Monday, November 10, 2014

Week in Review - 11/2 - 11/8

This week in review will be brief, and I want to address my lack of posts this week.

Sometime last Saturday afternoon I injured my right arm, causing a lot of swelling and crushing a nerve. This has been causing me a lot of pain and numbness in my hand. Because of this, I have had to limit my time writing, I haven’t even written much on the novel I started last weekend for National Novel Writing Month.

Okay, wrestling.



I didn’t cover the previous RAW, which I liked and felt was a marked improvement from the last two months’ worth of RAWs. This past RAW wasn’t quite as good, but was still better than anything else the WWE has produced lately.

The High Point was the fallout from Mr. McMahon’s announcement that if the Authority loses at Survivor Series, they are out of power. I love this stipulation, as it can lead to so many things. Could this also be the beginning of the long rumored Vince versus the Authority feud? We’ll see.

This directly led into the Randy Orton and Seth Rollins issue. Already this feud is better than Cena versus Rollins, or Ambrose versus Rollins. How? We have already had more physicality between the two and no stupid skits, just fighting.

Granted, Orton came out on the losing end and is ‘out.’ The question is, will he return for Survivor Series? If so, whose team and can he be trusted?


Smackdown is still being put together as RAW recap, but this week wasn’t that bad. I actually liked the broadcast. There were two cage matches, one of them a title match and there were segments and matches that had implications leading into Survivor Series.

Adam Rose turned on the Bunny! I love Adam Rose and his gimmick, not huge on the Bunny, but he has gotten over. A heel turn, feud with Bunny, and a darker edge could be a big plus for Adam Rose.

The High Point has to go to the segment with Sergeant Rose.

Best match of the night was Kane versus Dolph Ziggler in the steel cage.

Could it still be better? Yes, if the recaps were cut down.


I am briefly going to mention Lucha Underground. I will try to write a full commentary in the next few days.

If you have missed Lucha Underground, don’t worry. I would continue to miss it.


Once again, TNA ruled the week with an excellent show from top to bottom. Since July, they have turned a major corner. I do not know if this is desperation or what, but it’s good for the product. However long it will be on TV.

We had the finals of the Tag Tournament, Knockouts Title Match, Spud finally standing up for himself and a World Title Match.

WWE take note of how many World Title Matches TNA has had on TV lately. How many times has Brock even been on TV?

Final thoughts: WWE is trying, but coasting. Lucha Failed. TNA is schooling.

MATCH OF THE WEEK: Knockouts Title Match: Havok versus Gail Kim

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