Monday, June 25, 2018

Ug, well here we go again . . . Yep. It’s time for another Wrestlementary State of . . .

Ug, well here we go again . . .

Yep. It’s time for another Wrestlementary State of . . . after another unannounced hiatus.

It’s really odd, I tend to plan big things around Mania Time, but then end up taking a hiatus. It makes no sense last year, Mania was great. This year, Main was not-so-great (terrible and bloated). I’ll touch on that later.

While other hiatus were unplanned, this one was mixed. Initially unplanned, but I decidedly too really step back because of my disgust with what WWE was doing. As I wrote in a piece before, I even got behind for the first time since the first RAW broadcast. This year was the first time I have not watched RAW when it aired.

When I posted my piece on Alexander Hammerstone that was supposed to kick off my return to writing, but it didn’t.

Okay, there are a few other reason I slacked off, the biggest of which is being sick and a skin infection, nothing serious (I think) but annoying and trying to deal with that.

For more on that – and things on me in General – you can read my State of the Master Blog (

Wrestlementary will RETURN ON MONDAY, JULY 2ND

A Couple of Changes Coming

  • Glitter and Slam will no longer be featured on Wrestlementary. Wes Kozalla has moved it over to its new site:
  • Facebook and Twitter: I will be closing down the Wrestlementary Facebook and Twitter Accounts. I will do all posting on Facebook and Twitter through my Ace Masters accounts. It’s a little much to keep track of multiple accounts.

A Couple of Returns

  • I am hoping that in July or August that Chris Rose and Dave Parrish return to writing pieces for Wrestlementary. We will see.

July 2nd – The Return

Yeah, I’ve said it before. Yes I have meant it before. Give me a break, pencil neck geeks.

On July 2nd Wrestlementary will return with a “Why Wrestling” post. I will discuss what wrestling is, what it means to me, and why I love it so much. I will also be posting a similar piece “Why Comics” on July 4th for the return of The Burning Mind Blog.

Also in July I will write and post a multi-part State of the WWE – 2018 the First Half. In this State Of I will discuss and break down Monday Night RAW, Smackdown Live! and the PPVs. Plus, give my take on where the WWE is, where it seems they may be going, and what they need to do.

In fact, July might be the Half-Year-In-Review month, as I also plan to do State Of’s for IMPACT, and the local Championship Wrestling From Arizona and Arizona Wresting Federation promotions.

I will also post more pieces of my “Best Wrestlers You MAY Never Have Heard Of’ series.

As July progresses I will return to my normal coverage of RAW, SD LIVE and Impact.
Well, that’s it. I kept this one short and sweet.

See you on July 2ND.


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