Sunday, March 25, 2018


I wrote in my Final Thoughts of Main Roster Mania Week 4 that I didn’t think the WWE did a good job of promoting the event. Especially the women’s Royal Rumble. I stand by that statement, but promotion of an event doesn’t affect the quality of the event.

For the first time in a long time the Royal Rumble lived up to its name.

This was truly a Royal Event.


First, I want to ask, does anyone actually watch the Kickoff Show as a preview to the event? I’m serious. I don’t. I usually wait until about 45 or 30 before minutes before the actual event, fast forward through most of the show and just watch the matches.

I did the same here.

Kalisto, Gran Metallik and Lince Dorado versus TJP, Jack Gallagher and Drew Gulak

Wow, to be honest I wasn’t even sure if Kalisto, Gran Metallik, Lince Dorado and TJP were still with the WWE. I guess this was the replacement for Enzo versus Cedric. A standard cruiserweight match that saw Kalisto go over TJP for the win.

The Revival versus The Good Brothers

A short, but good, but hard hitting match that saw the Revival gain a measure of revenge following that loss at RAW 25.

US Open Challenge: Bobby Roode versus Mojo Rawley

Why? Why Mojo? All this week people have speculated this would be Ziggler’s return. I held out hope for a debut – James Storm! Instead Mojo stunk the place up to lead into the Rumble. If he had his best match against Roode in the US Tournament, this match was a step back. Roode Schooled Him.


We kick off the show HOT! With the WWE Championship!

AJ STYLES (Champion) defends against Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens

Kami, aka Kevin and Sami Show, aka Yep Movement are reminding me of LayCool. Remember them? When Michelle McCool and Layla were co-women’s champion the idea failed then. Kevin and Sami are far more talented in-ring then Michelle and Layla, but the idea still wouldn’t work.

Fortunately it didn’t happen.

This was a fun, damn good match that erased the taste of the Mojo failure. Kevin and Sami did all their comedy spots and pulled out all the shenanigans that make them fun, while still showing just how good they are with one-on-one time with AJ.

AJ continued the story of his WWE Career, proving he is Phenomenal in any playing field: even or handicapped.

AJ Styles is still the World Champ!

After the match Kevin and Sami again complained to Shane that they were screwed. Shane just smiled and said ‘Yep!’

Next up Smackdown Tag Team Championship!

THE USOS (Champions) defend against Gable and Shelton in a 2 out of 3 falls match.

I truly thought this was the night Gable and Shelton would win the titles. Especially with one of the USOs getting a DUI leading into the Rumble. The WWE usually frowns upon that. Instead, the USOs locked down this excellent and highly athletic match up and put down the challengers in two straight falls.

Let me repeat that, the USOs put down Gable and Shelton in two straight falls.

It’s Rumble Time!



The first thing I have to say is this, Holy Crap what a Rusev Day Response for Rusev at #1, almost as loud as Finn Balor at #2.

Rusev and Balor started out what ended up being one of my favorite Rumble match and what I believe is the best Rumble match in a decade at least. There were no big debuts (ex: Styles), but there were two surprise NXT Entrants (Andrade Almas, Adam Cole) and two brief returns with The Hurricane and Rey Mysterio!

What made this match better than many previous match was the pacing and continuing action. Unlike other Rumbles (such as with Goldberg/Brock or Hogan/Warrior) there wasn’t a huge angle to get over, and there was little in the way of down time slowing the pacing and making it boring.

They made this Rumble feel like something special and truly made it “One against All,” nowhere more showcased than Reigns eliminating Rollins. Furthermore we had 8 guys go over twenty minutes, 5 of those over twenty-five minutes, 3 of them over thirty, with Fin Balor clocking in at 57 minutes and eventual winner SINSHUKE NAKAMURA outlasting everyone and going strong at 44 minutes.

I loved this Rumble match. Nakamura was favored to win going in, so that was no surprise. I believe it was the right call.


WRESTLEMANIA: AJ Styles versus Nakamura! Hell Yeah!


Seth Rolling & Jason Jordan (Champions) defend against The Bar

Finally! An end to the Jason Jordan and Seth Rollins debacle of a title run. Well, not Seth Rollins, because Tyler Black would never tag himself out of a match like punk ass Jason Jordan did. Due to Jason Jordan being Jason Jordan, this was basically a handicap match with Rollins taking on The Bar by himself.

In truth, Rollins in a handicap match against Sheamus and Cesaro is better than it would have been had Jordan had any real ring time.


Brock Lesnar (Champion) defends against Braun Strowman and Kane in a Triple Threat Match

Is anyone else as tired of this Brock Lesnar multi-person matches gimmick as I am? All it really does is put Brock over and bury everyone else. I know Heyman has mentioned this a few times, but they should really play up the idea of the WWE wanting to do anything to get the title off of Brock, especially with his history with Angle.

I LOVE Kane. Big fan of Braun. Take or leave Brock. All guys are capable of good matches. At first, I was down on this one, but then watched it again. For the time it received it delivered what it should have: A slobber knocker, pier-six-brawl of power moves that left destruction in its wake.

When the dust settled, Lesnar conquered the Monsters.

Stephanie McMahon on commentary? Alexa Bliss and Charlotte ringside? That can only mean one thing!



Maybe it’s the fact that this was the first Women’s Rumble. Maybe it’s the fact that I have wanted to see this my entire life. But this match was

I loved every moment of this match except for Vicki Guerrero, she had no place in this match at all. Other than Vickie, I think every women in this match – no matter how long they were in – gave it their all, from current stars to legends from the past, no one phoned this in.

This IS a special moment, and everyone knew it.

I love seeing ladies who paved the way (Molly Holly, Jacqueline, Beth Phoenix, Lita, Trish, Torrie) get their chance to shine in this match, even though we all knew they wouldn’t win.

As expected Asuka won, last eliminating Nikki Bella to win the match – while the WWE teased pissing us all off by having Nikki win.

I have to single out some special performances here:
1. Lita – How Awesome was Lita during her time in this match? Serious, this was Team Extreme Lita.

2. Michelle McCool – She looked like she hasn’t missed a step. For the 8 minutes she was in, she was dominate, eliminating a now record 5 women.

3. Nia Jax – Awesome. That’s it. Awesome. She has come a long way and this proved it. I would not have been disappointed had she won.

4. Becky Lynch – Had the second longest time in this match at entrant #2.

5. Trish startus – Entrant #30 and she looked awesome. I was never a fan but she was great here, and for a moment I though the WWE might just pull the trigger.

6.  Sasha Banks – Most know I am not a big Sasha fan, she’s good, I just don’t think she’s at the level many people put her at. She lasted almost the entire match, nearly an hour and it took both Bella’s to oust her. No matter what – even over her title reigns and matches with Charlotte and Bayley – her performance here cements a Sasha Banks legacy.

The Match was Awesome. Then came the most polarizing moment of the night!!

Rhonda Rousey pointing at the WrestleMania sign! Yep, she’s here. I know a lot of people had a problem with this (including Nia and Sasha (legit??)), but I didn’t. Brining her out here after the match was the right move, and a surprise.

Most people thought she would be in the Rumble – even win it! Now that would have been terrible, as it would have turned the event into a joke and would have just been used to intro Rousey to the WWE at the expense of all the ladies.

This way, just fine.


Can we do this again? Damn fine show all around and the best EVENT since last year’s WrestleMania.

The weakest match in the card was the Universal Triple Threat Title Match, and even that was good.


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