. Sorry Alexa. Good luck.

Leading into Roman Reigns’ match with Samoa Joe, he and Seth talk about Joe. Cue Jason Jordan again butting it. Yikes.

In the back, Kane approaches Strowman with an idea: They team up at the Rumble to take out Brock. Good Idea. Problem: Strowman says NO.

The Show closed out with Brock in ring and Heyman mouthing off as usually – with the claim that Brock is the devil’s favorite, not Kane. Kane didn’t like this, and made Brock pay with a chokeslam. Brock would sit up, and clothesline Kane of the ring.

Then the locker room emptied to separate the two. Credits rolled with Kane being forced to the back, and Brock bouncing around ring side.

A nice segment to end the show and set up the match. Braun Strowman NOT involved made it even better, selling that he doesn’t care about either one.

It was a little odd though, as it seemed to me the boys from the back came out a little too early.


Cesaro versus Jason Jordan

This come out of the opening Promo Segment. It was an average match at best, both guys showcased what they can do. Cesaro showed his ring savvy and experience far outmatched anything Jordan could do physically. In the end though, Jordan gain the upset victory.

Bray Wyatt versus Apollo Crews

Why? Why? Apollo Crews is far better than what they are doing with him. In this throw away match, Bray dominated and beat Crews rather easily, even with Titus World Wide at Ring Side.
Then Hardy appeared on the Titan Tron, seemingly freaking out Bray. (Can I wake up now?)

Alexa Bliss versus Asuka (Non-Title)

For the majority of this match, Bliss stayed in avoidance mode, or was getting completely dominated. When Bliss tried to fight, we saw glimpses of what could be a good match. In the end though, Bliss wasn’t just ‘Not Ready For Asuka’ she didn’t want any part of Asuka.

Asuka wins via tap out.

Strowman versus Rhyno, then Slater

Wow. In Rhyno’s attempt to toughing up Slater all he achieved was both of them getting squashed by Strowman. And a bloodthirsty crowd calling for Strowman to do it ‘on more time.’

Intercontinental Championship Match: Roman Reigns versus Samoa Joe

I have only two things to say about this match: Match of the Night; Wrestlers of the Night.

If you want, you can skip the rest of the show and just watch this match. I am not even a Roman fan, and I will admit he was great here. He might finally be getting better.

Drew Gulak and Divari versus Cedric Alexander and . . .

Drew Gulak started out by read a statement from Enzo – who can’t defend the title due to the flu. Best part of this, Drew correcting Enzo bad grammar.

Instead we get a tag match. Cedric’s partner: GOLDUST!!!

Cedric and Goldust go on to win a short but entertaining match.

Elias, Bo Dallas, Curtis Axel in a six-man tag match against . . . The (Bullet) CLUB. Yes, you read that right.

Elias, Dallas, Axel versus Fin Balor, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows. Forget about the squash match, it was awesome seeming these three together.

Cole even mention their time in Japan together, but not by name.

The Highlights:

  • Goldust
  • Intercontinental Championship Match
  • The Club! This is the near Guy Cry moment. Please WWE let this guy stay a group, give us something to really go for.

Final Thoughts:
I’ve written for almost two years now: RW BAD, SD LIVE GOOD. Maybe not tonight.

Tonight I felt RAW delivered an above average show which I enjoyed. I loved seeing The Club together, Alexa being the cowardly heel was nice, Enzo not on the show was great and the IC Title match Rocked.

Lowlight of the Night: No Cruiserweight title match

Highlight of the Night: The ‘Club’ Reunion

Match of the Night: Intercontinental Championship Match: Roman Reigns defends against Samoa Joe

Wrestlers of the Night: Roman Reigns and Samoa Joe.

Rating: 6.5

January 2ND, 2018


I wish I could say we started out hot, instead PROMO Time.

Styles hits the ring, talking about Owens, Zayn and the thought that Bryan is showing them favoritism. Styles calls Bryan out to let him know if Owens will be ringside for the Styles/Zayn main event.

Bryan makes his way down to YES, YES, YES chants, followed directly by Shane McMahon. Shane steals the segment, never lets Bryan talk and again accuses him of favoritism to Owens/Zayn. He announces that if Owens will be ring side, so will he.

Bryan then speaks, saying that if Owens will be ring side, Shane will be ring side, then he will be ring side. This sets up a stacked Main Event: Styles and Zayn in ring, McMahon, Bryan and Owens ring side.

In truth the Shane versus Owens/Zayn angle has run thin, adding Bryan and Styles (and by default the World Title to the mix) spices things up. Still, this is going into overkill fast.

Why it hasn’t reached overkill just yet and still works is for two reasons: The building tension between Bryan and Shane – where is this going to go?; The great dynamic and personalities of Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens.

In the back The New Day is celebrating the New Year in a way odd even for them. Then comes RUSEV DAY to save everything – complete with Aiden singing, and Rusev calling them children. This is all a promo leading up to the English versus Woods US Title Tournament Match.

I love everyone involved. Nice bit.


Smackdown Tag Team Title Match: The Usos versus Gable and Benjamin

This was a fantastic tag team match that saw NEW Tag Team Champions for about the length of a commercial break. Jimmy complains that he was legal, but Jay was pinned by Gable. Another ref hit the ring and it turns out: Jay was illegal, Gable was illegal – Match Restarted!

Usos win and retain. Fantastic match and a great twist and call. The right call.

I wish moment like this would happen more often. Instant Replay please!!

Breezango versus the Bludgeon Brothers

Uh, why? Maybe it’s because I love seeing Breezango get tortured like this – and I am a big fan.

There is something I have to write – which I never thought I ever would, or would want to: Let The Bludgeoning Begin. Which, yeah, is what this match was. Double time. The Ascension hit the ring early this time, or for a Bludgeoning themselves.

US Title Tournament Match: Aiden English versus Xavier Woods

We start the match with Rusev signing! Please put Aiden back on the mic. NOW!

The match between Aiden and Xavier was really good. Aiden showed his mat skills and ‘manly’ style, while Woods’ agility always amazes. This was a good, hard fought match that Woods eventually won and moved on in the Tournament.

Woods will next face Jinder Mahal.

The Welcoming Committee is back! Natalya, Carmella and Tamina versus the Riott Squad.

This was a decent woman’s match more designed to promote the Royal Rumble, then be a match. Sara Logan was the star here.

Afterwards, Ruby cut a promo renaming the Royal Rumble the Royal Riott, until she was interrupted by Charlotte and Naomi . . . and a PISSED BECKY LYNCH. Yes, the Lass Kicker is back!

Main Event Time!

AJ Styles versus Sami Zayn – with Kevin Owens, Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan Ring Side.

This match was a Match, an Angle and a lead in to the Royal Rumble all in one. All the main players in SD Live’s top angel where here, and it further this story.

It showcased AJ’s frustration with the Kevin and Sami Show. It pushed Shane vendetta against the Kevin and Sami Show.

However, the biggest moment in all this was Daniel Bryan throwing Shane McMahon out of the arena, after McMahon had Owens thrown out. That was followed by Bryan announcing that AJ Style ill defend the World Title against Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn in a handicap match at the Rumble!

Is this favoritism from Daniel Bryan?

Lost in all this was a damn good match that saw Zayn pin the champ.

The Highlights:
  • The Kevin and Sami Show
  • Rusev calling The New Day Children
  • The Tag Team Title Match.

Final Thoughts:
Smackdown didn’t try to go all out like RAW did. They did what they seem to focus on – putting on the best show they can. And they did just that, with good promos and solid matches around. Over all a good, entertaining show. Even if the main angel is starting to wear thin.

Lowlight of the Night: N/A
Highlight of the Night: Rusev calling The New Day Children
Match of the Night: Smackdown Tag Team Title Match: The Usos versus Gable and Benjamin
Wrestler of the Night: Xavier Woods
Rating: 7


MONDAY NIGHT RAW – Top Angel: The Jason Jordan show.
SMACKDOWN LIVE – Top Angel: The Kevin and Sami Show.

Both Angels are start to wear thin and drag on, but Kevin and Sami have such great dynamic they make it work. Sami seems to be having a lot of fun.


MONDAY NIGHT RAW – Top Highlight: The Club Reunion.
SMACKDOWN LIVE – Top Angel: Rusev calling the New Day children.

There is no comparison: The Club.


MONDAY NIGHT RAW – Intercontinental Championship Match: Roman Reigns versus Samoa Joe
SMACKDOWN LIVE – Smackdown Tag Team Title Match: The Usos versus Gable and Benjamin


MONDAY NIGHT RAW – Roman Reigns and Samoa Joe

Woods and Aiden put on a good show, but the IC Title match saw Roman up his game big time.


When it comes to comparing my big points: Angel, Highlight, Match and Wrestler, RAW barely comes out ahead. However I rated RAW 6.5 overall, with SD Live gaining a 7.

What pushes SD Live to a 7 l is three good matches and the Kevin and Sami Show.

So even though I give RAW the advantage in Match, Highlight and Wrestler, SD Live still comes out ahead, but just barely this time.


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Glitter & Slam: Chained Heat

In this edition of Glitter and Slam we'll talk about the first women's Elimination Chamber and the aftermath.

Overall, the match was solid, even though it was sold on a lack of buildup or tension between the combatants beyond wanting the Raw women's title. Everyone stuck to what they did best and the veterans, mostly, carried the lion's share of the action.

(Mandy Rose got a chance to showcase some of her power before wisely booked out as the first elimination. Source:

Mandy Rose was utilized correctly, making the most of her willingness to take tough bumps and abilities as a striker. With the exception of a flapjack on Sasha Banks, her story was kept simple en route to her first elimination. I still question Rose getting in this match over the more technically reliable Alicia Fox, but Paige's career-ending injury necessitated someone getting in the cage who wasn't ready.

(A newly toughened Bayley gets some hang time on Sonya Deville. Source:

Deville fared better, although violent settings like the chamber don't give one a chance to show her grappling skills. Not surprisingly, she was eliminated next by Mickie James, whose time was far too short in the cage. James leaped from a pod getting some outstanding hang time and a big pop.

 I was surprised James made such a rapid exit after giving fans the most memorable high spots of the match. The best WWE creative could do with her was a flimsy ad hoc alliance with the champion, which was irrelevant as Bliss never entered the chamber until her seeming cohort was gone.

(James had the most memorable spots of the match before her elimination. Source:

In the end Sasha Banks and Bayley, working together in the short term, carried the load to the end with Bliss finally emerging from her pod, only to try to lock herself in it. The champ was every bit the sneaky, cowardly, but ultimately conniving opportunist.  In the end Bliss's major highlight was the best promo of her career once the match ended. Before the final bell, she was able to hang back and watch the ad hoc partnership between Bayley and the Boss abruptly end with a nasty little smile as Banks kicked Bayley in the face, knocking her off the pod as they followed Bliss upward onto the structure.

(Mere minutes before stabbing her bff in the back, Banks and Bayley close in on the champ. Source:

En route to a hit-or-miss style conclusion, in which Bliss made Banks pay for her high-risk style with a snap DDT off the top turnbuckle, this match served as some character rehab for Bayley. 

(With friends like this... Source: WWE Network)

(Source: WWE Network)

Hugger #1 carried herself as far tougher than the woman who couldn't even pick up a kendo stick en route to a character burial last summer. She took what she gave in the chains and steel, bowing out to Bliss in a surprise rollup after getting some payback on Banks with an avalanche Bayley-to-Belly off the top rope. This is one of the best matches of Bayley's turbulent main roster career.

(Bliss seizes the opportunity with a snap DDT off the top rope. Source: WWE Network)

Banks showed she's come a long way since the exciting but uneven Hell In A Cell match she had with Charlotte Flair in 2016. She was crisp, did her best to make the new jacks Rose and Deville look good before their eliminations.  Her abilities as a sports entertainer in this match were even more important. With the lame buildup to this spectacle, the audience needed hooked in at the opening bell and she proved again that with a smile or a tear, a kick to the face is so much more than a kick to the face. 

(What price glory? Source: WWE Network)

It's worth noting that the camera trained on her several times during Bliss' post-match promo, as if Alexa's smarmy admonishment of the crowd was indirectly aimed at Banks. The Boss hung her head, again bitterly wrestling with defeat after a compelling match. It sold Bliss's best mic spot of her career and brought great heat for Five Feet of Fury and opens up story possibilities for the title feud going into WrestleMania.

(Bliss comes under critical fire at times for being pushed as a 100% homegrown Performance Center talent, but her value is undeniable. Source:

So far WWE creative seems content with letting this play out on Twitter and relegating the women to huge ensemble tag matches. While tweens and some millennials readily embrace Twitter and Facebook as part of their WWE entertainment, the women will not continue to evolve if we're left with vague one-liners and one-off tag snubs. After this solidly entertaining match, that was not what any of the Team Red women needed on the post-chamber Raw.

(Bayley about to blow off the Boss. Source:

Fans hate to love Alexa Bliss as one of the top heels in WWE and we have great potential for a secondary feud to explode between Banks and best friend Bayley, but no real groundwork is laid, and even the most social media savvy aren't going to feel like they're getting the entertainment they want--in or out of the ring-- on Twitter.

(Be despised for fun and profit! Source:

This is certainly better than 2010, but WWE is leaving money and another potential surge of growth for women at the top level on the table. As of this writing the trending video at about the whole Bayley/Banks thing asks "is trouble brewing?"  This should have degraded into a brawl and burned bridges to light the way to WrestleMania, but we're going to pretend there is a mystery. That's akin to saying The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a who-dun-it.

(Her victory was clear, but Asuka's direction for WrestleMania is not. Source:

In light of reigniting a slow burn for Raw's besties from last year, Asuka's story remains unclear. There is no clear contender beyond Fastlane for a Mania bout for the Smackdown championship, and Asuka vs. Charlotte has that match of the year feel. In light of Carmella's perpetual holding of the Money In The Bank case and the potential of Asuka vs. Rousey in the future, this is one decision that could be a real surprise either way. Beyond the story in the ring, however, WWE has lost their way in getting more good storylines for their main roster women, and that is not the position they should be in this close to the Show of Shows.

In the next Glitter and Slam, I will analyze the Mixed Match Challenge as indicated in my last column. There was simply too much going on with the Elimination Chamber and the post-ppv Raw to get it in this time.

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Follow Ace and Wrestlementary: @WrestlementaryT