Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Why Wrestling?

This is my second attempt at writing Why Wrestling – and I am writing while watching Monday Night RAW on July 2nd. I hated the piece I had written, which was supposed to go up last night.

It didn’t go up because of an unforeseen issue I had to deal with, which I am turning into a positive by taking the time to write an even better piece – I believe this will be.

It will be up in time for Smackdown Live tonight (July 3rd – West Coast Feed).

Let’s get right down to it: Professional Wrestling or Sports Entertainment as Vince McMahon and the WWE would brand it, has been around for over a century now. The WWE, under various names, around for just over 50 years.

Why? Because it has connected with its audience and has stayed connected.

An argument can be made that wrestling is the Modern Myth of the World and wrestlers the Greek Gods of our age – a similar take to that on Comic Books.

Like Comic Books, Wrestling is filled with colorful characters and grand spectacle. In fact many wrestlers – such as the Ultimate Warrior and Alexander Hammerstone – are living breathing comic book characters.

The Difference? Comic books are in print; Wrestling is real life.

Then there is the main argument people have against Wrestling: It’s Fake. Pre-Determined. Fixed.

So what?

Guess what, so is Star Wars. So is Die Hard. Expendables. Transporter. Crank. I could go on and on.

I don’t understand this: How can people be entertained and love Action Films (even the stupid ones) and NOT like Pro-Wrestling? What’s the difference?

Wrestling is a live action, action film.

A Good Action Film has a Plot, Story, Conflict, Violence, Action and Surprises.

Wrestling has a Plot, Story, Conflict, Violence, Action and Surprises.

Someone explain to me the difference.

Oh, wait, Wrestling is real life. No acting. No Stunt Men. Real people put it all on the line in wrestling matches to entertain the masses.

Wrestling is a Grand Spectacle, whether it be the WWE or Indie Scene. It’s larger than life, but ground in life.

Here is a mixture of everything, and there is something for every to connect with.

Horror: The Undertaker, Funnybone, Killer Kevin Kross
Drama: Rey Mysterio (The Underdog overcoming odds)
Post-Apocalyptic: The Bludgeon Brothers, The Road Warriors
Punk: Reno Scum
Steampunk: Beck Lynch
Rock N’ Roll: Chris Jericho, The Freebirds

No matter what you like, among the vast characterscape of Pro-Wrestling, you’ll find someone to follow.

And right there is the Ultimate Answer to Why Wrestling? The emotional connection.

You don’t just watch wrestling – be it on TV or at a LIVE Event. You INVEST in wrestling. You follow your favorite wrestler, you feeling their pain, cry at their losses, and celebrate in their victories.

Trust me when I say – there is nothing like seeing Pro Wrestling live. There are few greater feelings then having your favorite wrestler win a match, then come to you and celebrate with you.

Why Wrestling?
Because it’s the ultimate thrill ride, because it has an emotional connection like nothing else on the planet.

Why Wrestling?
Because, just like Comic Books, there is nothing else in the world like it.

Why Wrestling?
Why anything else?

Ace Masters

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