Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Road to WrestleMania - Part 2 - RAW GO HOME SHOW


Yesterday, I ripped the WWE a new one for its lackluster product on the Road to WrestleMania. Today I cannot do that. Last night’s GO HOME SHOW was the best RAW since Shane’s Return. And it needed to be.

We started out hot with Shane and the Undertaker bickering back and forth, then fisticuffs and Shane laying out the Taker with a TV Monitor. Elbow from the top rope, through the announce table, and Shane leaves the Undertaker flat out.

As Shane makes his way triumphantly back up the ramp, the Undertaker rises, mad as evil.

Nice segment, good work, but let’s be honest, does anybody believe that Shane stands a legit chance?
This segment set the tone and format for the entire night, as it should, over the course of the night, every feud and match was touched upon and the ball set rolling (finally) for this Sunday.

Even though it has been announced and on the official card for weeks, apparently the Jericho/Styles III match at Mania wasn’t official until last night.
It took AJ getting an Y2Jackass chant going in Brooklyn, distracting Jericho enough for Zack Ryder to pin him, for Jericho to officially accept the match.

I loved this. I also loved Ryder being involved and Jericho putting him over.

Thursday night it was Charlotte versus Sasha, with Sasha getting the big win. Tonight, with help from Papa Flair, Charlotte pinned Becky with Sasha looking on. Interesting build to this triple threat match as no one really seems to have an upper hand.

Back stage an interview with Vince becomes a face to face with Shane, who makes it clear he is taking the company from his father.

A ‘match’ between Kane/Big Show and the Outcasts broke down into a brawl that involved all the participants in the Andre Battle Royal. In the end only Kane and Show were left standing. Typical big brawl to set up a battle royal, nothing new. Not given a whole lot of time as this is a pre-show match.

The Authority! Roman Reigns! Hunter ran off. Stephanie bails after glares from Roman. Short segment to set up the main event no one wants. Roman booed again.

The Highlight of the night was The New Day and League of Nations. New Day was great on the mic as usual, but the story here was a great match between Kofi and Del Rio that saw Kofi come out on top! Big win for Kofi!

After this, Coach! He celebrated with New Day and made the announced of the night: Sports Center will be LIVE at Mania.

During an interview with Renee, Roman proved that balls do not triumph brains. He was suckered in by Bubba Ray, and beat down by the Dudleys and Hunter.

Roman was booed. The beat down of Roman was cheered. Does anyone within the WWE understand this?

To prove that he can hang with a big man, Kalisto beat Connor of the Ascension. Followed by a stare down with Ryback. I am not sure what I think of this match. I do know this, using Connor proves nothing. I’m not the biggest Ryback fan, but he is better than Connor.

Brock is here. Brock is here! He looks menacing. Heyman talks loud and proud. Dean shows off his new red wagon. Brock smiles. WTF!

Following that oddness with Ambrose, we have the worse segment of the night, Paige versus Emma with a bunch of Divas in tow to set up a Divas Tag Match on the Mania Pre-Show? Eva Marie on RAW, and Mania?! NO! NO! NO!

It was nice to see Emma on RAW.

Excellent six-man tag team match to set up the IC Title ladder match. Ziggler, Sin Cara and Zayn versus The Miz, Stardust and KO. Fast paced, exciting match with twists and turns . . . Miz bails on KO. Stardust bails on KO. Sammie Zayn pins KO for the win!

Great set up – is Zayn the new champ?

To end the show we have another in-ring confrontation between Hunter and Roman that leads to the locker room rushing down to separate the two.

The Road to Mania is finally on fire!

Now this was a GO HOME SHOW. Finally something that makes one want to see Mania and does the job of making this PPV feel like Mania. This is what we should have been getting for the last month.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Divas Tag Match Set Up
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Coach on RAW, Sports Center at Mania
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Kofi Kingston versus ADR
WRESTLER OF THE NIGHT: Zack Ryder! (He did pin Jericho)


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