Monday, March 28, 2016

Road to WrestleMania - Part 1- From The RETURN of Shane McMahon To the CHOKESLAM on Vince’s Hands.

Part 1
From The RETURN of Shane McMahon
To the CHOKESLAM on Vince’s Hands.

I had planned for this piece to be up on Sunday, as mentioned in my State of the Master Blog on Saturday. That blog also explained why I and Wrestlementary have been quite recently.

I am not going to go in depth into the RAWS and SMACKDOWNS I didn’t cover in the normal course of Wrestlementary here. Instead I am going to give my thoughts in general on the Road to WrestleMania. Going in depth broadcast by broadcast would take too long, and has been done elsewhere by this point.

Since the 90’s the Road to WrestleMania traditionally begins with the raising of the winners hand at the Royal Rumble. That didn’t happen this year as the winner won the title, not the chance to compete for the title at Mania.

No, the Road to WrestleMania started this year on Monday, February XXXXXX with the epic and surprising and shockingly non-rumored return of Shane McMahon. His words with Vince started things rolling and then Vince set things on fire by setting up a match with the Undertaker versus Shane for control of RAW.

That RAW was the second best RAW of 2016. Many people predicted it was the beginning of a new Attitude Era. It should have been the beginning of a new era, it should have set the Road to WrestleMania white hot.

What it ending up being was a false start. Since then Undertaker has made two appearances and been poorly used. Vince has disowned Shane and Shane (when he shows up) has danced around.

The RAWS following in Shane’s return have fallen flat. Other matches have been announced and set up, but outside of AJ Styles versus Chris Jericho III, nothing truly stands out.

Hunter v Roman – maybe the least wanted Title Match in Mania history, Divas Title Triple Threat, IC Title Ladder Match, New Days versus League of Losers, Kalisto versus Ryback and Uso’s versus The Dudley Boys.

The Andre the Giant Battle Royal has barely got a passing mention.

If it wasn’t constantly shoved down our throats that it is WrestleMania Season, no one would probably know.

Neither RAW or SMACKDOWN have been particular good, when they should be outstanding.

Typically this time of the year produces the best WWE product there is. Post Mania is usually excellent as well, but so far, what should be a Royal Road is still in the Post SummerSlam Slump.

Every year for the last near decade, WWE slumps after SummerSlam, and Rises Up at The Royal Rumble.
This year however, WWE is not putting its best forward for Mania.

Have there been good matches recently, of course.

Are some guys stepping it up? Yes.

AJ Styles (new comer), Chris Jericho, Kevin Owens, Dolph Ziggler (as always), The Dudley’s, Social Outcast, have all step up for the coming Big Show.

Shane has stepped up too, so has Vince. Just look how Vince shoved his son into the Undertaker for a wicked Chokeslam. 

Mania is Mania and may do well just on the brand name alone. But it would do better if the WWE could produce better.

Will tonight’s Go Home Show steal the night? We’ll find out.


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