Friday, April 1, 2016

Road to WrestleMania Part 7 WrestleMania Preview and Card Breakdown Part 5 Destruction of a Failure or Failure to Destroy

Shane McMahon returns has sent shockwaves through the WWE. Are those shockwaves enough to beat the Dead Man at Mania?

Will Shane be the 2 in 22 and 2?

And why is the Undertaker fighting for Vince? Because Vince says so? Maybe. But maybe there is another reason. Maybe Taker is just pissed at being used in a family feud. Maybe Taker is pissed that Shane seems to think he CAN and WILL beat Taker.

If Shane wins, he gets control of RAW and Taker can no longer perform at Mania. Basically putting Taker to rest, out to pasture and into retirement.

If Taker wins, he wins that is it.

Shane was never an actual pro-wrestler. He was the boss son who thought he was a bad ass and would risk his life to go after a guy. No knock on Shane. He has done some spectacular stuff in the matches he did have, and proved he was a good athlete.

But this Taker. The closet Talent the WWE ever nurtured that can come close to being the WWE’s Ric Flair. No one in WWE history is held in such esteem. He is also a massive enigma, always reinvent himself, adding new moves, learning more mat wrestling.

The Undertaker in 2006 is not the Undertaker from 1990. He is better – but not health wise.

Shane hasn’t had a match in almost a decade. Undertaker hasn’t wrestled a full schedule in almost a decade.

The real question is which outcome is best: If Shane wins, he get control of RAW, the Family Feud continues and rumor are we will have a brand division (stupid idea), and Undertaker if off Mania permanently.

If Taker wins, he wins and things stay the same. End of Story.

The other question is this: Is this how you send off the Undertaker?

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