Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Road to WrestleMania - Part 3 - WrestleMania Preview and Card Breakdown Part 1 - The Pre-Show

I am going to focus on the actual WWE WrestleMania Pre-show, not the just announced Sports Center at Mania coverage. Or the USA Coverage.

I usually watch the Pre-show, but barely pay attention. I only watch so I can see the Pre-Show match and make sure I don’t miss the start of the PPV.

There isn’t much too usually watch. It isn’t much different than any other sports Pre-Show. Like the NBA, MLB, NFL, NHL the WWE Pre-Show has pundits talking about the event, what to expect and giving their predictions.

On the WWE Pre-Show the Pundits gives their prediction based on whether they are Faces or Heels, or who Renee Young finds most attractive (I’m kidding).

There is always at least one match on the Pre-Show. Sad thing is, this time there are three. Yes, this is Sad. Two of these matches should be on the main card, not in purgatory on the Pre-Show.

The Matches:

The Total Divas (Brie, Paige, Natalya, Alicia and Eve Marie (NOOO!) versus B.A.D. & Blonde (Naomi, Tamina, Lana, Emma (Yeah!) and Summer Rae)

When the Hell did this match get announced and why is it happening? Wait, last night’s RAW. Why? Brie, Paige and Natty should be on the main card. I can’t breakdown this match because there’s nothing to it.

The Usos versus The Dudleys

Really? The Pre-Show? The Usos have been left out in the cold it seems, but have put in some good stuff lately. The Dudleys have really stepped it up in the last month, becoming the Dudleys again. They have really built this match up and the Dudleys have been on fire, and now they get buried. Makes no sense.

That said, this should be a good match. The Dudleys are pro, they know how to lay out a good match, even if they have lost a step. The Usos are great athletes, who I think have still yet to reach their peak as a tag team.

I expect the Usos to confound with high flying moves, combined with out-of-nowhere wrestling moves. The Dudley’s will ground and pound and try to out hit the Twins.

This could be a show stealer, and it’s stuck on the Pre-Show.

The Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Why? Why do you relegate the Eighth Wonder of the World to the Pre-Show?

They claim this is supposed to be prestigious and in honor of Andre, then put in on the MAIN CARD.

The only announced participants (on TV) so far are The Big Show, Kane and the Social Outcasts. It can be assumed that those involved in the Brawl on RAW and in. Plus, there are other ‘so-called’ confirmed participants on-line, but we have to wait and see. Hopefully some NXT guys will be included.

Whoever wins, they NEED to do something with them. They did nothing with Cesaro. Big show was basically a Career Achievement Award.

Use this to build someone and positon them for bigger and better things.

The Pre-Show can be nice, but let’s be honest about what it is really for.

It is not for people who plan to watch Mania.

It is for those who haven’t made up their minds yet. It is to get those last minutes PPV orders or the last minute Network signups. They recap everything to get people caught up, and throw in the matches to whet the appetite.

Hell, if they didn’t have matches, would anyone watch the Pre-Show? (Maybe just for Renee).

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