Monday, March 19, 2018



So, what did RAW bring us this week?

Braun Strowman being fired for burying Kane and Lesnar under the scaffolding! On live TV! After firing Braun, Kurt got the Hell out of the ring and left the poor local smucks to deal with Braun.

Of course, Braun is a professional. He took the firing and losing his Rumble title shot in stride and left without incident.

Um, no.

Well almost, until one member of ‘security’ put his hand on Braun’s shoulder.

Braun being fired = Security destroyed, Curt Hawkins nearly crippled, Chocolate Cake devoured, Semi Truck overturned, Kurt Angle more concerned with the Production Trucks then peoples lives, Michael Cole manhandled, Braun rehired by order of Stephanie, Cole tossed off the stage into security and worse of all Todd Phillips on commentary on RAW (Damn you, Strowman!)!

Even though rehiring him so quickly was kind of stupid, his rampage was kinda entertaining.

Jason Jordan struck again, this time distracting The Bar and costing them a second match against Titus World Wide. The Bar was not the only people upset about this, so was Seth Rollins – still upset with Jordan not being a ‘team mate.’

This night was mostly the ‘Strowman Rampage Show’ but included some good matches – Roman versus Axel and Dallas really wasn’t one of them, because it was more of an angel than a match. Cedric Alexander versus Tony Neese was good.

Asuka versus Nia Jax was the standout match and highlight of the night. They put on a really good match where one wondered if Asuka might finally lose. This was far better than their NXT matches. For one major reason: Nia Jax is much better than her NXT days.

Jax is better than she was just over the summer.

Asuka looked good in a match where she had to overcome the odds and take a beating. Even though she lost due to stoppage, Nia Jax came out the real winner. This match showcased how much she has improved and proved that she is a major threat to anyone.

On this night Nia Jax ARRIVED.

The Revival returned, squashed some jobbers and cut a promo with Charly Carsuo. They are wrestlers, not Sport Entertainers. I love the Revival, but did their bad run of luck with back to back injuries stall their careers?

The shocking moment of the night came by way of Sonya Devillie pinning Sasha Banks! Sasha was upset by Devillie, then cried.

Our main event saw Seth Rollins gain some measure of payback in a victory over Finn Balor, in a match that Jason Jordan’s big mouth got him into. It was a decent match until the waning minutes when it seem awkward and rushed as Finn appeared to have hurt his neck. After the loss, he didn’t get up as fast as normal.


Overall we had two good RAWS back to back. An amazing feat in this era.




We open the show hot going straight into the United States Title Tournament. Xavier Woods, with The New Day in tow, barreled his way into his semi-final match against Jinder Mahal. Sadly, nothing Xavier did could get him on track and he fell to the Maharaja. This was basically set up to show Jinder as being dominate going into his finals match.

After a series of Selfie-Videos from the ladies, each proclaiming themselves the winner of the first ever Women’s Royal Rumble, and a Renee Young AJ Styles Interview where he promises to do everything he can to cancel the Kami Show (Yep Movement), we go straight into the next United States Title Tournament semi-final match:
Bobby Roode Versus Mojo Rawley

I have to admit Mojo Rawley actual showed up for this match and hung in there with Bobby Roode. Mojo’s new attitude, leading to a new style, is working for him. More aggression then hype, in this match he showed some moves and in-ring work he never showed before. He might actually be improving, but it wasn’t enough to overcome the veteran Ring General Bobby Roode, who won the right to move onto the finals next week . . .

But first gets beat down by the Sign Brothers this week, then has to listen to Mahal saying he will put an end to the Gloriousness!

Roode’s response? A challenge to have the finals tonight! Mahal’s answer: NO.

Daniel Bryan’s Answer: YES, YES, YES!

Next up the Riott Squad won a six-woman tag match over Naomi, Lynch and Flair. Liv Morgan picks up the upset pin over Naomi after a ‘Code-Breaker’ type knee to the jaw. A very good match that saw all the ladies get time, and gave Morgan a much needed good showing.

A backstage interview with the Usos is cut short by an attack from Gable and Benjamin as this rivalry heats up.

It’s United States Title Tournament Finals Time. It’s Main Event Time. Bobby Roode has been one of my favorites for over a Decades. I’ve always been a Jinder fan, and he has stepped it up big time since Vince dumped SD LIVE on his shoulders (though I disagree with the booking).

What followed was an extremely good, hard fought and tough match as both guys wanted to stake their claim as the new US Champion, but in the end only Bobby Roode would see his name immortalized as United State Heavyweight Champion!



Overall two shows that I liked this week. Has the Road to WrestleMentary really begun? Technically yes. In reality – only Maybe.

On another thought: Am I the only person who noticed that the two finalist fighting for the United States Title are both Canadian?

I don’t know why they made to call to move the finals up a week, but I think it was a good idea. Let the Go Home Show focus on the Royal Rumble.

Oh, wait, maybe because of RAW’s 25th Anniversary!

(Oh Boy).

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