Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Road to WrestleMania Part 6 - WrestleMania Preview and Card Breakdown Part 4 - The Asylum of Beasts

No Holds Barred Street Fight: Brock Lesnar versus Dean Ambrose

I have never been a huge Brock Lesnar fan. However, Brock is never better than when he is smiling, and seemingly having fun. I get the feeling Brock is looking forward to this match.

Everyone seems to think this match is right up Dean Ambrose’s alley. That this is his ball game. The WWE makes this claim because he is the ‘Lunatic Fringe’ with some subtle hints to his Combat Zone Wrestling days.

Brock is bigger, stronger and, I think few would argue this, the better wrestler and athlete then Ambrose. So what does Ambrose bring?

Ambrose is a punching bag that punches back. He will take a beating, get back up, take a beating and get back up.

Make no mistake, Ambrose will take a beating. And he will get up. He will hit back with every weapon in his little red wagon. Question is, will it be enough? Brock can use the weapons too.

But what can you do to a man who refuses to die? Brock can beat on Ambrose all night, but if Ambrose keeps getting up, what does Brock do? At some point does Brock punch himself out? Can Ambrose win because Brock tires himself out from beating Ambrose up?

Ambrose needs the win and the Mania moment more than Brock. He needs a big win to showcase that he is ready. He has proven he can hang, no it’s time for him to do more. If he can beat Brock, that puts him in an elite category – he can beat anybody.

A Brock win is almost a given 100% of the time. So when he loses it is a big deal. That is the one nice thing about Brock, beating Brock means something. Would a win at Mania do Brock good? Yeah. Will a loss hurt Brock? If this was a regular match, yes it would.

Since this is No Hold Barred and Ambrose can use any weapon, Brock is somewhat protected. If Ambrose wins, Heyman can shrug it off, saying Ambrose needed a weapon to beat Brock.

No matter what, expect a good match. Ambrose always delivers, and Brock seems to look forward to this one. He is smiling after all.

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