Saturday, September 15, 2018


*** A Special Note before we get down to business. In my Blog Statement on Wednesday, August 15th – when I revamped my blogs for the remaining of 2018 – I wrote I would basically do three pieces: Thursday – Discuss the last months Raw and SD Live; Friday – Preview the PPV; Saturday – Predictions.
Well, I tried to keep to that, but when writing the pieces I realized how redundant it is to do a Recap Piece and a Preview breaking down the card with much the same info. So I decided I would do it all in one piece – this one you are reading right now!


Are we going to Hell? Or is this going to be one HELL of a good time?

Can Hell In A Cell match the Epic WWE Pay-Per-Views/Events that have happened so far in 2018?

The Answer: NO. Because there hasn’t been an Epic event yet this year. Wait, the Rumble? The real one, not the Saudi one.

Can Hell In A Cell be the Epic WWE Pay-Per-View/Event that we all know they can do? The one we want and deserve? MAYBE.

Can Hell In A Cell erase the bad taste of Summerslam? PLEASE.

Can Hell In A Cell be good? WE HOPE.

I know we still have three-and-a-half months, three Pay-Per-Views/Events (one of them SURVIVOR SERIES) left to go, but Hell In A Cell may be the WWE’s last chance to capture its audience this year.


Because the Holidays are coming up and there are many more things to divert peoples attention, and for people to spend money on.

Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are looming, the NFL season is here, and let’s not forget The World Series is getting closer.

If the WWE wants to keep eyes on the prize and merchandize sales it needs to step up now!

The first step the WWE needs to make (and should have done long before now) is the end the confusion and clarify what matches are actually in the Hell in a Cell. Every year this happens, they announce matches FOR Hell In A Cell (The Event itself), but don’t make clear what matches are IN Hell In A Cell (The Match itself).

Or they could take a note from IMPACT/TNA’s Lockdown PPV and make every match a Hell In A Cell match. Now that would be something. Imagine Rousey versus Bliss inside the Cell, Bliss could go full violent heel.

Still, just to clarify what IS and IS NOT a Hell In A Cell match would be good.

Here’s the good thing, the WWE started building toward the Hell In A Cell PPV the RAW after Summerslam. Here the so-so thing: Three of these matches are basically re-matches from Summerslam (the one difference is Brie and Maryse added to Miz versus Bryan)

Okay, let’s get right to it:


Wow, look at this line up, will you.

The Wow isn’t for the matches – it’s because there are 3 RAW and 5 SD Live Matches on the card. Making this an SD Live heavy event and bodes well for it being much better than the normal PPV of 2018.

However, as of Friday, one of those announced matches has been moved to the Kick Off Show, which is only being listed as one hour long.

Is this good or bad? Maybe the WWE doesn’t have high hopes for this show and is focusing more on the Australian Super Show (since they have spent ample time building the only announced match (HHH v Undertaker)).

Or, to be more positive, maybe it is a good thing. Maybe they have decided to try and streamline this show and focus on the quality rather than quantity.

We can hope.


  • SD LIVE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: The New Day versus Rusev Day

There has been absolutely no build to this match – at least between the teams. The build was the exact same Build that saw the New Day compete at Summerslam, but win by DQ. A Tag Team Tournament to crown #1 contenders.

New Day won the first tournament. Rusev Day won the second.

One things for sure, a Day will win!

Why New Day Should Win: They are the longer established team – and will go down as one of the greatest of all time. They only just regained the titles, it may be too soon to lose them.

Why Rusev Day Should Win: Because it is becoming harder and harder to ignore the impact and popularity of Rusev Day. How long can the WWE keep Rusev from a title? Or Rusev and English?

Who Will Win: I love both teams. I don’t care who win, I just want to see a great match. But I want Rusev to have a title. So: Rusev Day.



  • RAW Women’s Championship: Ronda Rousey versus Alexa Bliss

At one time I was not looking forward to this match. I wasn’t really sure what they could do to build this match. The build to Summerslam wasn’t good (derailed partly by the Anvil’s Untimely passing and Natalya’s time off), and the match was a terrible squash in a Main Event spot.

After the last two RAWs, the build has elevated this match somewhat. I still think that Ronda is Champ to soon, without a chase or build to her win. Alexa is a solid heel, still growing in the ring. Its help that Alexa has added a new move to her arsenal – Rousey’s own Arm Bar! Could we see Alexa try tapping Ronda out with her signature move?

Why Ronda Should Win: She’s clearly the better of the two, with no way Alexa could beat her one-on-one.

Why Alexa Should Win: Alexa as Champion and Ronda chasing her is a more compelling story, and better for business. Alexa can win as she is vicious and cut throat, but should do so only if Foxxy and Mickie get involved. If this happens, and Alexa wins by group beat down, it protects Ronda and gives her, her first loss without destroying her mystique.

Also, if Alexa wins then her match with Trish takes on new meaning at Evolution – and I guarantee more people will tune in if it becomes a title match and Trish could win one more title.

Who Will Win: Alexa Bliss.

  • RAW Tag Team Title Match: Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntrye versus Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins

This is the match I was hoping would be announced. It needed to happen and the Tag Titles on the line are a good thing. These are evenly matched, excellent teams. Dolph and Drew have shown great chemistry together and Dean and Seth are an experience duo.

However, will either team win this match? Might the Revival and/or The B-Team come looking for revenge?

Why Dolph and Drew Should Win: They are the fresher tag team, on a roll and there is more upside to them winning. Let the Shield, Revival and B-Team Chase them. They could be the dominate tag team RAW needs.

Why Dean and Seth Should Win: Because they are the Shield. After two weeks of beat downs, riots, arrest, near arrest, the Shield need something positive. A Win would be it.

Who Will Win: Dolph and Drew.

  • Universal Title Match – Inside Hell In A Cell: Roman Reigns versus Braun Strowman

Yes, now this is a build that RAW is getting right.

The Return of the Shield in what should have been a Heel move.

Braun’s Heel turn and joining forces with Drew and Dolph after announcing his Cash-In.

An all-out Brawl to start the 9/3 RAW and The Shield Arrested, and another Brawl on 9/10.

RAW has focused on this Universal Title Match and that is a good thing.

With the Universal Title on an active, full time Work Horse, things should improve as now something can be done with the Title – beyond just wonder where the absentee Champion is.

There has been so many tangents for it, and there are so many possibilities as to what can happen here.

The SHIELD are back, stopping Braun from winning the Title. Braun has aligned himself with Dolph and Drew. Dolph and Drew beat up the Revival and stole their Tag Title Match and took the titles from the B Team.

Will the Shield interfere? Dolph and Drew most certainly will. Could the Revival interfere looking for revenge on Dolph and Drew?

There are so many threads it’s interesting.

I like Braun, but have never been a big Reigns fan. However, Braun is the one opponent that really brings something more out of Reigns.

My one thing against this match right now: Mick Foley. Why? Yes, I know: 20 year celebration of his Hell In A Cell match. It might make sense if it was the first Hell In A Cell match, but it wasn’t. His lack of mobility already affects any pacing this match will have and his presence makes me believe more there will be a swerve.

Why Braun Should Win: It’s his time, and he has called his shot cashing in. He needs to win in order to be truly solidified as the Monster Among Men, as he failed twice before against Lesnar. Braun could be a great Heel Champion for the faces among RAW to chase, and with Dolph and Drew at his side it could be a long hard chase.

Why Roman Should Win: Roman doesn’t need to win, but a loss will hurt him. After finally conquering Lesnar, he needs to follow that up with a win here to cement his Big Dog status. He could get a clean win, or the Shield could help him.

Who Will Win: Braun Strowman.

As always the cage will never keep anyone out, I expected an all-out riot and for Braun to come out with a victory that puts him at the top of the food chain, but protects Roman and sets the stage for more matches.


Two things I write above are in play here: 1) This is a SD Live heavy show – that’s a good thing. I hope; 2) we only know for sure that one of these matches is in the Hell In A Cell match itself: Hardy versus Orton.

They clarity of this needed to happen weeks ago, many people (myself included) initially thought Daniel Bryan/Brie Bella versus The Miz/Maryse would be in Hell In A Cell, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

  • Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella versus The Miz and Maryse

I Love Bryan and The Miz. Maryse is okay. Brie, No. I don’t understand why we are getting a Summerslam Rematch here. I get why Brie is involved after Maryse’s Summerslam sleight of hand, I just don’t think they add anything to the match.

The build has been good, with both women getting involved, and both Couples at one time getting the upper hand. Of the matches from SD Live, this one has had the most physical interaction.

Why Daniel Bryan/Brie Bella should win: Daniel needs a big win, badly. Brie needs on too, especially is she is back wrestling at any regular way. Daniel can also use the boost of getting The Miz off his back if they ever plan on putting a title on him again.

Why The Miz/Maryse should win: A win would help The Miz, but he could survive the loss better than Bryan. Maryse is a nonfactor, as she will probably not be wrestling again anytime soon. The most sense for a Miz win would be if they are planning to elevate him into a title picture sometime soon.

Who Will Win: Daniel Bryan/Brie Bella

  • Hell In A Cell Match: Jeff Hardy versus Randy Orton

Of any match on the card, this has the longest current build. It goes back almost three months: to Randy attacking Hardy when he was still US Champion and initially feuding with Nakamura.

Randy has been very vicious and nasty, returning to his heel ways. Jeff it seems has tried to stay centered and in control, but it starting to lose it.

The question I have, it why are they spending this time and putting essentially two part timers in such a spot?

There is one reason I can think of: Broken. With the face paint and “Obsolete” references, the Hell In A Cell would be the perfect place for Brother Nero to resurrect.

Why Randy Should Win: No real good reason, unless they want to use him for future big angles.

Why Jeff Hardy Should Win: Broken. If they are going to tease it, do it. And not in the watered down “Woken” crap way.

Who Will Win: Jeff Hardy.

  • SD Live Women’s Championship: Charlotte Flair versus Beck Lynch

This build has been done really well, and will the exception of a ‘fan’ attacking Charlotte, has been done with limited interaction.

This build and feud is personal and built upon the characters and a sense of betrayal more than anything else. But who betrayed who is the question.

Becky Lynch as a Heel has been a breath of fresh air and brought out something totally new and unseen in her, which is awesome.

Expect this match to be emotional, personal, hard hitting, vicious, nasty and to steal the show.

Why Charlotte Should Win: Charlotte feels her friend has turned on her for no reason. That Becky would have down the same to Charlotte during their Summerslam triple threat if she had the chance. Charlotte may be right. She will be more emotional and driving in that, but will that keep her from pulling the trigger?

Why Becky Will Win: Because it is her time. Because Heel Becky is even more awesome than Face Becky. Forget straight fire, welcome Straight Cold Fire. Becky will be much more vicious and out to prove it’s her time and take the title.

Who Will Win: Becky Lynch.

  • WWE Championship AJ Styles versus Samoa Joe

Talk about getting personal, this is personal. This should be in Hell In A Cell.

What can I really say here? I like the Build, but I think the WWE being isolationist has caused them to drop the ball. Imagine if they build on the ten plus year of this feud outside of the WWE?

How epic could it be?

The Build here is basically the same leading into Summerslam, with very little difference. I hope this match is better than that one.

I’m engaged, but not as much as I should be. The problem is Samoa Joe is supposed to be a bas ass, yet he’s trying to scare little girls?

Why Joe Should Win: A Joe win furthers this feud as adds fuel to the fire. Joe could be the one thing SD Live is lacking: A Dominate Heel Champion.

Why AJ Should Win: the feel good story of a man fighting for his family.

Who Will Win: Samoa Joe. Joe’s tactics might not be ‘bad ass,’ but they are working. AJ snapped at Summerslam and loss the match by DQ. The same could happen here, but I don’t think so. Joe is under AJ’s skin, which will cause AJ to make mistakes and Joe to take him down.

What’s more dangerous than a man who can beat you physically? A man who can beat you physically and mentally.

Joe Wins.

Initially I was very distant on Hell In A Cell. Very much sort of “whatever.”

But in writing this, and seeing that the entire card is eight matches (one Kick Off Match and seven Main Card), I’ve started to rethink Hell In A Cell.

Already it is a more streamlined and focused card them any other PPV/Event of the year. As I wrote could be the case above. For this PPV/Event the WWE has done a decent job of actually building up the matches, not just throwing as many on the card as possible.

Maybe, just Maybe, Hell In A Cell could be the PPV we need.

The Build is there.

The Talent is there.

Now we just have to see if they can execute it on Sunday.

Ace Masters.

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